excellent article. They have absolutely no legal grounds for taking down my site or Kevin's site.

But that doesn't prevent it from happening.

Everyone should avoid MEGA and Wasabi at a minimum

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Thanks. Hopefully the NZ Voices for Freedom team or other legal group can provide some strong legal pushback.

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Is there an online portal where people can make financial contributions to Barry Young's legal fees?

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Not your server, not your data. I hope I am misunderstanding every report I have read on this and that both of you do have backups of all of this and that it is not all lost. I raised this issue on your post about it but apparently not important enough to address

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What do you mean, not your server, not your data. It should be public data.

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Meaning if you trust a third party to store the data, and don't have it backed up elsewhere that you and only you control, it is not your data. What happened here is exactly what I mean. And due to severe recklessness and irresponsibility, this data is gone. Not your server, not your data.

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"Public" is regulated by the government. And they don't need to follow the law - they can just do what they want, and you will have to challenge them in court. By the time they lose (and after several millions of your dollars spent by them and you), the data will be found to have been "accidentally destroyed."

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He didn't keep a back up? I mean...

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This is the US government taking it down, not the Kiwi ministry of health. It has been their operation from the start. Kiwi mass murderers still just following orders.

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Could "The first fully independent and censor-free international media channel" - www.internationalcovidsummit.com/media - help in some way? Also winn.press ?

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Uh, backing up, is straight forward. Capeesh? Sorry to hear this, lesson learned?

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Very disturbing, particularly how quickly they were able to delete/lock this info across international borders. Call me cynical & colour me pink, but it (almost) makes you think there are high powers at work who don't want info to get out. That couldn't possibly be the case could it?

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Even Kirsch mentioned the youtube video was taken down within minutes? That's fast. I feel many are already being spied on. The octopus complex has a play in this no doubt.

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Greta, is that you?

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MEGA is based in New Zealand.

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They are going full retard.

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Whistleblower goes to Government for protection - arrested and silenced

Puts data out to the world - arrested and silenced

IMO he did the right thing, very gutsy.

NZ Government doubling down and doubling down again and doubling down again on lies

And of course never analysing the data themselves - they won’t like what they find.

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Thank you for following this important story! The more the truth gets spread by people like you with an audience, the harder it is for the powers that be to continue to do their dark deeds.

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Do people today really think that what they store online or in the cloud is safe, secure and secret? I hope they were not so foolish and made back ups.

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Yeah, I hope he backed it up on a thumb drive, placed it on a hard drive and mailed it to a friend, etc.

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Hope he had back-up files?

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Kevin says that the issue of back ups “can’t be commented on until the matter has been resolved.”

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If I was Kevin, I wouldn't breathe a word about back ups. It's his business on whether he does or not. Safer that way.

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Democratize the information. File share. In the hands of millions who download their own versions off of any cloud service no court order can restrict it. Find servers that don't comply with censorship orders for public sharing, based in countries that don't enforce. Numbers. We are many. They are few. Overwhelm their capacity to censor.

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Yes....I like what you have to say. Especially, WE ARE MANY....THEY ARE FEW. You are talking my talk :-) I like your name Freedom Fox, too...

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Meet the new boss same as the old boss. The kiwis got conned again. They kicked out the Ardernites and replaced her merry little band of jab pushing socialist labour party malfeasants with tories, only to find the tories are just as bad and possibly worse. Bend over New Zealand. You thought Jacinda was bad. Imagine what booster number you'd be on now if Chris Luxton had been in power. Metaphorically, and possibly literally, Luxton will now give you a depot injection of antipsychotic risperidone mixed with mRNA right in your arse.

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WA Health: release the raw vaccine status data, unaltered, coupled with the death certificates per pax. I know you have it. 'Privacy' is not an excuse - ABS releases detailed de-identified mortality data every month including 'covid status.'

And like another commenter here says - going 'full retard' is not going to save you, because the vaccinated (our friends, families and children) are the ones dying. Young people are having multiple heart attacks and dying in their sleep. Children. Time to end this.

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We are all doomed. There are maybe a million people in the world who actually give a sh-- that this is happening and we are outnumbered 8,000 to one.

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Thing is, eventually they will care. It's not like they can hide.

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Dec 5, 2023
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I would have lost my money. The cogdis is strong with these ones.

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Criticism of the German government on social media now means you can lose your pension as a servicemember or public servant. See Die Fackel https://fackel.substack.com/p/germanys-hard-line-vs-covid-deniers

Clownworld is really intensifying now.

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I assume he had backups - multiple backups. Even just my personal data is kept on four "simultaneous" hard drives - all identical to each other in terms of content so that if and when one fails, I still have a triple hard drive backup while I purchase a new drive. These hard drives are only "online" when the actual backup occurs. As soon as it is done they are electronically disconnected again - I mean literally - an automated physical power switch. I have an automated full backup job that runs weekly and I can also do a real time backup at the click of a button (which I usually do since the backup literally only take about a minute as they are only backing up data that has changed since the last backup. And all this is just my own personal data - if I were doing anything commercial I would be even more robust with high grade protections (expensive).

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BFF uses a similar recipe.

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KimDotCom, this is not the time to be bending the knee.

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KimDotCom doesn't own Mega. It was a take-over in 2015, and he warned people not to trust them.

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So this is data from a PUBLIC health agency, funded by tax money from the PUBLIC, and yet the PUBLIC is forbidden to see the data so that it can be PUBLICly scrutinised ... sounds about right for 2023, as the bounds of credibility stretches regarding every aspect of this entire covid racket and the disastrous bungling (I’ll be kind) of the response by these public health entities, so will the latter continue to flounder in the unreality of their own insidious echo chamber, and become increasingly desperate and authoritarian

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Love it! There is public, Public & PUBLIC. Now that data would really prove who the actual misinformation/disinformation spreaders truly are!

No bloody wonder the useless toothless ALP pulled that Bill for the time being from our Federal Parliament. I wonder if they will actually be daft & stupid enough to return it? 2024 is shaping up to be rather interesting vis-a-viz, civil unrest.

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The bitter truth is sadly (to borrow from our American friends) is that a system that is tyrannical and unfit for purpose needs to be replaced and removed ... by force or through mass public action. 2024 is shaping up to be a rather consequential year for us all, do we continue blindly into a moribund, digital, nihilistic, bureaucratic, tyrannical dystopia or do we have the courage to start dismantling this and let the dominos fall, sacrificing our modern creature comforts for the cause. I think we all know which option I’m in favour of.

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We know the Vax had a death shot of 20 % ,this is the accountability rate around the globe ,20% death increase after all clot shots . Stay tuned goons we are coming in fast and hard for justice

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Fantastic article. We are covering on Natural News and Brighteon. My producer is reaching out to make contact for an interview. Keep up the great work.

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