Jul 27, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

If the unvaccinated were indeed dying they would soon be wiped out, but apparently that is too difficult of a thought process for the average normie. All we smart unvaccinated people need to do is to hang on tight, sit back and wait until enough normies take the redpill. This will happen eventually. Keep up the good work, Rebekah!

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The biggest statistical lie throughout the whole pandemic is still largely unacknowledged, probably still ongoing, and completely invalidates all Covid jab data whenever this approach is in place. As Joel Smalley discussed, among others, many jurisdictions classify the recently vaccinated under their old grouping until 14 days after injection (given this is how long the jibby jabs take to start working apparently). So, basically, many of these apparently unvaccinated hospitalisation were actually the recently jabbed, who have had either an adverse reaction or breakthrough infection due to a suppressed immune system. So, even though there illness has been directly caused by the jab, they are actually grouped as unvaccinated and used to forward the case for more jabbing. Either criminally stupid or just criminal, the difference is hard to tell anymore.


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Thank you I'll have a read. I've been wondering about this for AU. In AU I note that are reports say 'dose' and number, which you would expect means the person either has or has not received a dose, as opposed to 'vaccinated' which allows for the 14 day trickery. Do you think they're doing it here with the dosage count too? A few months ago I would have guessed that they're not, but at this stage there has been so much footwork and even outright lying from government and associated institutions that I am open to investigating all possibilities.

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Another great piece Rebekah!



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Oh yes of course! Thanks, adding to Bonus Content section now :)

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Not an expert, just a Tasmanian. I've also been wondering why our figure seem out of line with other states...I'm wondering whether elapsed time is a significant variable - we know that the goo loses what effectiveness it had over time, possibly dropping well into negative territory. Tassie was pretty late to the jab party - most working age people I know didn't get the shots until October November last year....

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Author

Mmm interesting point on the timing. Tas is the most highly vaxxed (other than ACT), the campaign was obviously more effective than the vax ;)

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https://covidlive.com.au has us ahead of TAS on 3x but behind on 4x in the 16+ yo age groups (adults). Neck & neck though...

It's really hard in WA 'cos of their absolute control of all data - gold standard transparency is total BS. Every single person I know who 2x, 3x or 4x has had covid at least once since 2x, one spent 5 days in Fiona Stanley and still got the 4th!!!! Only 1 of the 20 or so unvxd I know has possibly had the vid but didn't test so no confirmation (but the RAT is dodgy and the PCR is fraudulent)

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Another unjabbed West Australian here. Found you via Dr Ah Kahn Syed. Liked this article. Had a look around your archive and liked that, too.

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Thanks :)

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

As per CC above - I found your sub stack today via your twitter (that bastion of Reuters censored opinions :)

Keep it up, thanks.

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Thanks GB

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Great article Rebekah. One of the worst examples of lying/misleading with stats I saw was the British claim during 2021 that only 1.2% of covid deaths were fully vaxxed. They use the period early January 2021 to early July 2021. They combine the low 2nd jab rates in jan, feb, mar and apr with high c19 death rates in winter (c19 still seasonal at this point). Death rates dropped off to low numbers in April and kept falling into summer.

Pretty clever really. But obviously a deception given current data.


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Good spotting, thank you!

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.. threat inflation and obfuscation working well to mitigate the latest crisis in the health system. Over 84 % of population vaccinated yet three times more 'covid related deaths' than 2020 ( also 5 % increase in admissions to emergency wards).. all a big mystery.

Anyway, I coedit a new online paper trying to make headway on the issue if anyone felt like contributing anonymously (or not)

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