And then…the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule started blowing out, with an ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations - check out the fact sheets here:
Not only that, but the first major bust the TGA was involved in was Jiim Selim's Pan Pharmaceuticals. What did Pan do? Natural health products. They went after the pharma competitors & shut him down, although Selim fought them in the courts & won a $50million dollar settlement. But it destroyed him.
The TGA, just like the APVMA, ARPANSA, FSANZ are doing industries bidding, whilst pretending to protect the public. We are being poisoned in many different ways.
100%. If more people knew about their influence in shutting down natural therapies through various means they would be shocked, & their abuse towards the AVN. If I recall, the homeopath Isaac Golden started the Health Australia Party as a way to push back against them.
Also I feel people underestimate their influence, in particular their connections to the strong SBM group in the USA, which includes Gorski & which has roots going way back.
I've contacted first Gladys Berejiklian - then Brad Hazzard and Scott Morrisson last and asked to please name the studies that prove the existence of SC2 and received non nonsensical replies - the only honest reply originated from the premiers office stating that they were acting on advice from the health department - ok Hazzard was next and replied with a chart of the symptoms while Scomo replied to the same question that restrictions would be lifted once 85% of the population had received their jab.
I've subsequently responded that they had failed to answer my questions and that was also the end of the replies.
I wrote to GG asking pretty much the same ... 🦗🦗🦗 surely the GG owes Australia an explanation of why he continued to allow experimental mRNA injections to be Forced on Australians.
That’s a very good question, I think as a society our priority should be a bill of rights that is even above the Constitution, to embody the notion of ‘Gov by the people, for the people’ where ever Australian has equal inviolate human rights before the law & ‘Public Officials’ held accountable for any actions/policies that are Contra Bona Mores.
Including sim to 1st Amendment in USA & the Nuremberg Convention
Nor I, but my email was considerably less plite and directly accused the creep and his equally perverse brothers as criminals that should hang at the Hague, for their crimes against humanity.
Those eugenicist Robber Barons and Banksters that were behind the setting up the UN, are the same genocidal crime families that financed and directed Lenin, Trotsky and Hitler. For these grotesque parodies of human being's, genocide is by far their most effective method of acquisition. As Machiavelli pointed out, eliminating the whole family ensures there is no threat of later retaliation, these demons however aim at the elimination of entire ethnic groups.
However pause to consider, how it is they have been able to garner such wide support for what can clearly be seen as murderous culling of such an epic proportion.
Put aside the whole list of "emergencies", none of which are supported by the reality that clearly refutes the pathetic claims broadcasted by the pide pipers of nonsense. Think of ancient cataclysmic events, the fall of Babel (6,000 years ago) which is a synonym of nonsense, or the fall of Atlantis (12,000 years ago) where it is said they started to play God with genetic engineering.
Both events may well be connected to the same weakening of earths electromagnetic field and magnetic Pole excursion that is now occurring.
If anyone is most likely to hold hidden knowledge of a coming natural disaster, would it not be the ancient blood lines of the Parasite Caste? In desperation to be amongst those few that inherit the Earth, some people/creatures will surely sell their souls to the devil.
Yes, have to look backwards to try to understand what is happening now.
For what it's worth, consider the possibility these ancient bloodlines are embedded within a certain race on earth. A creative & ambitious & sea faring race of people. Infiltrated. It might be a soul level difference, empathic vs non-empathic. Soul type passed on by the mother through birth, it could be a reason why the mothers name is obscured by the fathers, deliberately in order to make bloodlines more difficult to trace.
It is true that what passes for "communism" was indeed supported by the wealthy banking families at the time. It is also very telling that Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin & Hitler were all of that certain race. Just do a search on their real names. But, here is the big question, why the destruction of Germany in both World Wars? Remember, these parasites are embedded within a race of people. The majority of the race would not play a major role in the elites plans, they would be used as cover. Some specific people within that race might have known about the parasites & wanted to do something about them. Does this put what allegedly happened in World War II in a different light?
I'd be cautious about that article, especially the denigration of Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu book. Whilst she makes good points about the UN agenda, Pascoe's book "manipulating" the historic record is an attempt at smearing him.
Pascoe's book talks extensively about the way the original peoples treated & used the land & that includes forms of "agriculture". Unfortunately Cashman takes the view that only "hoofed animals" that "plough the land" should be considered "agriculture". This is mistaken.
Sometimes the truth is mixed in with misdirection, as I believe the passages about Dark Emu in Cashman's article linked to by Elizabeth shows. Pascoe has been attacked in various ways. The controversy & fiasco surrounding him & the book were I believe to discredit, stoke & divide.
Dark Emu, in conjunction with Gammage's The Biggest Estate, & other books that have since been published, show a very different way of living & maintaining this country than we have been told. It was intricately managed by the original peoples that went way over the heads of the explorers & colonisers.
It is an entirely different worldview.
If Cashman cannot see that, then I would be cautious.
I couldn’t agree more, how much more proof do people need that @TGA is completely corrupt! Criminal charges Must be laid and Any decision they made repealed or cancelled or what ever else we need to do to Stop This Crime
I have been trying to get the TGA to answer this basic question for 2 years - ‘when the covid vaccines were provisionally approved in 2021 to PREVENT covid, and then they didn’t PREVENT covid, why weren’t they removed from circulation?’ Their document specifically and categorically states that the BioNTech vaccine was ‘provisionally approved to PREVENT sars-coV-2’ - no ifs, buts or maybes….
The TGA provisional approval statement for both the Pfizer COMIRNATY and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine products states:
"Provisional approval of this vaccine is valid for two years and means it can now be legally supplied in Australia. The approval is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement for (Pfizer/AstraZeneca) to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post market assessment. (Pfizer COMIRNATY/COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) has been shown to prevent COVID- 19 however it is not yet known whether it prevents transmission or asymptomatic disease."
Wasnt there some attempted hoodwinking involved in the US FDA decision about 'Comernity' ? It was the Pfizer concoction - without the Emergency Use (EU) ok - yet a legally regarded sperate product...That is,'Comernity' didnt have the legal protections/indemnities that EU concoction had ?
Psychopathic corruption, it's beyond words how appalling this registration is... I think your article highlights the tragedy of a regulatory body in bed with the corporations they are meant to regulate.
The death and injury that currently lies in the wake of their love affair is a modern day (and was a preventable) disaster... Unfortunately now, rather than withdraw a dangerous medication, we will see a further (predictable) devastation unleashed on a trusting and unsuspecting public... Thanks to media silence, those Australians who believe in our regulatory bodies to keep them safe from harm, will have no warning that getting the shot is a big risk... Even scarier, parents will trust in the approved vaccine and let their children take it... Good God... The scope of the future tragedy, from what is already known about the shot's potential side effects including death, is incomprehensible.
Steve, it’s diabolical that children were vaccinated against a disease of no threat to them - unnecessary medical interventions, and the wretched medical ‘profession’ went along with this.
Their arrogance is beyond appalling, their position alone comes embedded with responsibility, and experimental medications that cause harms (already known and unknown) should never be approved for children...
If it's a government body but 97% funded by the industry - how can it be considered a government body ? Or is it one of those PPPs - Public Private Partnerships ? (The government having a mere 3% stake - though not sharing in the profits ?)...
As you say Rebekah, “It should surprise no one that the Pfizer COMIRNATY product has received full registration…”
Because the establishment have to justify what they’ve been doing for past the two and a half years in foisting Covid vaccination upon almost the entire Australian population.
But I suggest NO-ONE has given valid voluntary informed consent to these medical interventions, because NO-ONE was properly informed, and most people were coerced to submit to these medical interventions e.g. No Jab, No Job; No Jab, No Travel; No Jab, No Restaurant; No Jab, No Haircut; No Jab, No Entertainment; No Jab, No Jab, No Life.
This is what happened in Australia at the height of the Covid debacle, and there are still people here who are subject to Covid vaccination mandates to maintain their livelihoods.
It is the most diabolical situation - mandated medical interventions in a supposed free country, and the medical 'profession' went along with this assault...unbloodybelievable...
The medical profession and the regulator, AHPRA, didn’t take any action to defend voluntary informed consent, and they cooperated with vaccination mandates.
Maria Zeee (three e’s) posts her Australian stuff to her Telegram homepage. In one of her podcasts, it was discussed that AHPRA the medical regulator despite their suffix has no relationship whatsoever with the Australian govt . Who controls it wasn’t made clear. The other issue is the AMA represents around 30% f medical professionals in this country and are very leftist.
The big corporations never make a product without guaranteeing themselves a market. They've captured pretty much all the regulators. Vaccines are a goldmine because of their cachet as a major public health achievement.
I see it as the duty of us who are awake to bring the house of vaccinology down.
I'm not convinced. Look up Charles Richet's nobel lecture from 1913. Any proteins injected into the blood, regardless of trace amounts, results in sensitization. He coined anaphylaxis.
Once you delve into what the so called vaccines are cultured on (Petrovsky mentions flu jabs cultured on Eggs (eggs=protein=sensitization=egg allergy)) you start to realise that all the allergies, auto immune issues & other health conditions can be traced back to vaccination. This doesn't even take into account all the excipients used in the manufacture of vaccines, not to mention human or animal organ cells, which are supposedly filtered out, but at that small a level, it is impossible to filter completely, & you have a practice which has caused massive amounts of harm.
Petrovsky's techniques involve recombinant technology, ie synthetic genetic modification, maybe comparable to what was used for the Frazer's hpv shot. It would be interesting to see the data from the trials, & if they were properly done & transparent & not manipulated to look good.
I finished watching the Antic & Petrovsky podcast. Overall it was pretty good. I don't agree with his assessment of the origin via accidental tissue culturing creating a virus that then infected a human host at the WIV, but the story of his small team using AI to match the publically released genetic sequence to possible species sources is intriguing. In the same part of the interview he talks about how small teams with knowledge, intelligence, & asking the right questions can solve problems much easier than huge corporations with thousands of staff like Sanofi ever could. I think this was a very perceptive comment. If his team really was able to create something (a non-misfolded protein sequence using an immortal moth cell line) to be used in their product, then maybe it really is a wise use of technology to help humanity. I am open to that possibility. Another thing that makes me think he may be right is the fact that the TGA weren't interested in his invention. That tells me it may in fact have been beneficial, but the entities running the establishment wanted to harm, not help.
The last half an hour or so is very good. Agree with mostly everything he said.
It’s about time that an anti corruption body closes the TGA. The government has to set up a legitimate independent body to handle therapeutic drugs that is not subject to conflict of interest. But they won’t because they are all getting too much money from it.
Interesting that the Pfizer & Moderna witnesses refused or were advised not to appear in person at these hearings. Easier for the big Pharma machine to control damage limitation. Are these truly the faces of evil people or just very well paid puppets reading from a prepared script from which they must not deviate ?
The one exception I will take to what you wrote is this:
“ It should surprise no one that the Pfizer COMIRNATY product has received full registration, despite: high rates of infection, hospitalisations and excess deaths after the vaccine rollout”
That should read: BECAUSE OF high rates of infection, hospitalisations and excess deaths after the vaccine rollout.
At this point in time, with the huge increase in excess mortality and morbidity reported to authorities (even with an equally huge underreporting factor), one can only assume that increased deaths, infections and hospitalisations was the goal of this jab which is why it’s been fully approved.
According to Sasha Latypova - “vaccinations in general are systematic poisoning to ensure population control, the Government’s of the world are driving population agenda for them that control them.”
“As far as Covid goes they had all these population control strategies in place but someone was not satisfied and Covid was implemented as a much higher gear, and it became very visible because of that”
Pfizer Philippines and BioNTech Pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. was granted a commercial license by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines with the issue of a Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) for their Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine [Tozinameran + Famtozinameran (15 mcg/15 mcg)/0.3 mL Dispersion for Injection (IM) Vaccine] on 8th of July 2023.
The authorization covered both the original and bivalent vaccines for 12 years old and above "to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus". "The CPR is based on the totality of available efficacy and safety data provided by Pfizer and BioNTech, which confirm the benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh its potential risks".
As of 30 June 2023, Philippines reports that 77 million doses of Pfizer product were administered, and that the FDA have received 23,432 reports of suspected adverse reactions of which 2915 were serious (surely underreported). The number of deaths from Pfizer are not disclosed.
Clearly nothing to see! No concerns! No actions required!
Philippines pharmacies have not yet applied to carry this product as of early August 2023.
Excellent column. "At the same hearing, for the Commiteview of a bill proposing to abolish workplace discrimination on the basis of Covid vaccination status, two Pfizer representatives repeated, ‘safe and effective, benefits outweigh the risks’ like bots churning out pro-forma answers to questions that were not in their FAQ database. " This reminds me of my medical school colleagues sadly.
I hope the TGA gets a class action lawsuit brought against them for the future harm and death their decision will bring to men women and children... they are not entitled to share the
same protection from prosecution as Pfizer so should expect hefty penalties going forward... wilful harm imposed ... deserves hefty sentences.
I care 4 of the ten board members have come from pharma industry and a fifth is be comes from a prosthetics industry implant background. Total conflict of the interest. We pay a higher price here for hip replacements etc than other parts of the world.
The industry-funded ‘regulator’ approves medical products which are mandated for use, violating voluntary informed consent.
This so-called regulator is not serving the best interests of the people, it’s setting the people up to be assaulted and exploited.
Get rid of the fake and treacherous regulator and revert to caveat emptor/buyer beware…
The TGA has only been around since about 1990. It is protecting industry rather than people. It is an ingenious (diabolical) system.
That’s interesting…
1989 actually…,of%20medicines%20and%20medical%20devices.
And then…the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule started blowing out, with an ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations - check out the fact sheets here:
History of immunisation in Australia | NCIRS
Not only that, but the first major bust the TGA was involved in was Jiim Selim's Pan Pharmaceuticals. What did Pan do? Natural health products. They went after the pharma competitors & shut him down, although Selim fought them in the courts & won a $50million dollar settlement. But it destroyed him.
The TGA, just like the APVMA, ARPANSA, FSANZ are doing industries bidding, whilst pretending to protect the public. We are being poisoned in many different ways.
The influence of organisations such as Friends of Science in Medicine and SAVN should also be investigated.
100%. If more people knew about their influence in shutting down natural therapies through various means they would be shocked, & their abuse towards the AVN. If I recall, the homeopath Isaac Golden started the Health Australia Party as a way to push back against them.
Also I feel people underestimate their influence, in particular their connections to the strong SBM group in the USA, which includes Gorski & which has roots going way back.
And Paul Offit…can be found on this list, and other interesting people…
All this ought to invite a dismissal of the GG - however - and we all know how the story goes that if it doesn't serve the interest of empire.....
Speaking of the GG…he kept signing off on ‘the emergency’ every three months, but what was ‘the emergency’?
In July 2021, I asked the then health minister Greg Hunt for the definition of ‘the emergency’ he was using to justify the Governor General’s declaration of a human biosecurity emergency under the Biosecurity Act 2015, please see my email: The Covid emergency and medical and scientific experts, 23 July 2021:
As far as I’m aware, I did not receive a response from Greg Hunt.
Well done !!!
I've contacted first Gladys Berejiklian - then Brad Hazzard and Scott Morrisson last and asked to please name the studies that prove the existence of SC2 and received non nonsensical replies - the only honest reply originated from the premiers office stating that they were acting on advice from the health department - ok Hazzard was next and replied with a chart of the symptoms while Scomo replied to the same question that restrictions would be lifted once 85% of the population had received their jab.
I've subsequently responded that they had failed to answer my questions and that was also the end of the replies.
No replies from Kerry Chant and Parrot head.
Re “Scomo replied to the same question that restrictions would be lifted once 85% of the population had received their jab”.
That’s interesting…I’d like to see that letter.
I'll see what I can do - it was sent as a PDF and reveals all my personal details which I'm hesitant to post on the web.
You can contact me here:
I wrote to GG asking pretty much the same ... 🦗🦗🦗 surely the GG owes Australia an explanation of why he continued to allow experimental mRNA injections to be Forced on Australians.
Good work Joseph.
It's outrageous isn't it?!?
No accountability...we're being ridden over roughshod by these stooges.
How we obtain government by the people for the people?
That’s a very good question, I think as a society our priority should be a bill of rights that is even above the Constitution, to embody the notion of ‘Gov by the people, for the people’ where ever Australian has equal inviolate human rights before the law & ‘Public Officials’ held accountable for any actions/policies that are Contra Bona Mores.
Including sim to 1st Amendment in USA & the Nuremberg Convention
We urgently need the spotlight shone on this situation.
The coup undertaken via Covid has been an almighty shock, this is not the free country I thought it was...
Sorry forgot to say that This is what the Referendum should be about
Nor I, but my email was considerably less plite and directly accused the creep and his equally perverse brothers as criminals that should hang at the Hague, for their crimes against humanity.
A decisive stance from the people is simply long overdue. Unfortunately, most are still non the wiser.
We're either in a democracy or a totalitarian empire. It looks more like the latter these days with only a face of the former.
Yes, it’s looking like the latter, a totalitarian empire run by the uni party, certainly not in our best interests.
I’ve started following Josephine Cashman recently, see for example this article, and check out the others…crikey…
Those eugenicist Robber Barons and Banksters that were behind the setting up the UN, are the same genocidal crime families that financed and directed Lenin, Trotsky and Hitler. For these grotesque parodies of human being's, genocide is by far their most effective method of acquisition. As Machiavelli pointed out, eliminating the whole family ensures there is no threat of later retaliation, these demons however aim at the elimination of entire ethnic groups.
However pause to consider, how it is they have been able to garner such wide support for what can clearly be seen as murderous culling of such an epic proportion.
Put aside the whole list of "emergencies", none of which are supported by the reality that clearly refutes the pathetic claims broadcasted by the pide pipers of nonsense. Think of ancient cataclysmic events, the fall of Babel (6,000 years ago) which is a synonym of nonsense, or the fall of Atlantis (12,000 years ago) where it is said they started to play God with genetic engineering.
Both events may well be connected to the same weakening of earths electromagnetic field and magnetic Pole excursion that is now occurring.
If anyone is most likely to hold hidden knowledge of a coming natural disaster, would it not be the ancient blood lines of the Parasite Caste? In desperation to be amongst those few that inherit the Earth, some people/creatures will surely sell their souls to the devil.
Yes, have to look backwards to try to understand what is happening now.
For what it's worth, consider the possibility these ancient bloodlines are embedded within a certain race on earth. A creative & ambitious & sea faring race of people. Infiltrated. It might be a soul level difference, empathic vs non-empathic. Soul type passed on by the mother through birth, it could be a reason why the mothers name is obscured by the fathers, deliberately in order to make bloodlines more difficult to trace.
It is true that what passes for "communism" was indeed supported by the wealthy banking families at the time. It is also very telling that Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin & Hitler were all of that certain race. Just do a search on their real names. But, here is the big question, why the destruction of Germany in both World Wars? Remember, these parasites are embedded within a race of people. The majority of the race would not play a major role in the elites plans, they would be used as cover. Some specific people within that race might have known about the parasites & wanted to do something about them. Does this put what allegedly happened in World War II in a different light?
I'd be cautious about that article, especially the denigration of Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu book. Whilst she makes good points about the UN agenda, Pascoe's book "manipulating" the historic record is an attempt at smearing him.
Pascoe's book talks extensively about the way the original peoples treated & used the land & that includes forms of "agriculture". Unfortunately Cashman takes the view that only "hoofed animals" that "plough the land" should be considered "agriculture". This is mistaken.
Sometimes the truth is mixed in with misdirection, as I believe the passages about Dark Emu in Cashman's article linked to by Elizabeth shows. Pascoe has been attacked in various ways. The controversy & fiasco surrounding him & the book were I believe to discredit, stoke & divide.
Dark Emu, in conjunction with Gammage's The Biggest Estate, & other books that have since been published, show a very different way of living & maintaining this country than we have been told. It was intricately managed by the original peoples that went way over the heads of the explorers & colonisers.
It is an entirely different worldview.
If Cashman cannot see that, then I would be cautious.
I couldn’t agree more, how much more proof do people need that @TGA is completely corrupt! Criminal charges Must be laid and Any decision they made repealed or cancelled or what ever else we need to do to Stop This Crime
I have been trying to get the TGA to answer this basic question for 2 years - ‘when the covid vaccines were provisionally approved in 2021 to PREVENT covid, and then they didn’t PREVENT covid, why weren’t they removed from circulation?’ Their document specifically and categorically states that the BioNTech vaccine was ‘provisionally approved to PREVENT sars-coV-2’ - no ifs, buts or maybes….
I didn't realise it said "prevent" in the provisional approval documents.
It does say ‘prevent’ in document dated January 2021. I will try to upload, it is a PDF document …
The TGA provisional approval statement for both the Pfizer COMIRNATY and COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine products states:
"Provisional approval of this vaccine is valid for two years and means it can now be legally supplied in Australia. The approval is subject to certain strict conditions, such as the requirement for (Pfizer/AstraZeneca) to continue providing information to the TGA on longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post market assessment. (Pfizer COMIRNATY/COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) has been shown to prevent COVID- 19 however it is not yet known whether it prevents transmission or asymptomatic disease."
See my email to Brendan Murphy, who misled the Australian public about the Covid vaccine products: COVID-19 vaccines are NOT fully approved by the TGA, 24 February 2021:
Wasnt there some attempted hoodwinking involved in the US FDA decision about 'Comernity' ? It was the Pfizer concoction - without the Emergency Use (EU) ok - yet a legally regarded sperate product...That is,'Comernity' didnt have the legal protections/indemnities that EU concoction had ?
Psychopathic corruption, it's beyond words how appalling this registration is... I think your article highlights the tragedy of a regulatory body in bed with the corporations they are meant to regulate.
The death and injury that currently lies in the wake of their love affair is a modern day (and was a preventable) disaster... Unfortunately now, rather than withdraw a dangerous medication, we will see a further (predictable) devastation unleashed on a trusting and unsuspecting public... Thanks to media silence, those Australians who believe in our regulatory bodies to keep them safe from harm, will have no warning that getting the shot is a big risk... Even scarier, parents will trust in the approved vaccine and let their children take it... Good God... The scope of the future tragedy, from what is already known about the shot's potential side effects including death, is incomprehensible.
Steve, it’s diabolical that children were vaccinated against a disease of no threat to them - unnecessary medical interventions, and the wretched medical ‘profession’ went along with this.
Please see my email challenging Nigel Crawford, the chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI): Why does ATAGI recommend COVID-19 mRNA injections for all children aged 5 to 11 years? 22 April 2022:
I also raised this matter with the then president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Karen Price, on 9 May 2022, please see:
No response from either of them, the general public is treated with contempt.
Their arrogance is beyond appalling, their position alone comes embedded with responsibility, and experimental medications that cause harms (already known and unknown) should never be approved for children...
If it's a government body but 97% funded by the industry - how can it be considered a government body ? Or is it one of those PPPs - Public Private Partnerships ? (The government having a mere 3% stake - though not sharing in the profits ?)...
This is just so fucking evil. Australia is a dystopian zombieland.
As you say Rebekah, “It should surprise no one that the Pfizer COMIRNATY product has received full registration…”
Because the establishment have to justify what they’ve been doing for past the two and a half years in foisting Covid vaccination upon almost the entire Australian population.
But I suggest NO-ONE has given valid voluntary informed consent to these medical interventions, because NO-ONE was properly informed, and most people were coerced to submit to these medical interventions e.g. No Jab, No Job; No Jab, No Travel; No Jab, No Restaurant; No Jab, No Haircut; No Jab, No Entertainment; No Jab, No Jab, No Life.
This is what happened in Australia at the height of the Covid debacle, and there are still people here who are subject to Covid vaccination mandates to maintain their livelihoods.
It is the most diabolical situation - mandated medical interventions in a supposed free country, and the medical 'profession' went along with this assault...unbloodybelievable...
I challenged the medical profession and AHPRA about this in June 2021, please have a careful look at this email thread: Coercive covid-19 injections in Australia - email to the Medical Board of Australia, AHPRA, RACGP, RACP, AMA, 8 June 2021:
The medical profession and the regulator, AHPRA, didn’t take any action to defend voluntary informed consent, and they cooperated with vaccination mandates.
What do we call this?
Maria Zeee (three e’s) posts her Australian stuff to her Telegram homepage. In one of her podcasts, it was discussed that AHPRA the medical regulator despite their suffix has no relationship whatsoever with the Australian govt . Who controls it wasn’t made clear. The other issue is the AMA represents around 30% f medical professionals in this country and are very leftist.
This is AHPRA’s web address:
What is the real authority of AHPRA? This must be investigated.
See my recent challenge to AHPRA re their Position Statement 9 March 2021, which effectively conscripted the medical profession to support the then Morrison Government’s Covid-19 policy and vaccination rollout: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021, 31 July 2023:
Imagine if they didn’t approve it after all the money they received?
The big corporations never make a product without guaranteeing themselves a market. They've captured pretty much all the regulators. Vaccines are a goldmine because of their cachet as a major public health achievement.
I see it as the duty of us who are awake to bring the house of vaccinology down.
I'm not convinced. Look up Charles Richet's nobel lecture from 1913. Any proteins injected into the blood, regardless of trace amounts, results in sensitization. He coined anaphylaxis.
Once you delve into what the so called vaccines are cultured on (Petrovsky mentions flu jabs cultured on Eggs (eggs=protein=sensitization=egg allergy)) you start to realise that all the allergies, auto immune issues & other health conditions can be traced back to vaccination. This doesn't even take into account all the excipients used in the manufacture of vaccines, not to mention human or animal organ cells, which are supposedly filtered out, but at that small a level, it is impossible to filter completely, & you have a practice which has caused massive amounts of harm.
Petrovsky's techniques involve recombinant technology, ie synthetic genetic modification, maybe comparable to what was used for the Frazer's hpv shot. It would be interesting to see the data from the trials, & if they were properly done & transparent & not manipulated to look good.
Investigate terrain theory.
Investigate the ‘finding’ of the measles ‘virus’ upon which much of virology is based.
IMO it’s fraud.
The lies are much bigger than most on here already know.
Yes, it seems to me virology is a fraud.
I finished watching the Antic & Petrovsky podcast. Overall it was pretty good. I don't agree with his assessment of the origin via accidental tissue culturing creating a virus that then infected a human host at the WIV, but the story of his small team using AI to match the publically released genetic sequence to possible species sources is intriguing. In the same part of the interview he talks about how small teams with knowledge, intelligence, & asking the right questions can solve problems much easier than huge corporations with thousands of staff like Sanofi ever could. I think this was a very perceptive comment. If his team really was able to create something (a non-misfolded protein sequence using an immortal moth cell line) to be used in their product, then maybe it really is a wise use of technology to help humanity. I am open to that possibility. Another thing that makes me think he may be right is the fact that the TGA weren't interested in his invention. That tells me it may in fact have been beneficial, but the entities running the establishment wanted to harm, not help.
The last half an hour or so is very good. Agree with mostly everything he said.
Thank you for the link.
How evil is that ?
It’s about time that an anti corruption body closes the TGA. The government has to set up a legitimate independent body to handle therapeutic drugs that is not subject to conflict of interest. But they won’t because they are all getting too much money from it.
Interesting that the Pfizer & Moderna witnesses refused or were advised not to appear in person at these hearings. Easier for the big Pharma machine to control damage limitation. Are these truly the faces of evil people or just very well paid puppets reading from a prepared script from which they must not deviate ?
They certainly sounded like they were reading from a prepared script from which they must not deviate
They are disposable muppets
I got the impression they all believe they are doing the right thing.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.~ Upton Sinclair
And that is frightening...
We find this out straight after the appalling performance of the Pfizer reps at the senate committee!
The one exception I will take to what you wrote is this:
“ It should surprise no one that the Pfizer COMIRNATY product has received full registration, despite: high rates of infection, hospitalisations and excess deaths after the vaccine rollout”
That should read: BECAUSE OF high rates of infection, hospitalisations and excess deaths after the vaccine rollout.
At this point in time, with the huge increase in excess mortality and morbidity reported to authorities (even with an equally huge underreporting factor), one can only assume that increased deaths, infections and hospitalisations was the goal of this jab which is why it’s been fully approved.
According to Sasha Latypova - “vaccinations in general are systematic poisoning to ensure population control, the Government’s of the world are driving population agenda for them that control them.”
“As far as Covid goes they had all these population control strategies in place but someone was not satisfied and Covid was implemented as a much higher gear, and it became very visible because of that”
I think Sasha is as close to the mark as anyone.
Pfizer Philippines and BioNTech Pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. was granted a commercial license by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines with the issue of a Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) for their Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine [Tozinameran + Famtozinameran (15 mcg/15 mcg)/0.3 mL Dispersion for Injection (IM) Vaccine] on 8th of July 2023.
The authorization covered both the original and bivalent vaccines for 12 years old and above "to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus". "The CPR is based on the totality of available efficacy and safety data provided by Pfizer and BioNTech, which confirm the benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh its potential risks".
As of 30 June 2023, Philippines reports that 77 million doses of Pfizer product were administered, and that the FDA have received 23,432 reports of suspected adverse reactions of which 2915 were serious (surely underreported). The number of deaths from Pfizer are not disclosed.
Clearly nothing to see! No concerns! No actions required!
Philippines pharmacies have not yet applied to carry this product as of early August 2023.
There was never any doubt. Shocked but not surprised at all - the TGA are utterly without scruples.
Excellent column. "At the same hearing, for the Commiteview of a bill proposing to abolish workplace discrimination on the basis of Covid vaccination status, two Pfizer representatives repeated, ‘safe and effective, benefits outweigh the risks’ like bots churning out pro-forma answers to questions that were not in their FAQ database. " This reminds me of my medical school colleagues sadly.
So good to see these slippery snakes from Pfizer being grilled.
I hope the TGA gets a class action lawsuit brought against them for the future harm and death their decision will bring to men women and children... they are not entitled to share the
same protection from prosecution as Pfizer so should expect hefty penalties going forward... wilful harm imposed ... deserves hefty sentences.
The names of all the people on the TGA boards are public. It's funny that no one cares.
I care 4 of the ten board members have come from pharma industry and a fifth is be comes from a prosthetics industry implant background. Total conflict of the interest. We pay a higher price here for hip replacements etc than other parts of the world.