If we have learnt nothing from the last 3 years, if the government want something so badly, it is only to enact something that will not be good for 99% of Australians, particularly first nations people. It will however, be 100% excellent for the elites.

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I agree, this sums it up perfectly.

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100 percent

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The so called Voice is meaningless while the Pandemic treaty will empower the head of the WHO Tedros with more power than Australia's government in Canberra.

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Yes indeed. This article by RB sadly does not stray into joined-up thinking, If it did, it would cover the fact that the same WEF ie Schwab, that is up to its neck in the Scamdemic has a Memorandum of Understanding with the same UN that pushes Indigenous Rights. If you want to understand the link between the UN, the Scamdemic and the Voice, which none of the "NO" side is even mentioning, check out the work of Stephen Reason here on Substack. Also the allegations of Josephine Cashman.

Lastly, RB seems to think massive immigration to a country with little water and much non-arable land is a fine thing at a time when the Jabs are killing ca. 500 per week, given current excess deaths of 30,000. But why is inward immigration to the EU and the USA also running at such high uncontrolled levels? Who are the economic beneficiaries of the lockdowns and the Jabs and the housing shortages and the foodchain breakdowns?

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I'm so baffled that you came to this conclusion from what I wrote 😂

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I'm not aware of RB's views on immigration, can you link me to a page where that will be confirmed?

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No I cannot. I infer her approval of current immigration and "diversity" by the perceived tone of her paras. 1 and 3 and the omission of any critique.

Btw is it not cute how the (Tim Flannery? 1990s?) argument that AU has an upper limit to its population due to its water and food and climate situation has vanished entirely as the Greens got captured by Woke, grow-that-gross-GDP, ruling class ideology and became mere peddlers of vote-grabbing Identity Politics.

And as pop .growth happens in Bris/Melb/Syd, that is where the new South and East Asian immigrant voters go.

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Ok now I understand what you meant - from my perspective we ought to apply that to US influence [diktat] over Australia.

The real Green agenda was hijacked by corporate interests.

Population growth? - Australia has a housing crises that appears to have gone unnoticed.

I Remember they raised the retirement age just before these life shortening jabs were mandated - Now there's a good argument for lowering the retirement age as a result of the jab injuries and excess deaths.

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This X 1000. Not one public debate on the pandemic treaty, let alone a vote. It's impact all ALL Australian will be literally life changing.

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One thing that the plandemic revealed is that a one world government was already in place made all the more evident by the way that government's around the world responded in identical manners while the few heads of state who dared to decline died suddenly and were quickly replaced with WHO friendly replacements.

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Well read!!

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I applaud the mature and unbiased take on the subject. Sadly, the bulk of this debate has been a sensationalised, biased mess that degrades the entire country, and it’s dawned on me that the entire point of the Voice campaign must simply be to lead to this ... why else am I now being bombarded round the clock by some pathetic ad campaign centred around an aboriginal youth wondering if he will even have a Voice in the future without this magical referendum ... as if he’ll be sent off to a camp in a train for “processing” on 15 October if the nasty racists get their way. Absurd, childish, pathetic and bloody desperate.

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Yeah. Greg , it's a bit like believing that the Gov would mandate you take a vaccine that doesn't work and could kill you, Moronic right.

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What’s next, Mark, you gonna tell me my 5 year-old twin boys aren’t both authentically non-binary, polysexual, demi-queers?

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Voting “yes” on the voice is akin to lining up for your 5th mRNA booster. You’re demonstrating a total inability to think critically. I honestly don’t know how you got out of bed in the morning.

The proposal doesn’t stand up to 1 nanosecond of scrutiny. It’s honestly beneath consideration and an insult to intelligence.

Ironically - Albanese has been telling one truth the entire time: “efforts to help the indigenous Australians to date haven’t worked.”

I’d like to see politicians held to account for the billions wasted to date before any vote is held.

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Well I think most people who saw the rort for what it was during the pandemic see it this way. Surprisingly though, not all.

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Exposes the dark predicament of our situation - the government/wef/who etc arnt the issue.

The people are the problem.

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Government WEF & WHO have most definitely created the problem.

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I'm astounded that you are at a site that discusses the efficacy of the Vax and can't see what the powerful would do unfettered as in the past.

While I see people on this issue shouting to be heard they seem to have no trouble silencing the truth of others

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Mark, you sound like an Astra Zeneca first round, Pfizer second round type of guy.

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Well if we're going to personalise it you sound like an insel wearing his helicopter hat on with the chin strap in the choke hold position while on pornhub

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Gentlemen this is Substack not Parliament.

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Lol, holy smoke.

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Whatever happened in the past in not my fault unless I actually participated in the particular incident that did wrong to anyone. There is no logic in the Uluṟu statement just a bunch of adolescent grievances that are perceived to have happened.

Whilst our ancestors may have sinned - that’s their sin not mine or this generation’s.

How more bureaucracy and changing the constitution will forgive sin is totally beyond me. No one has demonstrated how the Voice will meet the needs of the 20% who do not enjoy prosperity or assimilation.

Aboriginal culture is not particularly noble and is very violent. Women do not enjoy equality or care.

Colonialism brought the Christian religion with its core of forgiveness, equality and respect and worship of a single, creator, redeemer God.

Forgiveness is sorely lacking. How many times do we need to say sorry before we are reconciled?

There is no such thing as national guilt or national redemption just personal guilt and forgiveness.

Indeed are we now going to have feel guilty about out national royalty - the descendants of convicts and felons that came out here as punishment?

Lastly the definition of an aborigine needs to tightened up.

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A Yes vote is an emotional, virtue signaling, society dividing, grievance eternally milking, low information default go along to get along, elite consolidating vote.

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Voting at all, whether yes or no, is an emotional, virtue signaling, society dividing, grievance eternally milking, low information default go along to get along, elite consolidating vote.

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Update on the ballot counting sitch: as of yet AEC have not invited me to participate despite still 'desperate for workers' and me saying that I will work graveyard shift anywhere and I am willing to do any job going with the utmost faith.

Sigh. I tried fam. You get what you get at this point, I am very sorry.

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Great article, and I like that you have highlighted the nuances, and picked 3 different examples who cover a wide range of positions (all of them thoughtful and considered).

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The Yes vote seems to consist almost entirely of some misplaced guilt whereas the No vote has legitimate concerns over the lack transparency and detail. The No vote also notes that it will give a small minority extra political power, power that could ultimately be weaponised by other interests.

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odd and telling:

how is the membership of the voice to be determined?

seems like that would have been public and obvious to everyone long before now.

I have looked and it is still difficult to see anything published on that aspect of the idea

similar to censorship and who decides what the truth is for us.

who decides and how do they decide who is in the voice?

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Great article (read it on Umbrella at the link) thank you

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I will vote Yes but don't consider it will change anything if successful. At the heart of the issue is to address intergenerational trauma which requires an understanding of the past.

While we don't recognise the attempted genocide of these people, the resources required to address the issue will always seem too generous.

Albo will be required to bring to light the true plight of Aboriginals which would take courage. I don't consider any focus groups would see this for what it is and the Labor Party couldn't sell water to a man dying of thirst.

As for the Greens 😜, as Lidia Thorp stated she spent so much time consoling people of their white guilt she was exausted. No one trusts these wokesters.

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There is no intergenerational trauma as an excuse for the routine violence common to many or all hunter-gatherer societies. Including your own presumed European WHG, Western Hunter Gatherer, ancestors 10,000 BC-ca. 6,000 BC. They however are as little present now in the Euro genome as are the Anatolian farmers 6,000 BC - 2,500 BC who succeeded them.

Yamnaya rule, and that means you, generally.

But in contrast to the above, there was no attempted genocide by the whitefella in AU . Read books written before the current worldwide globalist attempt to destroy EU and Anglosphere nations that started by 1990 at the latest as we see from pandemic rehearsals. Blainey's Triumph of the Nomads from 1976 is a cracker.

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Sep 26, 2023
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“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

― Joseph Stalin

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Yes, as I've said to many NO voters, which spineless Polly would put his arse on the line to provide anything other than the bare minimum because they know they wouldn't get re-elected.

I find it ironic that on a sight talking about the Government so captured by Big Money to give us this life threatening Vax that they don't believe back in the dark ages they wouldn't have done much worse.

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Aren't there a few who have been speaking out?

Captured by big money is right on the mark, serving as a public servant appears to earn certain individuals a couple steps up the corporate ladder.

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What a lot of nasty responses.

I've just read Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joe Plummer, you can download a PDF version here


It has changed my world view.

I really don't think a yes or a no "win" will change anything. The objective is to drive division, then to cede sovereignty of Australia to the UN.

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If the current Aboriginal Sovereignty remains with them it CANNOT be ceded to the UN. That's the whole point of the referendum.

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Nailed it Jayne 100%

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It's a No trainer. Do your homework! The sell by the PM/ Gov is frankly embarrassing, it literally relies on citizens not noticing that there is no depth to the structure of either their argument or the framework for the Indigenous Voice. It's a hard NO from me.

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Found a flyer in my letterbox trashing the NO vote. Every statement is a lie and people who are not informed will believe them. The lies are the opposite to what the NO vote will achieve. Albanese must be desperate.

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According to P. Dutton, there is already a Voice and according to his flyer : " This year, the government has allocated $4.3 billion for the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), which has 1,400 staff. " Will this Agency be dismantled if/when the Voice starts up, or, will the Voice be another level of bureaucracy.

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