🙏 it's the double standard that gets me, if strippers came out and pole danced I would be horrified yet we have to accept that anything drag is appropriate. I don't care about anyone's sexual preference but I don't want it shoved in my face

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One bloke had his balls hanging out! I kid you not, I was aghast. This on international media, fags and morbidly fat drag queen's representing what? A Piss on Christ to the world? Disgraceful, tasteless, ugly and just banal in its grotesquery. I'll not watch it at all now, the Olympics is captured by GloboHomo.

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That fact they had to roll out the defensive PR machine to "correct" what we can plainly see, speaks volumes! Obviously they weren't game to disrespect the "religion of peace"!

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I think they WERE game to disrespect it. Then the backlash cost dollars, so then they had to walk it back to prevent further losses. Religion of peace - well, people may well point out that a Christian nation happens to be one of the worst war mongers of the modern era and that the inquisition was the Christian equivalent of the 'mostly peaceful' meme, but at the same time there's a reason people feel comfortable to mock Christianity - you won't get shot, car bombed, or knifed for it. In that respect, Christians complain and say strong words, but that's about as far as they go.

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Sounds like ole mate was thinking of Islam...

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"Is this what it looks like when your civilisation is in decline?"

From my perspective, it certainly looks like we're headed down the toilet, however I retain hope, not in mankind, but in our Creator who has the overall plan in hand. That gives peace.

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yes indeed!

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I have to agree, the power people who suggested/supported/developed and approved the opening 'events' are highly questionable in their reasoning for it. Woke gone mad!!

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Never been less interested in sport generally, and the Olympics in particular.

The only thing that "Scène de la Cène" was missing was the Notre Dame burning in the background.

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aaaaaaaand this is exactly why I do not watch TV, don't read newspapers and avoid leftist radio like the plague.

I expect to be lied to. And you list but a small fraction of what is being spun right now.

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I also have completed weaned off all TV, radio and newspapers.

I am a sports doctor and watch no sport as all professional sport has been captured by politics, gambling, cheating and hardline woke culture.

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Well written Rebekah. This event led me to write 2 long pieces on our family social media mostly directed at my niece who is a psych graduate doing her Masters. It is such a difficult topic to have people of her generation understand because she’s grown up with commercial tv then went straight to Uni where she was exposed to CRT & gender studies. She has little life experience outside of this muddled, rootless ideology to see how it’s a fringe social science theory that has unnatural reach due to the capture of Universities and Governments. Trying to provide a broader historical perspective so the novelty of our social milieu can be seen in the comparison is difficult especially when they’re so deeply indoctrinated and may have a short attention span for anything that creates dissonance.

In this piece you’ve provided specific examples with insightful comments thus trying to bridge the knowledge or perception gap in your own way. The last 2 paragraphs and quote were an excellent way to end it. I had chills when I read that.

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My own Victorian government is doing a study, and asking for submissions, on women's pain. And because "Language is an effective tool for changing community attitudes and promoting inclusion..." guess who they include? (Hint: men). Liars everywhere.

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I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have heard John the Baptist excoriating and exposing the hypocrites of his day...but I read your words Rebekah and I'm transported in time. "HE" also reads your work and is very proud of you and HE is also a subscriber but is making the payments into a heavenly account...beyond the block-chain.

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Thank you Mark… gosh I think JTB would go ham, as they say 😂

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Tiresome" whingebags "have lost sense of humour if ever having had one to start with All the evil they are always seeking finding uncovering & compounding is in their own eyes & ears while their mouths are forever open bleating every kind of nonsense they can dredge up How much are people expected to accept from their ungracious attitudes Dont want hear any more. ,Enough

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Seems to me this is another igG4 metaphor directed by a hand far higher up than some gay art director. The pattern is reproduced at nearly all public spectacles with the seeming intent to discombobulate the sensibilities of the onlooker to the extent that a dissonance invades our peace and polarises our reaction to either perpetrator, rescuer, or victim mode. Seduction into this trinity provides no solution - just circular repetition. An immobilised moral immune system results.

Just forgive them, for they know not what they're doing.

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Believe what you want about Sodom and Gomorrah, offending your fellow man is irrelevant in a way. It's the our heavenly Father who has the final say and as such he said judge not. Such as this will be common in the end of days and worse. Almost seems like these types have to do worse and worse to try and stifle the quiet words of the Holy Spirit. He cannot be denied, that is their folly. One cannot make one "reality" on the earthly plane and expect it's "durability" to carry over to the spiritual plane. In essence, energy and money was wasted on this laughable, uninspiring performance. A depiction of the immoral hypocrisy that is displayed by our "enlightened" equality experts. I'm sure the starving and homeless were moved, but hey, God looks after them, right?

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I congratulate the creators' of the Olympic Opening Ceremony. They have taken the unique chance to get the attention of the young generation of the world and woke up every last one out of their slumber. These young people will make up their own opinion, don't underestimate them.

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Bizarre and disgusting for sure but we did manage to nuke them from a distance with our "RayGun". What to make of that? It was like a murder scene, blood and guts everywhere but I just couldn't look away. That's the only Olympic's action I've witnessed since Athens 2004 which I abandoned an hour in.

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