Great summary of highlights, well-written.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the superstar for me. Her support for Christianity is her reaching for a solution to the cut flower syndrome, trying to find a way to re-energise western civilisation that is falling apart and under attack. I think its a wrong turn to the past however. The great elements that make our society what we know and love do not come from christian religious doctrine but from Enlightenment principles. Failing to respect the limits of multiculturalism is the root problem. Extremist multiculturalist dogma is the cancer at work and Christianity is not the antidote to that nor will it revitalise our civilisation. Ayaan has a brilliant mind and is the bravest person there is.

I liked your description of Michael Schellenberger's talk. He is right about the narcissists and cluster B histrionics of the left both in the climate hoax and also the BLM attempted race war brownshirts. He is wrong about nuclear energy however. It is a logical fallacy to say on the one hand carbon is not the problem (i agree it is not) but then to say nuke power is the answer (to a non-problem?). Is this a bait and switch? Nuclear energy is not clean or cheap and is always a problem not just because of the weapons and pollution potential but because human beings are fallible and have short memories and cultures. Australia is just over 200 years old but plutonium is deadly, carcinogenic and terratogenic for many thousands of years. Tech and money like nuclear energy as its an industry to profit from and make careers in - but there is no need for an answer if the question itself is not a problem. Carbon just makes plants grow. It doesnt drive climate. That whole carbon hoax was another hysteria snowball kicked on by dodgy science, crap reporters and faulty computer models, IMHO.

Great summary, good you went! On to the next conference at UNSW, the ASF

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If Schellenberger did not at least mention inventors like Bearden or Bedini in his talks about energy, then in my view he is not worth listening to. Inventors of much more efficient & "clean" ways of generating power have been very much suppressed by various methods.

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I love this Rebekah, thanks so much again, you’ve been an absolute shining light throughout all of the darkness!!

The way I see it, we simply have no choice but to further peel back the layers protecting and concealing the oligarchs pulling the strings, we have the people power and we must unite to defeat those that wish to control us through fear and division. Of course none of this crap from climate change to woke gender BS makes any sense, that’s the whole point, create division, confusion, keep the slaves fighting and keep making profit to further their psychopathic agenda.

Education of the masses (who largely have been partially lobotomised since birth through controlled de-education or whatever term you like) is clearly the only way out, but how do we do this on the large scale needed?

While the oligarchs and Malthusian wannabe aristocrats own and control the vast majority of information flow through the media and influence over governments and therefore policy and lawmaking how are we going to see any positive change?!?

Not trying to be defeatist or negative, just feel this is the key that we need to try to unlock?!

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Absolutely agree Luke. Peeling the layers off the onion is so appropriate, and Rebekah does an excellent job of this.

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a first step should be to acknowledge that anything Big (Big Pharma, Big Agro, Big banks) does not provide a healthy environment at all! things shouldn't be organised on a global scale (which gives easier profits to fewer predatory investors). instead we need to go back to the human dimension, with small-scale, affordable initiatives and emphasising self-sufficiency. schools shouldn't accomodate an enormous number of students, big scale farming likewise, and smaller cities aren't less interesting than metropolitan monstrosities - and so on and so forth, ecxamples galore.

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All I'll say, and I do hate to be negative as you've done some great reporting, is that these people are very much controlled opposition, many of whom without even knowing it. Sir Paul Marshal is Soros all the way, im sure many of the speakers will be completely unaware of that provable fact. He sits right at the top The ARC. I also wouldn't trust Peterson as far as I could throw him and Konstantin Kisin is really not your friend. Just for starters I suggest looking up what Peggy Lee has to say about the ARC, It might change your perspective. Likewise, you may form a different opinion after watching, but watch you must. All of these guys are just false flag shepherds I'm afraid.

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Hirsi Ali is a grifter who tried but couldn't get a foothold in Dutch politics (and 'moved on' to greener pastures in the US).

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How is Hirsi Ali a grifter exactly? ie More than any other author?

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the kind of grifter from the I'm-a-victim-because-I'm-from-Ethiopia-and-don't-you-dare criticise-me-because-that's-discrimination-playbook (not an author, but as a member of one of the establishment Dutch political parties in the '90ies).

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100% See my response to Rebekah's, above.

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These sound like excellent cherries.

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I'd guess the ARC is the big coal/oil/ag/family-values team fighting against new energy/food/pedophile world - it's a power maintenance exercise.

It's like, which mafia do you want to get behind?

Forgiveness without acknowledgement and contrition is self-damaging.

Feeling better about the breaks by sprinkling gold on it is a nice sentiment for AFTER the acknowledgement, contrition, and where necessary, conviction.

The conference recognising through the poet that people aren't persuaded by facts and logic doesn't give me a positive presentiment for the solidity of rational basis behind the propagation of the organisation's goals.

Nuclear - waste, damage to people.

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If you listen to Orr-Ewing’s talk, she explicitly advocates for a concept of forgiveness that includes acknowledgement of harms done. That’s why I thought her talk was so good.

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"Acknowledgment"??? Oh, you mean it's ok to "acknowledge" the greatest crime against the entire world, but that's it??? Let's just move on???

What happened to the critical assessment you promised in your first installment?

My favourite Stack writer has a shibboleth for this phenomenon, of being seamlessly folded in to the "nice" interpretation of the horror. It's "I went to the party and I felt pretty." Can you relate to that, Rebekah?

I agree fully with Rob Dubya's comment below.

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Hi Joanie, I wrote three posts on the ARC, perhaps you missed the second one. It’s in my archive. Regarding forgiveness, I don’t expect all my readers to agree with the Amy Orr-Ewing. Personally, I think choosing to live in resentment is madness (drinking the poison, so to speak) so my personal choice is to pursue forgiveness. You can do whatever you want for yourself.

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What I forgot to say was this: Those perpetrating these heinous crimes against us COULDN'T CARE LESS if we "forgive" them or not. They derive great pleasure from our sufferings.

Refusing simple "forgiveness" is not the same as "harboring resentment". I am neither poisoned nor hardened by my commitment to see the evil ones brought to justice. To "never forget" is a is an indicator of compassionate humanity.

Yes, I read all three of your posts on ARC.

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You seem to be confusing ‘never forget’ with ‘never forgive’. Forgetting and forgiveness are different things. If you listen to the talk, there is no suggestion of forgetting. Neither does the Bible suggest that forgiveness entails forgetting. In fact, the Bible (which suggest forgiveness) advises us to be wise, not easily fooled. I highly recommend actually watching the talk. It may bring some clarity to you over what exactly is being suggested (and what is not).

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This reminds me of Amber Heard's insistence that she had donated the money, even though they never received it, because she had "pledged" it.

I see what I see, and it's not good.

So what if we don't forget? What difference has that made to anything. You and the ARC club are only fooling yourselves, or posing to placate us. Not going to work.

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Nov 14, 2023
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Forgiveness is a lot to do with who are we forgiving? Our boss at work that demanded we get a covid jab to keep our job? Or his boss who told him to mandate it? Or the State Gov't that installed that system across industry? Or are we aiming to forgive our work colleagues who took the jab and had no compassion for those of us that were sacked? Or are we trying to firgive the technocracy for censoring, shadow banning and de-platforming scientists who spoke out against the WHO govt/media 'health advice' that was more like a draconian military agenda. Forgiveness is about understanding WHY certain people did what they did, and forgiving them.

I heard the petrol attendant at the service station say the other day when i paid $200 to fill up my car 'thanks for not being angry at me'? And I ask and yes, the attendant/staff had been getting abused by the public for the petrol prices. It is the same thing, I mean are we to be angry at the attendant making their $25/hour? The landlord of the petrol station? The Petrol companies? The oil companies? The State and Federal governments that tax the shit out of it? Where are we directing our anger and bitterness.....? And to whom are we aiming to forgive?

If we are blaming 'them', then forgiveness is not achievable.

We forgive individual people, one by one.

We choose to hold resentment towards them, or not.

Know thy enemy and all that shit,

Forgiveness is the business to be in,

It is healthy,

Resentment is toxic,

YES, me too. I am fkn pissed off at what has happened and is happening in our world and the poor children that are 'growing up' through all this crap. It is awful.

Seems like a deliberate crashing of old centralised money systems to bring in new systems of control.

What can we do?

For a start, we can see what is coming..... CBDC.....and try and stop that, or avoid using it.

Being well and healthy is ultimate anarchy right now,

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forgiveness is in your heart (or mind, or character), regardless of who 'deserves' it. it counteracts the vicious 'an eye for an eye'.

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Again, "resentment" is not my emotional landscape. That word denotes littleness, sitting under someone's thumb, and has nothing to do with not forgiving, in this situation.

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Catching up on all of these, thank you for covering and sharing. Will note that the link to the Warren Farrell's speech has since been changed, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE2mBQ7Q9HA

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Thanks Michael! What was your favourite talk?

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Halfway through them - (just your ranked ones.. hoping to carve out time to check out some of the bonus ones which pique my interests)

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Did you get a chance to read what I've published about the source of ARCs funding and staff, Rebakah? What are your thoughts about Shellenberger being in a court case with the same people who are funding ARC/Legatum? Seems like the Serpent eating its own tail to me!

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Thanks yes, we appear to have a different world view which filters down to a different take on ARC. I'm not a Puritan or a Fundamentalist. I believe Puritanism and Fundamentalism to be problematic. I see 'the solution' as multi pronged, across numerous spheres. The ARC appears to be attempting to operate in the political sphere. Therefore, it is political, prone to the strengths and weaknesses of this sphere. Do I see problems with that? Yes, as I have written about. Does that mean I can conclude, at this stage, that the effort is irretrievably evil and should be relentlessly attacked? For me, no.

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You have a good heart, Rebekah. No need to try to rationalise the illogical and unethical. The only ‘worldview’ as you call it, I have, is standing against impact investment firms which exploit vulnerable poor people for profit through PPPs. These fake charities steal intellectual property and indoctrinate. And I’m also PRO-awareness and PRO-avoidance of companies that force the use of digital surveillance technologies that will curtail our freedoms. Words are cheap. Propaganda works. ARC is clearly part of the Matrix, sadly there’s no denying that fact.

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I wonder if Jordan Peterson thinks shilling for genocidal Zionists whilst working for a media organization funded by the State of Israel is an act of responsible citizenship?

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Well done Bek and thanks for your huge efforts to get over there from Australia to suss out the vibe. It seems to me that many people in the 'freedom movement' are in some sort of time-swaddled tech-addictive 'echo chamber' where opinions are formed, in fleeting miniseconds, on such things as 'Arc', based on two or three algorithmn-delivered social media posts by known names and faces.....that most people are too busy (checking tiktok, twitter, telegram, rumble, rss, instagram, facebook, groups, and non-groups of lists and mailings....too busy in a dystopian digital doom loop) ... Too busy to slow down and assimilate information in a slow and organic manner, and slowly and gently take in (or not) the information that they seem to be searching for.

zeebra.org is the brave defenders of society, strong, protecting, not in disguise.

Again, thank you.

And thanks the other 'freedom fighters' who are trying to build new systems for democracy and freedom of expression, freedom of communication, freedom of movement,

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zeebra.org seems to be one page only...?

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im on twitter as zeebra. I was booted off social media a few times, and been through several 'name changes' , but not that active as i was in 2021

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Hey Mary.....Zeebra is just a statement about all of 'us', that sort of protected the herd etc during the pandemic of totalitarian governance.

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There is no ‘us’. That’s exactly what this post illustrates.

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that's what I hoped and recognised from the text. very inspiring in these uncertain times!

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