So many Western Australians applauded Mark McGowan for 'keeping us safe' when he closed our borders back in 2020, supposedly so that our health system could be ramped up to cope if Cvd got in. Well that was a joke, our system got ramped down not up, especially when he mandated nurses who walked off the job in large numbers. Lots of them still fully support him even when they come down with Covid! and of course voted for him so we hardly have any parliamentary opposition.

Then the vax came in, I was shocked by how many people rolled over and took it, including those I knew had always been opposed to GMO foods and some of them then became covid jab nazis and excluded those who weren't jabbed. I think that a good 1/3rd to 1/2 took it to keep their jobs or visit their families in age care. Fortunately a lot of them are not falling for the boosters.

I knew when they announced there would be a vaccine that I would not be taking it. I'm a natural therapist who has seen several vax injured clients from previous vaccines before Covid came along. The reality is that the vax injured people I have seen from these warp speed ones is far worse, although it is possible to help them, but the more they have, the more difficult it becomes.

My experience (and that of like minded friends and colleagues) talking to some of my clients is that there is so much ignorance out there, people don't even realise that it's experimental or that it could be causing their problems.

Some people who originally didn't want to have it and caved in have given up and continued to have the boosters just because "I might as well'. I think it's definitely affected their intelligence.

Now we're seeing lots of people still wearing masks (a lot of them never stopped when the mask mandate was dropped) and so many calling for the mask mandates to be reintroduced or talking about getting more boosters. I don't watch the news but sometimes listen to the radio when I'm driving my car and find myself (like coming home today) yelling out "They don't bloody work, you idiot"

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Hi Penny, great to connect with another like-minded Perth person. I chuckled when I read your last line. I have done similar. I write for Jab Injuries Australia. You are welcome to send any injured our way (connect via instagram @jabinjuriesaustralia) if they would like their story to be documented and archived.

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Hi Rebekah

Not actually in Perth, down south Busselton area. All of the injuries I have worked on are now functioning OK so not sure if they will want to be documented, will ask them. If you have any injured who want help, am happy to do so.

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Greetings from a fellow Perthian. You are doing great work here. It is however rather fruitless trying to unravel the motivations of a psychopathic liar like Marky Mark. All his utterances on Covid are bold, bare-faced lies. It's soul crushing that so many people simply lap up what he says when it should be clear to anyone with even a primary school understanding of maths should be able to see is utter nonsense. Disheartening.

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He’s such a snake. It makes me sick that people like him.

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Great work, Rebekah. Everywhere we look, we find we were and are being lied to.

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"It is misleading - misinformation even - to state that nearly one in three West Australians in hospital with Covid is unvaccinated."

How does he explain the data from NSW and elsewhere?

Even this misleading statement gives lie to the vaccine claims. If the vaccines were safe and effective, 95% or more of the covid patients would be unvaccinated.


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He just ignores it. I can't believe they've been labelling all the Unknowns as "Not Vaccinated" this whole time. It's so deceitful. I'm so angry! Re: efficacy, I've saved that for another day but of course you're right...

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fyi, I sent that link to McGuwan et al...:)

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Straight to trash, I'm sure...

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Nyet. They do read for THREATS and offences. Then they will be knocking on the sender's door, or roof.

Some have blocked me and others have asked me to cease and desist, thus proving they do read. The latest to block me was [email protected]

Since they are govt officials, they cannot delete emails from the public.

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I cannot believe from your stats above the over 50% of the 5-11 yo have been jabbed - that's a crime in my opinion.

And it rests on McGowan and Andy Robertsons shoulders that they have deceived these parents into giving their kids a totally unnecessary (for their age group) gene therapy shot. and the same for 86%+ 12-15 yo!!!!!

If the possible damage from the shots as reported by many doctors and researchers in the last 12-18 months occurs (LNPs in the organs and across the blood / brain barrier, mRNA transfection of DNA, spike production) - WA will be a wasteland at these vax rates. My heart breaks in the face of such evil and the sheeple who let it wash over them.

Keep up the reporting.

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It is shocking that so many parents jabbed their kids. Then again, I never thought twice about a vax before this one. I just got everything the doctor said to. So I can understand people taking the same mentality with their kids, particularly if they inhabit a fear silo in which the terrors of long covid and killing granny reverberate incessantly.

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I had all my childhood vxd as well. But with this one it was (and still is) plainly obvious to the parents that 2x & 3x shots don’t prevent infection, transmission or hospitalisation - and they will KNOW this from their own direct experience or friends / family / coworkers they interact with daily and they would’ve known this before 5-11yo were authorised....

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One in three.. so the other 2 are vaccinated and sick ay?

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A lot more that 2 / 3 😉

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Yep I can believe that for sure! I wonder if the non-covid mortality is rising in wa like it is in europe too..

Still blows my mind that that totalitarian is so loved in wa. https://cofaux.cc/a-delayed-response-to-covid/

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Thanks for the read. I look forward to more.

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Nice work Rebekah

I know several people over 60 including myself who have not have the jab due to data being sketchy and the normal 5 year safety trials thrown out the window. Most have had CVD but none have had any serious reaction. Describing symptoms as a bit weird but no worse than a normal flu.

Its very unfortunate that the disinformation shown to Joe Public is not being questioned by the official media outlets. In the USA, the information coming out is thick and fast with republicans vowing to start investigations post October. The trust shown to USA government and MSM is quickly evaporating. Interesting times indeed.

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The jab happy will never quit until people are literally falling over dead in the streets or the grocery stores in sizable numbers. Maybe then they might admit things have gone wrong with the 'vid shots. Or they will just blame it on something else. Here in my U.S. state (South Dakota) its not the governor who is pushing the "keep getting the shots" crap but the 2 big health care systems that "service" a majority of the population and the local media. Of course, things are fairly intertwined. Some of the largest advertisers on local tv news, wait for it, are the 2 big health care systems. These 2 "non-corporation" entities also probably have about half the state legislature in their back pockets (being the in the top employers in the state) so the whole thing is fairly incestuous for the jab proponents. Maybe if people started dropping dead, the leaders of the health care systems might start to distance themselves from the jab or just flee. The largest health care system has property (and clinic) in Belize. Nice for tropical winter vacations for now but maybe a "pitchfork and torch" free refuge in the future; they speak English in Belize and there isn't a lot of an actual population given that away from the beautiful ocean beaches most of the country is a tropical wetland. Perhaps Tony Fauci already has a villa in Belize, just in case...

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Sorry to hear about your state, DR. Sounds like it's pretty well captured. I've taken to praying lately.

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Some of the main institutions may be captured but a sizable portion of the population isn't. According to fairly new data, South Dakota has over 35% of the population "not fully vaccinated". Our neighbor to the West-- Wyoming-- where Yellowstone National Park is located, I believe is the lowest at less than 51% of their population jabbed up to "measure" in this data. They also have the lowest population of any state ;)... https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/these-states-have-the-best-covid-19-vaccination-rates

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That's hopeful. Less than 1% of adults here in my state remain unjabbed. You really have to be made of steel to have made it this far in WA with no jab. A lot of the ones who didn't want it just couldn't hold out financially.

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Oi, George from WA.

How did your zero-covid push go?

We chatted on the bird in 2020 until it pooped on me,

Whatever happened to "two weeks", George?

Sometimes I wonder with people like you whether they have private and public personas.

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twitter suspended my in may 2021 for a comment. when i kept asking how long for, they kept extending it until they invented permanent suspension. i took twitter to court but the judge ruled 'twitter australia" is not twitter. well, who the f are they then? i might write it up one day.

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There is a massive difference between honest interpretations of data and refusing to evaluate data objectively.

The adage "when the data change, I change my mind" only applies where we based our views on proper data.

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I wonder if you remember chats with an Aussie called "Montana2525" in H1 2020 on the bird?

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i basically agree with that. there are a few things that work. anti-virals help, vit D C Zn, dandelions, and humming (NO) help too. search my blog or group on FB.

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Barry, it appears that George may have adjusted his position somewhat.

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i have not changed my spots. as a physicist i adjust to new experimental results. :)

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See if you will be smiling when it comes closer to home. Do have the gumption not to libel us the small minority; or do what that quack SA president of the AMA did when her daughter was whacked by her faccine.

Only people like you have the gall to lie to my face.

Have you heard of the data from the Diamond Princess? Professor Michael Levitt, of Stanford, wrote a paper on that.

Happy to debate you in private, or on https://gettr.com/user/barryokenyan

R U game, not-so-gorgeous George?

I bet the following re you:

1. Had three jabs

2. Masked

3. Voted for Labor

4. Pushed and supported all the measures McGuwan introduced.

Have you declared bungbungapox a "pandemic" yet?

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zero jabs, why -> https://blog.justgeorgeous.net/justgeorgeous/current-research/sars-cov-2/what-brain-injury-or-disease-will-follow-covid19-and-vaccines/

I did not vote labour.

I wear a mask indoors because covid is real (made in lab) and spread as aerosol, and i do not want it if if gets into neurons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itI9cIrfHbU&t=4s

i hate mcclown.

monkeypox is growing but no deaths so far.

wrong on all counts.

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You did not address all my questions, did you?

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Where is your evidence to prove all those points?

Mine? They were suppositions based on our chats back in 2020.

"wrong on all counts." and yet masked indoors? "monkeypox is growing but no deaths so far."

Please note: I wish you the best of health, and everything else. I have nil animus against you, despite whatever names I might fling at you.

We are having spats on computer screens only.

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George does not change his bum-spots that quickly. For a physicist, I was surprised.

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THERE IS NO COVID VIRUS, AND THERE ARE NO VIRUSES, has anybody noticed that the only spike protein we ever see is an artists impression, a round spiked ball like a dogs chewy toy.

McCoward is a habitual liar and its just a matter of time before he falls flat on his face, good article at debunking his lies but for those who want the real truth, look at this 'movie' which debunks the whole virus scam, they claim to isolate the virus but don't, unfortunately its all lies.

Comprehensively debunked in this presentation.


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The fact that the Global Internet was hijacked by Global Governments to regurgitate constantly, the only Narrative allowed; should have been the ONLY RED FLAG needed to awaken every person in the world that something else is really going on.


Lawyers & experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship under the guise of pandemics.

A group of international lawyers, top level experts, and renowned scientists present the evidence before a Grand Jury that the COVID-19 pandemic is a criminal operation, with the purpose of installing a world dictatorship.


Among the expert witnesses are World Health Organization advisors, a United Nations official, members of British Intelligence Services, former officers from the U.S. and U.K. military, an expert from the Center for Disease Control, a former vice-president from Pfizer, a Nobel prize winner for medicine, and many other high-level witnesses



BARRISTER Releases Bombshell Legal Opinion on Alleged Illegal Control of Doctor's Conduct by AHPRA and the National Boards







The documentary “Uninformed Consent,”1,2,3 takes a deep dive into the COVID-19 narrative — who’s controlling it and how fear was (and continues to be) used to push novel, unproven gene transfer technology onto, and into, people of all ages, and the simultaneous theft of private wealth and the destruction of small businesses, across the globe




By Rowan Dean Sky News


Also >



An increasing number of the population are learning more about Klaus Schwab and the monstrous World Economic Forum/ Globalists, WHO, Treasonous Politicians et al.. and their hijacking of the world’s Democracies.

See > Are these prominent Australians supporting Klaus Schwab’s global digital prison ?



New Zealand Media Academic Government GOON SHOW goes after "Conspiracy" Candidates





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read some of my blogs https://blog.justgeorgeous.net/

or posts on my FB group (currently in jail for a post they did not like, will attach link.)


jail for this: https://blog.justgeorgeous.net/justgeorgeous/current-research/sars-cov-2/clowns-who-called-for-letitrip-and-vaccinemandates/

ps. seems you need to wake up again. this is far from over.


in late 2020 i pointed out spike protein which is in vax gets into brain. why would i want to have a vaccine? i am not stupid.

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Agree George- the vaccine is not safe or effective, probably none are, but let me ask you a question - have you ever seen the spike protein in a real photo not a artists impression?.

I have gone from believing a virus exists and transmits like we have been told the flu does and getting all my shots as a kid and all for my 4 children who are now adults, but i have come to the conclusion and had my eyes opened these last two years about viruses and vaccines.

We have been lied to non stop by politicians at Big Pharmas request and even the WEF and Bill Gates etc

I don't believe viruses exist as we are led to believe.

Please give this a shot


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yes. what i saw happen has been a real eye opener too. they tried to use it to get digital identity too. and so much for human rights. my body. i have seen computer generated images of the spike protein and the endless mutations it has undergone.

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