Anyone who seriously believes that handing the definition of truth and/or misinformation/disinformation to a Government, of any & all colours, or the bureaucrats hasn’t been paying attention at all for the last 50 years or so. The Coalition needs to run really hard against this Marxist, Orwellian travesty.

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The same Coalition that lead the charge on Covid “information”, invented the secretive National Cabinet and told us the vaccines were safe and effective (and necessary). That Coalition??


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Yes let’s not forget the development of the misinformation bill began with the Coalition government. Conservative media calls the bill ‘Labor’s bill’ but that’s silly. Unless the Coalition has a come to Jesus moment, I think it’s likely they’ll support a revised version.

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And here’s a prominent member of the Coalition, championing “information” about how safe the Covid vaccine was. https://x.com/themilkbartv/status/1760301332874113263?s=46&t=7F-hqntwYCh9TksYVqInuQ

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Unfortunately I'm not convinced we have the leadership in either major party to make the 'right', not 'political' decisions. There is too much power behind the major parties (unions, lobby groups etc) to hope for real change, because to me, the current leaders have puppet masters - or am I just too cynical?

We really do need a Menzies/Churchill/Thatcher/Reagan type of leader. (PS: I 'suspect' not everyone will agree with me😁)

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I agree with you Ian that neither major party will make the right decisions.

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I’m thinking more lesser of two evils. Albo is very hard-left and the ALP with its useful idiots the Greens (plus most of the Teals) is following the US Democrats in a headlong charge to the left. Some in the Coalition (Dutton, Canavan for example) show signs of centre-right sensibilities which is a lot better than the current government. The Coalition is far from perfect but if we don’t get rid of Labor we’re buggered. A Thatcher or a Reagan would be great but we are not so blessed at this time.

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I just keep thinking of how Scomo screwed us all … who knows, maybe the rot was more him than the party but I’m not convinced. I agree that if I had to choose one party over the other Libs seems the safer bet, but both suck.

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I agree re Scomo (a person with no principles apart from what the focus groups say is dangerous) and that both major parties suck. But it is imperative that escape the Marxist/Leninist/Maoist (whatever Albo et al are) delusion or, as I said, we are buggered.

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Interesting I’d never considered the Project the voice of middle Australia, or even handed in their approach. But now that I think about you may be correct Rebekah…we may be in more trouble than I thought!!

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Far left has gone too far…

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The government funded trans movement has done it's intended damage to children and our culture and our empathy.

The media has obviously been given the green light to castrate it from the agenda as a diversion from the coercion that we will be soon seeing with the introduction of digital currency in July?

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Personally, I don't imagine it works quite like that. For sure, propaganda campaigns are being run by some powerful groups - Caitlin Johnstone described an element of it well here:


But culture also has something to do with it too, feeding from the ground back upwards. I think a show like The Project is probably the product of top-down propaganda regime influence (which would be almost invisible to them, like they are the fish, the propaganda is water), and the cultural norms, values and zietgeist that the presenters (who have been picked for repping the middle of the road) bring to each show. I mean obviously culture is shaped by propaganda, but that doesn't mean top-down is the only force at play. Just my opinion.

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I agree.

I guess they can easily backpedal and apologize at any time and the whole thing will be forgotten overnight... That's the advantage of giving everyone a shot of early onset dementia!

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I have come up with a new digital I.D. system to compete with Pay By Face-


It's called " The Bird" or " TMF" ( the middle finger)

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I'm hopeful that a tipping point has been reached, however I feel we have a long way to go before TRUTH can be spoken and accepted without lawfare being imposed.

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I get what you're saying. The top-down moves to stifle speech are nowhere near done. It's moreso that, encouragingly, we're seeing signs that ordinary people everywhere are starting to go, 'hang on a minute, something's not right about this'...

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Yes, I believe it needs to come from 'ordinary people' not wet behind the ears 'advisors'.

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