Jan 30, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

A brilliant post, Rebekah. Only those who refused to partake of these garbage jabs have a true, visceral sense of what it felt like here in Australia in that strange, dark, nauseating time. I told a resolutely pro-vax friend recently that things felt so threatening here in Melbourne that my daughter and I seriously considered hiding out in the forest. I am not kidding. It was that bad. Her reaction? She laughed. I knew then that she had no idea how dangerous it was for us jab refuseniks. It was 'keep your head down and at no cost tell anyone you are unjabbed' in my sore beset city for well over six months. I have never felt this weird level of threat anywhere. Ever. How do we move on from this?

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I felt very afraid during that time too. I'd never experienced anything like it. How do we move on? Big question! I'm focusing on acceptance (per my post a couple of weeks ago) so that I can make peace with this new world and find ways to live well in it and hopefully be part of shaping it. What about you?

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

We can't move on. Maybe we can decide not to treat people the way they treated us. But we can't move on. Most people have not learned the lesson you describe here, and there are worse winds blowing than medical rape. We can't move on, it just isn't going to work. To move on is to say that it is in the past, but it is not - the social chasm is real and now, the shredded contract is still sitting on the table. For the sake of your individual wellbeing, maybe you can try to move on. But 'we', together, can't move on until we confront the deep chain reaction that is roaring towards the surface.

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I think of moving forward by integrating the experience, as opposed to ‘moving on’, which implied spiritual bypassing.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I've never been very good at acceptance. I'm better at slamming doors. In that spirit, I want to turn my back on our venal, divisive, dirt-bag of a government and form a parallel economy. I envision a community-based group of like-minded people who focus on micro-producing food, clothing, and perhaps even medicines, for the local community. I'm with Mathew Crawford on this one: get decentralized, find people you can trust with your life in your local area, make a lot of stuff yourselves, and give as little energy as possible to the current economy. I doubt I can ever make peace with the mainstream after what I've seen and experienced these last few years.

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I’ve landed on a similar conclusion to you, except that I want to do it from a heart space of healing, not resentment. I think the action plan is similar for a lot of us on this side of the medical divide, but I know that personally when I harbour resentment and bitterness, it’s toxic to me. So working towards forgiveness is best for my health and well-being. I don’t think acceptance means never being angry tho. I think it just means channeling the anger towards productive ends. And forgiveness is not the same thing as a pardon. I want accountability, not amnesty.

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Yes, bitterness and resentment is counterproductive. I'm moving away from that now and focusing on building something new and interesting and vibrant. But I am still very, very angry. That will take a while to work through, but it won't stop me building something worthwhile in the meantime. Like you say, I can still be angry and channel it towards productive ends.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Totally agreed, I felt the same here in Canada. Actually wanted to flee the country. I have recently asked myself why I didn't try harder to convince people not to take the shot. The answer is, it felt dangerous to speak out against it and reveal yourself as unvaccinated. What a strange time and it's not really all over.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Oh yes, it was most definitely dangerous to reveal our non-jabbed status. I knew instinctively that it was imperative to keep my mouth shut because the animosity towards the unjabbed here in Melbourne was just off-the-scale. I could not convince anyone (except one of my daughters) to avoid the shot in the initial roll-out. As the jab frenzy intensified, it was pretty much duck and cover and get ready to run for the hills.

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@Susanna and @Sun. I'm not sure if you read my article linked above but I had a neighbour tell me I should be "shipped off to a camp and liquidated." Right as McGowan was building a large, stark quarantine camp in Perth. We got close. Your instincts were correct, and had many, many historical parallels.

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Yes, I did read about you and your neighbor. Terrifying. I certainly had that sense in Melbourne. It was touch and go there for a while.

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Yup, there were rumors here as well that the government was going to be building quarantine camps.

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Jan 31Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I agree Susanna. If/when they bring out another 'deadly virus' most of the public are likely repeat their shameful performance. I hope I'm wrong and that awareness continues to grow and expand so that more people will see through the illusions and propaganda. Its all theatre!

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You are not delusional. We were experiencing many of the stages of genocide. I was in Rwanda and documented it here https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-genocide-in-progress

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Thank you for stating what I had also come to conclude. In the Ten Stages of Genocide (where stage 9 is genocide and stage 10 is denial) I believe we had reached stage 4 if not more.

1/ Classification - “us and them” by vaccination status.

2/ Symbolization – we give names to the classifications, eg. “the unvaxxed”

3/ Discrimination - a dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups.

4/ Dehumanization - one group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.

5/ Organization -

6/ Polarization - Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. The dominant group passes emergency laws or decrees that grants them total power over the targeted group. The laws erode fundamental civil rights and liberties.

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You are so welcome. Oh, I think we got very, very close and even may have crossed the thresh hold. Remember that the camps were built, quarantine centres were active ('medihotels' etc.), and the unvaccinated were treated differently in these centres from the vaccinated according to "the best health advice."

Bear in mind that the stages don't run sequentially - they flow into one another. We also have 'denial' now that any of this happened, and people are quite literally being murdered by hospital protocols (different protocols if unvaccinated). We also have the legal framework under the WA Health Act 2016 in WA for "transport from one location to another for forced injection." While this last point was never activated, the opaqueness of the situation demands full accounting. I hope I can somewhat contribute to that end.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

This summarises exactly my experience with friends, family and the public at large. Australians are descended not just from convicts, but their jailers too. We have become an idiotic, arrogant and spiteful society that is easily manipulated and slow to critical think. God help us.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

"Australians are descended not just from convicts, but their jailers too."

Lurved it!

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Probably the best summary I have read on this aspect of the pandemic event in Australia. I read it with a feeling of disgust of my fellow Australians but also with an acceptance that we have lost our brains.

Fear and compliance won the day, over common sense.

Quite simply, people did not think about the fact that nobody was dropping dead on the footpaths from this supposedly deadliest in history rampant virus. If we had seen this happening around us, we would have all shut ourselves in our houses and happily taken some wonder drug to save us. Coercion, legal punishments or mandates would not have been needed.

But Australians bought it, along with the rest of the world.

The jab was an experiment on a global scale - so too were the psychological experiments.

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In the week ending 22 January 2023, at least 80% of those killed by Covid19 in Western Australia had been jabbed.

McGowan is now trying to retrospectively reduce Covid19 Deaths by re-classification.


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BRAVO. This is why the data have been removed from his public posts. According to the ABS' own gamed data, 60% of excess deaths in 2022 were non-covid related. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/why-did-so-many-australians-die-in

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I have a BSc ( Biology) and I knew we were being lied too. The masks , the social distancing and the fate of the travellers on the DIAMOND PRINCESS , convinced me that the virus was not the monster it was made out to be. When McGowan bought in his apartheid, I could still buy coffee from the drive through and I could still ride my bike without a mask. I knew the vaccine wasn't working because Covid came into Perth which was completely locked down. The virus was passed on not from the unvaxxed , who could not go anywhere but from the double vaxxed who had tested negative. I was relieved that I did not have to mix with all these potential carriers. If the virus was not killed by the "vaccines" then it would mutate. What disturbed me was the attitude of the media, the government and the medical bureaucrats , I had in the past wondered why the German people aided and abetted the nazis to kill the Jews - their neighbours and friends. I have now seen that fear and anger toward the unvaxxed in the faces of people I know , it's made me a more cautious and aware person and completely distrustful of anyone with some authority over my life.

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Well said. They threw out basic biology and pandemic response in favour of...whatever this was. Think of is this way though. Now when they try all their CBDC and neural wave downloading and vax passes there will be a huge proportion of the population who will resist. Without the giant covid cock up, we may have slept walked into transhumanist tyranny. Silver linings!

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The only time that I was able to get thru to the "good family and friends" was during a dinner conversation. Talk turned to hospitals and AC units. Mentioned that my husband will never be able to see his mother alive again due to POV requirements for entry. This reality made 2 at the table start to cry. Then they understood what their fear and complacency had created.

We were granted entry at end of life. She was non-communicable. We had to enter thru a side door, be separate from main facility and leave the room when staff entered for care. She died the next day and I can honestly say, that as a previous health care worker, this was the most disgusting, demeaning treatment to receive at such a stressful time.

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That is heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. I know of another family who had a similar experience . In their case, the grandpa caught Covid from the vaccinated staff, and died shortly after. The family had never had Covid, but due to their 0 dose status, they were only allowed in the facility after his death to view the body.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

The AC unit had everyone boosted to the hilt, but they had a massive outbreak and had to call in the army to staff the unit as staff were all off sick. The facility was closed for 6wks for visitors regardless of vx status. Another elderly friend with dementia in a different venue with an outbreak, was locked in his room for 2wks-the whole venue (everyone) was locked up. He would ring my mother every day stressed that he couldn't get out of his room and the staff were keeping him a prisoner.

What was done to the elderly during McGowan's mania borders on criminal negligence and because it was done behind closed doors, the public didn't know. The mantra of "you're going to kill grandma" led to the worst isolation for our elderly.

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I know someone who had an elderly relative die in WA and they "lost the body" for weeks. In Perth. No communication, they couldn't find the person. Crematoriums working overtime and person needed to be cremated quickly for cultural reasons. This caused an international incident and deep rifts were created.

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I am honestly shocked that you were able to make such a breakthrough with people in the narrative. I have yet been able to do so. I had a conversation with a neighbour last night who is 3 jabs deep and looking at his own mortality (jab induced). He understands what is happening now but it's too late. There is so much sadness that I cannot bear it. He was a freedom ally but fell for the fear and didn't think too deeply about things.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

They were family, culturally generally very close knit to elders. This is why it hit home as they are separated from their family, but during the same evening earlier they expressed that the unvxd should face the consequences of their choice. I wondered if their opinions changed that night.

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The sadness of what may be happening to friends and family that we cannot discuss dominates our social lives. I hear comments on cancers, heart, clotting, but can't bring myself to tell them. My first grandchild is due in 2 weeks. Mo is 3x, one weeks before conception (Fa not) . Instead of enjoying, I have feared for the pregnancy, and am now fearful for the health of the baby girl once delivered.

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About a month ago I had a big epiphany and it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Suddenly, I really understood that there was nothing I could do for the people who took the jab. If they ask, I send them the FLCCC protocols. I have to get busy living my own life. I did everything I could.

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21 Jan 2023 I did a walkabout - I am no Abo, though! - and was shocked to see his wife Sue wheeled Des (in his 70s) out to get something.

He lost his right foot above the angle in Oct 2022 due to blood clots. He was on blood thinners for another op but had to come off it. Then the clots formed!

I asked him what did his "quacks" tell him. He evaded by saying he had not seen his surgeon yet.

I sensed we both knew the cause but they won't admit it and I did not say it.

I did NOT ask him how many doses he has had. He told me he had TWO by Nov 2021 when they let us out!

Back in Nov 2021, he was the guy who asked me why would govts lie to us!!!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Yup. I had similar experience to you, I let my best friend since high school (wad just her bridesmaid) know that I wouldn't be able to attend her baby shower (at a cafe). She said 'aw, OK no worries. I think. A couple of other people are in the same boat."

That's it. Nothing else. I think it hurt me more than if she had excluded me and hated me.

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Yes I felt that!

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Me too. "That's sad" and just move on like I don't exist. Now they all have health problems.

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Fully unjabbed Western Australian here. Good article. Nicely done. All accurate and true. Chilling to live through it. Trust in institutions and my fellow Aussies pretty much destroyed. Very disappointing.

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I still have major PTSD from what we in Perth went through. Writing helps but watching people drop dead from the jabs has been excruciating.

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A timely reminder of how it all went down. May we never forget. I still can’t forget those nauseating “We’re all in this together” ads at the beginning of lockdown which I immediately identified as propaganda. I read with interest ‘The good german’ link. My mother was german. She was very dutiful...believed everything Menzies said or The Women’s Weekly printed. And would not entertain a view that differed from the prevailing one. Frightening and frustrating to witness a mind so effectively captured. I keep my head down and won’t engage but when forced to admit my non vaccinated status the predjudice is immediately revealed. Like the Germans they refuse to listen to any view other than their own and base it on the “need to protect my community”. Sure like they’ve cared about anything but their own well-being. I’m watching the karmic turnaround that is starting now. Everything you need to know was laid out early in the piece in Stephanie Seneff’s brilliant paper “Unintended Consequences of the Cov19 vaccination”. I will try to be kind to these people.

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Me too, I will try to be kind.

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Good article highlighting the complicity of the public. In this article I go further: what McGowan, the media, medicos and police did hit most of the levels of 'Stanton's Stages of Genocide.' Now, we are in the 'denial and coverup phase' which Stanton describes. This is predictable, and as you say, has historical precedent. I write about the WA situation from my experiences in Rwanda. I'm so glad I found your stack. We will not let them get away with this, we will not let them repeat this. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-genocide-in-progress

Remember how mandates were dropped the Monday after McGowan and his family contracted covid? The following weekend was the national Labor conference as well. His son, despite being multiple-jabbed was admitted to the hospital, but under McGowan's OWN mandates neither he nor his wife could visit his sick son in the hospital. The jab didn't protect his son and the mandates were dropped after that. He has never spoken about covid since and sneaks around the state, only appearing at carefully curated events. It took a personal experience for him to realise that the jabs don't work and his mandates were cruel. We were living under the jackboot of McGowan's fearful delusions which is the hallmark of a dictator.

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Great summary Bek, although slightly traumatic to have to run through that timeline of gaslighting again! And yet still our Dear Leader Marky Mark McGowan sits atop his throne...

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

A wonderful commentary, thank you. What is it like today? I am in Adelaide, South Australia. .As an unjabbed person, I am not aware of any of these shocking restrictions applying to me. Despite active social life, I personally was never challenged in a public area. But I had friends who lost jobs, so cruelly.

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Did you have POV for visiting aged care, hospitals etc? Now you mention it, it was the workplace mandates that I remember most strongly on SA news. It's more like an uneasy truce here in WA, altho there are a few media types that just cannot stop themselves from continuing with the abuse.


Mostly, no one wants to talk about it, and everyone acts like all the things that happened were necessary.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

We’re all walking around in a soup of toxins that we absorb until the body reaches its threshold and begins a purging, or detoxification process. Vaccination provides no protection; against anything, it only adds more toxins. If people took the time to learn how their body works; and how toxic the environment has become, they could see how silly the propaganda is.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you Rebekah, from my perspective one of the very best of your posts yet!!

From Filipe Rafaeli, the following is so very and profoundly similar to the WA (Australia/Worldwide) experience:

"For something of these proportions to occur, it is not enough for there to merely be a dictatorship. It needs a totalitarian state where the population is in harmony with the dictatorial government. It needs a people that collaborates by denouncing, helping, and not caring about the evil in front of them. For this, the population needs to understand the opposite: that evil is good".

Watching this unfold, as we all did, the above demonstrates that this is exactly what occurred, literally. As you also detail so well, the Main Stream Media, as a single entity, were guilty as charged. This group single handedly & wholeheartedly prostituted themselves to the authors of this evil ruse, becoming the single most effective element of propaganda, coercion, discrimination and censorship.

Keep your receipts, we will remember!!

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I am Aussie to my bones, fam been here since 1803. I feel the vomit rising in my throat at the shit scared, wimpy, frightened little children we all became, at the shrill behest of the shit MSM & our sold-out, traitorous politicians. I lost job, friends, then I had dead mates from the clotshot & my dad got a LIGHTNING Pancreatic C that killed him after 3 death shots. I personally wish every Pro-Jabber that took the shots an AGONISING DEATH (those FORCED BY JOB MANDATE - your bosses must PAY). I found out EXACTLY how much my fellow Aussies give a fuck about the filthy unvaxxed ✊️ Hatred is an elixir. After y'all DIE, we will seek the Elite$. 👁

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I understand the anger, though I am working at transmuting mine into positive action. I honestly don't wish harm on any of the Good Australians, or even the media and doctors, but I do want to see accountability.

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I feel you. Harness that anger into positive action.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Sorry to bother you, but I'm doing some research on Alex Berenson's purported subscriber numbers and I would like to hear from people still paying for his Substack even though he has recently bashed vaccine victims and has also been pushing Paxlovid over Ivermectin on Twitter. See: https://wholistic.substack.com/p/alex-berenson-makes-at-least-108000

Thank you

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Did you have a specific question? You said you’d like to hear from subscribers but I couldn’t see a poll or a question.

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