If only more people could be on the same page as us, the people who saw through the pandemic scam.
We all saw it at different times. Some saw it straight away in March 2020 and others didn’t see it until midway through 2021 and beyond BUT we all did finally see it in the end our and looking glass perception has been irrevocably changed forever.
So many want to forget, to focus on their property portfolio and sports. Of those, most will probably snap back into the tyranny like they never stopped chanting for our blood.
But some, a small % of a large number, will see - and they will know what is behind complicity this time. And a latent resolve will trigger within them.
And it will be enough.
The timer is almost at zero. We'll know soon enough, either way.
I agree. In 2020/21 it was less than 5%. Now I suspect there are in excess of 20%, hopeful they are wrong, but prepared to resist should the need arise. Most do not want to spend vital energy going over 'it', but, they're not going to do 'it' again.
Besides the brutality of the control measures, we need to also be aware of the unbelievable gaslighting that was going on. The forced isolation and censorship on social media meant that anyone who doubted the mainstream narrative had to fight really hard to hold ground. And the extent of the scam only became fully apparent in retrospect - and even then, they still try to cover it up.
I live in Brisbane, where the restrictions were nowhere near the level of Melbourne. Yet still, my dominant memory of those 2 years is of the pervasive fear that we were put into - for some, it was fear of the virus, but for others of us, it was fear of what our government was going to do next, what sort of irrational measures might be imposed, just how far were they going to go with the jab mandates. Even if you didn't watch the TV, you still had to follow the daily briefings, just so you didn't get caught unawares, perhaps locked out of your home state (as happened to many).
Fear is a potent poison, that stops people from thinking clearly and behaving rationally. And eventually, the mass hypnosis took over.
I lived through this in Melbourne. Cult Covid madness indeed, it nearly divided my family. The effects on my younger son and daughter both grown adults, still affects their mental health today. Moreso for my son who is high functioning autistic, routines shattered are especially detrimental. The insanity is still affecting the hospitals. My eldest daughter recently miscarried her first pregnancy after 3 injections. I got the call and went straight to emergency. Staff told me I was only allowed to stay 15 minutes. Even women miscarrying are allowed one visitor. I just ignored them. Thank you for writing your articles. They are a mark of clarity in a mad world.
Yes, we suffered a deep trauma here in Melbourne. I remember snapping out of the trance sometime in late 2020. Then came the injections and the epic, brutal push to get a needle in every arm. I have never felt such a sense of personal danger and oppressive evil. I lost several friends to the covid sorcerers, and two of my closest relationships are strained even to this day. Most people want to forget and move on, but as you say, Rebekah, we must face what happened and acknowledge the profound trauma it caused.
For me it was the rabid attack every time I questioned anything - anything!
Where's the evidence? JUST DO IT.
WTF. These people were not just hypnotised, they were manic in attacking the individual and removing all rights and personal responsibility for health, desperate to "protect others" by doing anything the government said.
The government are just people though, like me. With less morals and more likelihood of psychopathy. The obedience more than the mandates is what freaked me out. Like being in the Body Snatchers wtff.
I later read an account of Mao's Cultural Revolution, and it was, and still is, exactly like that. Denying all science and reason as they are against the state. Vaccines are safe and effective and men can be women. JFC.
Oh, yes, those rabid, ferocious attacks. And those bizarre, blank looks whenever I questioned the jabs. People stared right through me as if they neither saw nor heard me. I was spooked. The covid sorcerers cast a mighty spell over Melbourne, and those of us immune to their dark magic had to watch everyone else succumb to the madness.
Yes, exactly. We have found our incredible tribe. Have you read John Carter's Gideon's Army substack post? It is one of the most inspiring essays I have ever read.
As a mandated clinician it is abundantly clear that very, very few people stood-up for humanity, ethics or science, or have done so since. From Prof. Jane Halton, Chair of the Board of CEPI, to the Federal Military Junta commanding the Plandemic, all those cowardly clad thugs dressed as soldiers, or the local police that masqueraded as camp guards, all will in the end face their own judgement. At the same time, the politicians and msm must grapple with the abject meaningless of their pointless existences, because there there is no going back from their exposure.
Dan Andrew’s and his government revealed their true selves through COVID. What was the response? Victorians voted him back in with a landslide. Let them burn! You are wasting your time with this blatant wilful mass ignorance in middle class Australian society. Good times breed weak people let’s have another latte and watch the footy.
Your comment reminds me of this line from a piece I wrote for Umbrella News. Quoting Michael Gray Griffith, of Cafe Locked Out:
"Griffith, who is 57, says he feels a responsibility to defend the freedoms that he has enjoyed so that they can be handed to the next generation. “It’s not my job to give them away so that I can go and have a latte in a café,” he says dryly."
Shouldn't that be investigated? Luring people to vote for a party with deceitful title? It only shows to what length this man goes. Nothing that is happening in Vic. can be trusted, least of all the 15 minutes cities.
I'm sorry but there will be no catharsis at my end. Not only will I never forget and never, ever forgive, but it should be clear by now to anyone who still possesses the ability to think autonomously that we are headed to a sequel - but this time around far worse than ever before. As if the multiple threats from the Climate Cult and The Voice are bad enough, we have another "pandemic" around the corner. Once the WHO has all member countries on the hook from 2024, it is just a mater of starting the countdown.
As per last time, the threat itself will likely be a negligible one (no point killing off half the population of worker bees). But this time around our Parliaments will be even more authoritarian than they were in January 2020 and our politicians and bureaucrats will be far more brazen than ever before. And if you decline to become part of a medical experiment next time around, don't think you will get off as lightly as merely losing a job and losing the right to enter anything other than the supermarket and post office. More than likely it will be 24 hour home detention with ankle bracelets or incarceration, along with total control of the bank account for online shopping only at approved providers. It could be worse of course - they may simply just cart us all off.
I am not trying to scaremonger. Infact had I known four years ago I would even write this I would have committed myself to a mental institution for critical assessment. But I am being realistic and trying to prepare people for a very possible scenario of what may transpire within the next 5 years. The final nail in the coffin was in the news today - Gerard Rennick has lost his Senate pre-selection for QLD. Now if you still thought that there were going to be good guys and girls on politics to stand up for you through all of this, think again. Parliament - now almost to a person except for a very small handful no doubt also on the chopping block - is simply two sides of the same coin. We have obviously decided to move to the North Korean model of policy management and it seems the population is well and truly on board with it. China is too watered down, so lets go straight to the strong stuff.
Don't be fooled thinking that citizens really are horrified by what happened during COVID. They are not. They are all on board with it and want more. Further to that, they want to see the dissenters suffer much more than we did over the last three years.
I only realized that I got traumatized by all this about 6 months ago. My blood pressure also got high for the first time in my life. It was way more stressful to me then I wanted to admit to myself. (Being an old-fashioned "tough guy). But as soon I realized it, things got much better. And I found my tribe on Substack. Self-medication helped me a lot during does dark anxious and stressfuk times. And I had it relatively easy compared to many others, especially in Melbourne. I think parts of the excess deaths are related to years of intense stress and anxiety caused by physical, emotional and social isolation. A real crime on humanity.
I recently met a person in her early thirties that “experienced” the horrors of Melbourne inner CBD lockdown. She described to my wife and I so many appalling and stunning occurrences that we were so totally unaware of. We knew things were bad - but not that bad. What frustrated her was that no one actually knew the reality of what she and so many others experienced. She had no reason to lie or exaggerate. She fortunately found a way to leave Victoria (like so many others) and is now very happily living in Hobart. Rebekah her story needs to be told. I used to be so proud of Australia.
Hello Rebecca, I've taken the liberty of posting a link to my work which perfectly compliments this piece: 'A PHOTO JOURNAL Of VICTORIA UNDER LOCKDOWN'
I have composed an extensive photo journal of what went down in Victoria under the malignant leadership of our premier, Dan Andrews. The photos tell a chronological narrative of how things progressed, and ultimately regressed into some of the darkest days we have lived as a society.
There are 100+ images that have been annotated, with a reflection on each stage, and a specific focus on official signs, scenes, propaganda images, street posters, billboards, graffiti and stickers... All are examined, contextualised and presented as "visual testaments" of our recent history...
Imo, there will be a modern style jubilee offering, that the non thinkers, of which there are many, will drag us ALL into the CBDC, etc, nightmare. A small offering in the beginning, to test the waters, then incremental offerings according to the "models" for each nations need/greed then hit the go button. "Convid" was a test pattern. Of course I may be wrong but just research the history of jubilees, what they really want is OUR land. Retire the debt but first you have to do something for us, details to be discussed later, hmmmm, sounds just like "the voice." Anyway I'm not falling for any of that tripe as I know anyone who follows Rebekah is of the same mind. What a time to be alive.😄
At the risk of being a conspiracy theorist (a badge of honour these days), could this tyranny have something to do with Daniel Andrews' comradeship with the CCP. The worst of them - Andrews, Trudeau, Ardern - would think they'd gone to paradise if they woke up spooning Xi.
Ken. I was fortunate enough to be checking my emails back in late November, 2019, when I came across a site where something told me to take the time to watch it. I had had some obscure pointers over the years, and that this was important to watch.
It was a current WEF Meeting taking place in regards to 'pandemics'. I couldn't understand why a US Military Officer was in attendance being asked some 'pertinent questions-but then the pennies dropped!! Over the next few days, after the cries of 'escaped biological pandemic', the 'broke' Western world had MILLIONS of dollars to spend against this 'pandemic'. Not just Trump; but morrison as well!! I thank GOD for the 'heads up'!!!
That was fortunate as I didn’t come to the realisation until Sep 2020 when the detectives arrested the Pregnant mum in Melbourne for a Facebook post.
Dan Andrews should be in jail for his crimes.
I thought WTF this is a penal colony and we are being ruled by dictatorial tyrants and the virus is a huge hoax. I was forewarned it was a scam by a mate in May 2020 but had to be led a little over time and do my research before I believed it completely as a hoax pandemic and the fact that bioweapon if it ever really existed as suchnever achieved what the DoD and Fauci and Baric had expected.
The human immune system is much more powerful than they gave it credit for BUT it is not powerful enough to always counteract the PEG and molecular toxins and genetic mRNA malfeasance they have added to those nano particle jabs that bio distribute to every organ in your body.
This is an excellent piece, you nailed it. Victorians were traumatised in a way other Australians weren’t. I saw the exact same trauma in Victorians at the big Canberra protest. They were emotionally in shock.
Another great article. Thank you. You are totally worth the monthly subscription, Rebekah. Great professional journalism. I usually don't do this but I think it is really important to support independents like you. So people, if you can afford a few bugs a months, please support her. Even if it is only a one off. It all adds up. Cheers.
So dystopian a lot of Australia but Melbourne had it the worst... I had an old 80s album, the first track was "Shut up, be Happy", Ice T and Jello Biafra's lyrics describing a population living in a sci fi scenario where they were locked down after work, and were to take drugs they were told to take by their work supervisor. Who ever thought Melbourne, in particular, would wind up in that scenario?
Melbourne news clips put to that same music track beloe... Looks like a scary movie, but it's what Melbournians suffered through.
I found it hard to believe, but this article says they polled the people of Victoria and they were in favour of the restrictions.
"QDOS Research, which polled the Victorian public on behalf of the government, found “most people seemed to take the 8pm to 5am curfew in their stride and see it a daily minor imposition and just another sensible tightening of restrictions in response to the health crisis”.
"Clearly the Andrews government had stopped following the science and started following the polls."
If only more people could be on the same page as us, the people who saw through the pandemic scam.
We all saw it at different times. Some saw it straight away in March 2020 and others didn’t see it until midway through 2021 and beyond BUT we all did finally see it in the end our and looking glass perception has been irrevocably changed forever.
It will matter, when the time comes.
So many want to forget, to focus on their property portfolio and sports. Of those, most will probably snap back into the tyranny like they never stopped chanting for our blood.
But some, a small % of a large number, will see - and they will know what is behind complicity this time. And a latent resolve will trigger within them.
And it will be enough.
The timer is almost at zero. We'll know soon enough, either way.
I agree. In 2020/21 it was less than 5%. Now I suspect there are in excess of 20%, hopeful they are wrong, but prepared to resist should the need arise. Most do not want to spend vital energy going over 'it', but, they're not going to do 'it' again.
Besides the brutality of the control measures, we need to also be aware of the unbelievable gaslighting that was going on. The forced isolation and censorship on social media meant that anyone who doubted the mainstream narrative had to fight really hard to hold ground. And the extent of the scam only became fully apparent in retrospect - and even then, they still try to cover it up.
I live in Brisbane, where the restrictions were nowhere near the level of Melbourne. Yet still, my dominant memory of those 2 years is of the pervasive fear that we were put into - for some, it was fear of the virus, but for others of us, it was fear of what our government was going to do next, what sort of irrational measures might be imposed, just how far were they going to go with the jab mandates. Even if you didn't watch the TV, you still had to follow the daily briefings, just so you didn't get caught unawares, perhaps locked out of your home state (as happened to many).
Fear is a potent poison, that stops people from thinking clearly and behaving rationally. And eventually, the mass hypnosis took over.
This is a fantastic interview
Dennis Rancourt speciality is statistics, proves beyond doubt the correlation between roll out of the ‘vaccine’ and excess deaths.
But outside his speciality he speculates who is behind it and what we need to do moving forward to stop it.
I lived through this in Melbourne. Cult Covid madness indeed, it nearly divided my family. The effects on my younger son and daughter both grown adults, still affects their mental health today. Moreso for my son who is high functioning autistic, routines shattered are especially detrimental. The insanity is still affecting the hospitals. My eldest daughter recently miscarried her first pregnancy after 3 injections. I got the call and went straight to emergency. Staff told me I was only allowed to stay 15 minutes. Even women miscarrying are allowed one visitor. I just ignored them. Thank you for writing your articles. They are a mark of clarity in a mad world.
I'm very sorry to hear this.
At the risk of sounding trite, I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s been a steady refrain from Victorians these past few years.
Yes, we suffered a deep trauma here in Melbourne. I remember snapping out of the trance sometime in late 2020. Then came the injections and the epic, brutal push to get a needle in every arm. I have never felt such a sense of personal danger and oppressive evil. I lost several friends to the covid sorcerers, and two of my closest relationships are strained even to this day. Most people want to forget and move on, but as you say, Rebekah, we must face what happened and acknowledge the profound trauma it caused.
Yes the personal danger aspect was new for me as well. I had never experienced that feeling before.
For me it was the rabid attack every time I questioned anything - anything!
Where's the evidence? JUST DO IT.
WTF. These people were not just hypnotised, they were manic in attacking the individual and removing all rights and personal responsibility for health, desperate to "protect others" by doing anything the government said.
The government are just people though, like me. With less morals and more likelihood of psychopathy. The obedience more than the mandates is what freaked me out. Like being in the Body Snatchers wtff.
I later read an account of Mao's Cultural Revolution, and it was, and still is, exactly like that. Denying all science and reason as they are against the state. Vaccines are safe and effective and men can be women. JFC.
Oh, yes, those rabid, ferocious attacks. And those bizarre, blank looks whenever I questioned the jabs. People stared right through me as if they neither saw nor heard me. I was spooked. The covid sorcerers cast a mighty spell over Melbourne, and those of us immune to their dark magic had to watch everyone else succumb to the madness.
Live in gratitude that you snapped out of it when you did
Well said.
Yes, exactly. We have found our incredible tribe. Have you read John Carter's Gideon's Army substack post? It is one of the most inspiring essays I have ever read.
Here is the link for you: https://barsoom.substack.com/p/gideons-army?publication_id=841240&post_id=98759171&isFreemail=true
Thanks heaps for posting that essay! It made my "Saved" pile!
It is just brilliant, isn't it? Whenever I feel dejected, I read it and feel full of strength and courage again.
Very impressive
As a mandated clinician it is abundantly clear that very, very few people stood-up for humanity, ethics or science, or have done so since. From Prof. Jane Halton, Chair of the Board of CEPI, to the Federal Military Junta commanding the Plandemic, all those cowardly clad thugs dressed as soldiers, or the local police that masqueraded as camp guards, all will in the end face their own judgement. At the same time, the politicians and msm must grapple with the abject meaningless of their pointless existences, because there there is no going back from their exposure.
Dan Andrew’s and his government revealed their true selves through COVID. What was the response? Victorians voted him back in with a landslide. Let them burn! You are wasting your time with this blatant wilful mass ignorance in middle class Australian society. Good times breed weak people let’s have another latte and watch the footy.
Your comment reminds me of this line from a piece I wrote for Umbrella News. Quoting Michael Gray Griffith, of Cafe Locked Out:
"Griffith, who is 57, says he feels a responsibility to defend the freedoms that he has enjoyed so that they can be handed to the next generation. “It’s not my job to give them away so that I can go and have a latte in a café,” he says dryly."
Thanks for that I’ll take a look.
I hope your platform makes in roads.
You have a massive undertaking ahead of you.
It wasn't a landslide win but a win by mathematics.
and subterfuge - Sack Dan Andrews party was registered by Dan Andrews devotees - as an example.
Shouldn't that be investigated? Luring people to vote for a party with deceitful title? It only shows to what length this man goes. Nothing that is happening in Vic. can be trusted, least of all the 15 minutes cities.
It was made illegal in other states, but Dan et al stopped that from happening here.
A bit more history here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Druery
I'm sorry but there will be no catharsis at my end. Not only will I never forget and never, ever forgive, but it should be clear by now to anyone who still possesses the ability to think autonomously that we are headed to a sequel - but this time around far worse than ever before. As if the multiple threats from the Climate Cult and The Voice are bad enough, we have another "pandemic" around the corner. Once the WHO has all member countries on the hook from 2024, it is just a mater of starting the countdown.
As per last time, the threat itself will likely be a negligible one (no point killing off half the population of worker bees). But this time around our Parliaments will be even more authoritarian than they were in January 2020 and our politicians and bureaucrats will be far more brazen than ever before. And if you decline to become part of a medical experiment next time around, don't think you will get off as lightly as merely losing a job and losing the right to enter anything other than the supermarket and post office. More than likely it will be 24 hour home detention with ankle bracelets or incarceration, along with total control of the bank account for online shopping only at approved providers. It could be worse of course - they may simply just cart us all off.
I am not trying to scaremonger. Infact had I known four years ago I would even write this I would have committed myself to a mental institution for critical assessment. But I am being realistic and trying to prepare people for a very possible scenario of what may transpire within the next 5 years. The final nail in the coffin was in the news today - Gerard Rennick has lost his Senate pre-selection for QLD. Now if you still thought that there were going to be good guys and girls on politics to stand up for you through all of this, think again. Parliament - now almost to a person except for a very small handful no doubt also on the chopping block - is simply two sides of the same coin. We have obviously decided to move to the North Korean model of policy management and it seems the population is well and truly on board with it. China is too watered down, so lets go straight to the strong stuff.
Don't be fooled thinking that citizens really are horrified by what happened during COVID. They are not. They are all on board with it and want more. Further to that, they want to see the dissenters suffer much more than we did over the last three years.
Don't shoot me. I am only the messenger.
I only realized that I got traumatized by all this about 6 months ago. My blood pressure also got high for the first time in my life. It was way more stressful to me then I wanted to admit to myself. (Being an old-fashioned "tough guy). But as soon I realized it, things got much better. And I found my tribe on Substack. Self-medication helped me a lot during does dark anxious and stressfuk times. And I had it relatively easy compared to many others, especially in Melbourne. I think parts of the excess deaths are related to years of intense stress and anxiety caused by physical, emotional and social isolation. A real crime on humanity.
I recently met a person in her early thirties that “experienced” the horrors of Melbourne inner CBD lockdown. She described to my wife and I so many appalling and stunning occurrences that we were so totally unaware of. We knew things were bad - but not that bad. What frustrated her was that no one actually knew the reality of what she and so many others experienced. She had no reason to lie or exaggerate. She fortunately found a way to leave Victoria (like so many others) and is now very happily living in Hobart. Rebekah her story needs to be told. I used to be so proud of Australia.
If she would like to tell me her story, my email is [email protected]
Hello Rebecca, I've taken the liberty of posting a link to my work which perfectly compliments this piece: 'A PHOTO JOURNAL Of VICTORIA UNDER LOCKDOWN'
I have composed an extensive photo journal of what went down in Victoria under the malignant leadership of our premier, Dan Andrews. The photos tell a chronological narrative of how things progressed, and ultimately regressed into some of the darkest days we have lived as a society.
There are 100+ images that have been annotated, with a reflection on each stage, and a specific focus on official signs, scenes, propaganda images, street posters, billboards, graffiti and stickers... All are examined, contextualised and presented as "visual testaments" of our recent history...
Subscribed and the piece looks really good👍
An important and very good detailed record and comment, Stephen. Thank you.
Imo, there will be a modern style jubilee offering, that the non thinkers, of which there are many, will drag us ALL into the CBDC, etc, nightmare. A small offering in the beginning, to test the waters, then incremental offerings according to the "models" for each nations need/greed then hit the go button. "Convid" was a test pattern. Of course I may be wrong but just research the history of jubilees, what they really want is OUR land. Retire the debt but first you have to do something for us, details to be discussed later, hmmmm, sounds just like "the voice." Anyway I'm not falling for any of that tripe as I know anyone who follows Rebekah is of the same mind. What a time to be alive.😄
At the risk of being a conspiracy theorist (a badge of honour these days), could this tyranny have something to do with Daniel Andrews' comradeship with the CCP. The worst of them - Andrews, Trudeau, Ardern - would think they'd gone to paradise if they woke up spooning Xi.
Ken. I was fortunate enough to be checking my emails back in late November, 2019, when I came across a site where something told me to take the time to watch it. I had had some obscure pointers over the years, and that this was important to watch.
It was a current WEF Meeting taking place in regards to 'pandemics'. I couldn't understand why a US Military Officer was in attendance being asked some 'pertinent questions-but then the pennies dropped!! Over the next few days, after the cries of 'escaped biological pandemic', the 'broke' Western world had MILLIONS of dollars to spend against this 'pandemic'. Not just Trump; but morrison as well!! I thank GOD for the 'heads up'!!!
That was fortunate as I didn’t come to the realisation until Sep 2020 when the detectives arrested the Pregnant mum in Melbourne for a Facebook post.
Dan Andrews should be in jail for his crimes.
I thought WTF this is a penal colony and we are being ruled by dictatorial tyrants and the virus is a huge hoax. I was forewarned it was a scam by a mate in May 2020 but had to be led a little over time and do my research before I believed it completely as a hoax pandemic and the fact that bioweapon if it ever really existed as suchnever achieved what the DoD and Fauci and Baric had expected.
The human immune system is much more powerful than they gave it credit for BUT it is not powerful enough to always counteract the PEG and molecular toxins and genetic mRNA malfeasance they have added to those nano particle jabs that bio distribute to every organ in your body.
This is an excellent piece, you nailed it. Victorians were traumatised in a way other Australians weren’t. I saw the exact same trauma in Victorians at the big Canberra protest. They were emotionally in shock.
Another great article. Thank you. You are totally worth the monthly subscription, Rebekah. Great professional journalism. I usually don't do this but I think it is really important to support independents like you. So people, if you can afford a few bugs a months, please support her. Even if it is only a one off. It all adds up. Cheers.
Thanks Markus. I finally set up a Kofi page too, for one-off contributions:
So dystopian a lot of Australia but Melbourne had it the worst... I had an old 80s album, the first track was "Shut up, be Happy", Ice T and Jello Biafra's lyrics describing a population living in a sci fi scenario where they were locked down after work, and were to take drugs they were told to take by their work supervisor. Who ever thought Melbourne, in particular, would wind up in that scenario?
Melbourne news clips put to that same music track beloe... Looks like a scary movie, but it's what Melbournians suffered through.
I found it hard to believe, but this article says they polled the people of Victoria and they were in favour of the restrictions.
"QDOS Research, which polled the Victorian public on behalf of the government, found “most people seemed to take the 8pm to 5am curfew in their stride and see it a daily minor imposition and just another sensible tightening of restrictions in response to the health crisis”.
"Clearly the Andrews government had stopped following the science and started following the polls."