
What a mess we're in. I 'whatever -the-atheist-alternative-to-pray-is' that all these different loose threads amount to an undoing of this entire sham. Great write up, as usual, Rebekah.

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I think it's just a matter of time... how much time is the question ;)

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That's the question, indeed! :)

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Justice Heken Rofe is guilty of Genocide, Murder, Fraud and Treason. What do the Australian people DO about this EVIL woman? I pronounce FatWad. This person is ADDED TO THE LIST. The List grows, it is diffuse, there are many, many traitors to our country. We Remember. Our Memory is long. We are The People. Australia will NATIONALISE, The People are the Australian BORN. This has only just begun. 👏

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Jul 9Liked by Rebekah Barnett

You can smell the desperation as they use any lame excuse to not get this to go through.

Like no standing. FFS, this seems to be excuse of choice for corrupted judges to swat aside a perfectly solid legal case.

What will they say about Kevin McKernan's work? that he has no standing? He found the Plasmids which prove the product rolled out is not the same as the product that was tested and approved.

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I agree, it reflects poorly on the image of the judiciary that they're going to such lengths to disallow the evidence from being heard in the courts. Prof Allan's point about maintaining the 'appearance' of impartiality is key.

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Jul 9Liked by Rebekah Barnett

🙏 excellent as usual

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Jul 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Great work Rebekah! Not “aggrieved” eh???? Absolutely shameful.

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Jul 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Graffiti I saw on a Hobart wall many years ago, "there is no justice, there is just us", remains pertinent.

Considering the takeover of the media, worldwide drug regulatory bodies, academia and the medical colleges by pharmaceutical companies, why would Big Pharma not aim to compromise the judiciary? It is just another sound business decision.

Nothing surprises me any more.

Of course 90% of the populace remain happy with their bread and circuses.

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Jul 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I read somewhere that the Mexican Drug Cartels are deeply invested in global pharma. An obviously synergistic relationship which may also explain the ruthlessness exhibited.

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Have you watched Ozark?

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Jul 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

No. I will look it up soon.

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A few seasons in (I can’t remember how many, I watched them all) the storyline develops into the USA three letter agencies and big pharma companies collaborating with the drug cartels. It was quite the penny drop moment for me!

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Jul 10Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks. I look forward to future discussions and exchanges. Freedom or death .... it's a very simple choice really.

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