Thank you for this Rebekah it's a major bombshell that shows how corrupt this industry has become and has massive implications for those other political retractions in this area.
But - this one was clearly prompted by the scare that the pharma corporations had when Dr Been described his realisation that this paper showed the pathway by which this spike protein can cause cancer. And that they made our own cells express it.
It's been great to see Dr Been come around slowly to realise the danger of making cells behave abnormally and express non self protein, including the interruption of normal cellular processes and the danger of the spike itself.
I had stopped watching him, in favour of watching Dr John Campbell come to the realisation of the dangers of both mRNA and DNA vector injections (given the amount of time to watch videos in a given day!), but I enjoyed Been's balanced approach from the beginning.
I'll try find the video you mentioned, I'm really interested to see it.
He is so balanced AND unfortunately he is vaccinated. When he was the subject of threats from You-tube ,etc. after that video- I knew for sure the world had gone mad.
Another day, another infuriating revelation (despite being long-suspected). Academic publishing is broken beyond repair, monopolized by gate-keepers, corrupt interests, and deeply unserious, cowardly, self-interested people.
I suspect it was his employer, given he made his retraction request the day after they began their 'investigation', but who knows; I wouldn't rule anything out at this point!
Thanks for this great article Rebekah, I'm forwarding to many people, this demonstrates the kind of corrupt power real science is up against when it damages a business plan (or maybe a more devious plan than just money, as many drugs at first hint of danger have been withdrawn from the market, not mRNA though 🤔)
A friend sent me a link the other day, and it seems our own government, are no closer to reconsidering the danger of mRNA jabs, quite the opposite..
Internally there's a new plan underway in Australia called the "National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030"... (Note the date of this strategy... 2030 🤔)
It's open for submissions from the public now, but if you download the pdf of the PROPOSED GOALS, then you can see their business plan to try and usurp Australians bodily autonomy rights once more, but this time there is no room to say no possibly, by the way these proposed goals read*:
Proposed priority areas.
Priority Area 1: Improve immunisation coverage through universal and EQUITABLE access to vaccination, with a focus on FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE...
Priority Area 2: STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY engagement, awareness and ACCEPTANCE OF IMMUNISATION........
Priority Area 3: STRENGTHEN program GOVERNANCE, how we manage and MONITOR programs and account to the public. Priority Area 4: Use DATA and evidence TO MONITOR performance,TARGET INTERVENTIONS and build confidence.
Priority Area 5: STRENGTHEN a diverse IMMUNISATION WORKFORCE to work with Australia's diverse population.
Priority Area 6: Prepare for EMERGING INFECTIOUS diseases and EMERGENCIES requiring rapid and/or TARGETED VACCINATION..."
Note the words/terms: "governance" "targeted" "intervention" "rapid" "vaccination" "emergencies" "acceptance of vaccination"
It certainly sounds like the government is building a web tomake sure you take an mRNA nasty, or other vaxs...
Make sure Aboriginals are targetted hard (under the guise of "equity"), make sure the community are propagandised to accept forced vaccination, install governance to monitor those who haven't taken their mandatory vax, put together a taskforce to target the unwilling, upon the next planned bullsh!t "emergency" targeted vaccination of the unwilling will be required.
Like a Jonestown scenario (for those of us awake enough to see mRNA is a long term multipronged poison)
Who needs the IHR amendments or WHO Pandemic treaty when this is being played out within your own country™?
Jane Halton basically runs the Australian vaccination show on behalf of CEPI. Her husband is Trevor Sutton, deputy of the ABS, possibly behind the minimizing of excess death numbers activly done by the ABS just before the las Christmas Break:
These two seem to be at epi centre of the Australian mRNA push and pretty much push Health Minister Butler around as they please (Note recent speech of Butler at the WHO)
If you can expose these two Rebekah, you will do Australia a huge favour.
Maynr it is worth digging into Trevor Sutton. I started with the ABS in above article but ran out of energy. Maybe I will pick it up again because that paricular feed to ABC news was so blatanly misleading the Austalian public, maybe there is more here to dig up for a proper journalist like yourself.
I also noticed, that the first Submission filed for the "Excess Death Committee" of the Senate came from the ABS. I haven't read it yet - just curious why they are so keen to get in there straight away. Famously, the ABS also changed their rules regarding calculating the Excess Death that wiped thousands excess deaths of the stats for 2022. I included a graph in my latest article, that visulizes the difference this makes to the excess death numbers -
I know I write a lot of "wacky" stuff but occassionally I do proper research and fact based stuff, and all the above links are the latter fuelled by the will to expose what is going on behind the scences - so please consider them.
And lastly, you mention Correctiv in your article, Rebekah.
That is well worth investigating. I did, but in German so I won't provide the links in connection with a false hit piece they did in the beginning of the year regarding the AfD party in Germany. This single hit peace change the whole politcal landscape in Germany - it lead to the demonization of the AfD as "Neo-Nazis" and country wide so-called "save the German democracy" protests.
My older sister fell for it and stated how proud she was that she attended her first demostration aged 66. That lead me into digging into it and open her eyes regarding "Correctiv".
In short, it is gloablist funded NGO (including Soros), pretending to defend democracy in Germany. The AfD party are anti-globalist. Before the hit piece, the AfD polled at 23% now araound 18%.
So that Correctiv is involved in the surpression of this study is no surprise and it provides a link to the Globalists if you dig deeper.
Correctiv Founder, David Schraven is well worth digging into it.
Schraven was one of the founders of "Ruhrbarone" in 2007, only one year after the police for the protection of the German consititution (Verfassungsschutz) stopped monitoring Schraven. They monitored him for years prior as threat to the German Democracy because of his extreme-left activities.
Ruhbarone is part of the extrem-left organisations called "Antideutsche", previously monitored by the German Verfassungsschutz. So was Schraven. (Sorry can't find link anymore but I am sure it was in Wikipedia" but nothing comes up now on searches "Shraven Antideutsche"
Anyway, experts can dig it out. Antideutsche has strong links to Isreal, especially extreme-left Zionists. I suspect Shraven, the head of Corrective, is a Mossad asset.
It is also mind-blowing how Correctiv becamse the darling and hero of traditional thorough investigative presitigeous mainstream newspaper like the Sueddeutsche Zeitung and many more. They seem to willfully ignore Shravens problematic past and connection to Zionists and Correctiv's globalist funding - open to see for everyone.
How ironic - this guy was deemed a serious threat to the Germans democracy, so they monitored him up until 2006. Less than 10 years later, in 2014, he gets financed by globalist organisations to found Correctiv which pretends to provide, according to their Website "independend journalism" to "protect Democracy in Germany".
It just show hoe much left the whole German society, including the police, shifted in the past 15 years.
If you want a case study on how effective the globalist left under Soros manipulated the German elections in 2024 - through Shraven and Corrective - it doesn't get any better.
Brilliant comment, Steve! It's extremely concerning. I started my submission last night only to be infuriated by the 300-character limit to free-text feedback. I saved it so I could de-escalate and try again later. The consultation process is a joke and there is little option for nuance within the required responses, leaving you to either answer inaccurately (and essentially in support) or say 'not important' which will no-doubt see your response completely disregarded. I've since realised the final comment section has a 6000-character limit so I plan to put all my feedback there, rather than fight with the smaller sections (editing down to fit, to the point of being completely useless), although I do wonder what good it will do when they plan to push it through regardless, like so many other things.
Hahaha! I've been perpetually infuriated these past few years! I'm exhausted! Thanks for all the work you do to bring us this information, Rebekah. Truly, I do not know where we'd be without people like you.
Thank you Laine, I'll do my submission tonight, thank you for the tip off about the frustratingly small amount of room to write feedback!
I think they'll steamroll this through like everything else, but at least we can give our two cents to this crazy plan, the government is certainly not working for us.
It's the language of "kindness" that hides the plans of corruption, and blindsides the public (that's if they're even aware of course, of a) The plan itself or b) That mRNA especially has many dangers known and unknown and should not be injected into anyone)
At this point of course it's beyond corruption, as the harms are well known... The continuation of mRNA is plainly murderous and evil.
Most definitely! It killed my childrens father in a years time. He had heart surgery and there was no cancer at the time. Within 6 months of these jabs he had fill body( heart included) cancer. Died a month after diagnosis. He was 60 years old. My chipdren are grown but hurts no less. Died Oct 28th 2022.
so horrible. So sorry for your loss. We need a coming together for the vaccine injured and those who had a vaccine related death in their circle. I believe there would not be a venue large enough.
Absolutely agree, Steve! And happy to provide that small insight. I think I edited one of my responses six times (from ~750 characters gradually down to 300) before realising that the dilution of the response made it useless (by design, no doubt). All the best with your submission!
The Australian government as well as UK, German, Canadian, US government (DARPA invested 1,5 billion in Moderna) have given lots of money to build mRNA production facilities. These governments will not be willing to give up easily on their mRNA success fairytale. They will cling to their propaganda as much as they can.
Indeed. It is immediately apparent that many now accept that the previous standards for developing pharma products etc (ethics approval & research standards) have now been incinerated. Instead of a product taking 5-10 years of clear clinical trials, it appears that a few months is all good...and the public are also accepting of it...where will it go?
There’s a survey at this site-pretty easy to fill out, and if we do it, gov. can’t say we didn’t provide input. (I would reckon that most input would be negative)
But it’s got to be done by June 19. Doesn’t take long-go to website above and relevant article is 3rd down I think. Survey is mentioned
Finally, it should be recognized that retractions are a small tip of a very large iceberg. They are the last step in a long series of censorship processes designed to remove any semblance of truth from the published research literature. I have documented this process in detail (, and it is ongoing to this day.
Fancy a scientist citing science as an unreliable metric on which to judge a scientific paper in a science journal. We really have entered the Twighlight Zone.
SO sick to death of these corrupt journals running cover for corrupt Pharmaceutical companies acting akin to a Mafia.
It is telling that we have gone from Public watchdog to criminal Capo's and enablers, willing to bury and obliterate harms, and let people die, just because they're all so cowed by intimidation and threats to their funding.
NO journal, and NO Regulatory body should be accepting funding from the very people they're tasked with policing.
It's a recipe for extortion playing out right now in prime time.
As long as this goes on, Public confidence will continue to be decimated.
Behavior like this is 100% normal at the topmost level of Big Science. A now-deceased friend with a Nobel prize for medicine, was treated much worse than this lady.
And criminal behavior at that level is quite common. Cary Mullis, who shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing the PCR technique (for detect HIV's genetic material), publicly called for Anthony Fauci to be jailed for his unprincipled hijacking of the entire drug development process.
To anyone, such as myself, working in frontline medicine, it was obvious when reading the pre-issue details of the "vaccines", that multiple risks were involved, including cancer.
Unfortunately, my feeling is that a minute percentage of doctors actually devoted the time to read the details.
Anecdotally I have seen a large jump in cancer cases since the program commenced including one healthy young man with 3 different types of cancer.
This is in addition to an explosion in other inflammatory diseases.
No surprise to anyone with a fundamental grasp of medicine.
RIGHT? So obvious. I informed my colleagues of what I had been reading and also asked the question" Have we ever vaccinated during a pandemic? Doesn't that seem like a huge mistake?" Blank faces....And one comment I will never forget " I don't have time to read studies, I just wait for my yearly CME update and those people tell me what I need to know. " I was forced to resign shortly after. It's tough to remain in Medicine!
Correct - most all the Drs/PhD's I know were completely taken by the hype and still to this day 'appear' (for lack of any action whatsoever) to still be either uninterested, scared, stupid or unconvinced of any wrongdoing in this the worlds largest farce!
Great article. This type of external pressure on journal editors goes on all the time. I interpret Jiangs 6-reasons as a shambles. No intelligent person, such as he, could make such ridiculous, unscientific statements, unless extreme pressure was exerted. Mei's statements point to that interpretation. There is an Economics journal in New Zealand that has been forced to retract papers on negative fallout of the vaccines, after being contacted by a certain government thug, who parades as a epidemiology modeler. I have that first hand from the author.
Until there are consequences for dishonest academics, like permanent ban from publication, the same way I was cancelled, losing 2 medical licenses, and unable to get a new one in Texas with the Texas medical board because I cured 3 patients with Ivermectin, there's not going to be any end to this acaademic fraud.
There's 2 papers in the article I wrote last year of academics deserving of censure. The first is an easy example that anyone can understand, and half way down the page is the second article proving fraudulent cancellation of a well done cell biology experiment showing DNA alteration by mRNA.
As an adjunctive therapy, grounding (24/7) must be considered. One study found a nearly four times increase in red blood cell velocity, with clumping reduced by the same factor, after just an hour connected to earth. With no extra work by the heart. Not to mention the unique anti-inflammatory actions of the quantum particles.
Dark-field microscopy images even show the zeta potential increases in real time:
If the D-Dimer is high you need blood thinners. I personally would also eat natto or take nattokinase since it acts as a blood thinner and breaks down spike protein.
However, one has to take into account the accumulative effect of blood thinners. I would recommend checking the blood (d-dimer?).
If it is sufficient to only eat natto in order to lower D-Dimer, then I would switch to a daily natto intake.
Natto is fermented (soy)beans, and is a very healthy food.
You need medical advice. High D-dimer means your body is busy breaking down clots. That could be a bad thing, if they are accumulating and your body can't keep up, or a good thing, if you are in the process of actually getting rid of them.. So you need a doctor to look at you and figure out what is going on. I am not a medical doctor.
its such a Broad test on its own. You have inflammation- but where??? I use it as a more rule out kind of test. I would see a functional medicine provider . Do more blood work and get a full exam. Julie Clarke FNP
Thank you for this Rebekah it's a major bombshell that shows how corrupt this industry has become and has massive implications for those other political retractions in this area.
But - this one was clearly prompted by the scare that the pharma corporations had when Dr Been described his realisation that this paper showed the pathway by which this spike protein can cause cancer. And that they made our own cells express it.
As Dr Been says - "Wicked".
That's the only word.
It's been great to see Dr Been come around slowly to realise the danger of making cells behave abnormally and express non self protein, including the interruption of normal cellular processes and the danger of the spike itself.
I had stopped watching him, in favour of watching Dr John Campbell come to the realisation of the dangers of both mRNA and DNA vector injections (given the amount of time to watch videos in a given day!), but I enjoyed Been's balanced approach from the beginning.
I'll try find the video you mentioned, I'm really interested to see it.
Can you pls post it here if you find Beens video?, so i can add it to "turbo cancer" page at
Wasn't it cool to watch Campbell and Been figure it out? Kind of like watching an angel get their wings.
He is so balanced AND unfortunately he is vaccinated. When he was the subject of threats from You-tube ,etc. after that video- I knew for sure the world had gone mad.
Dr. Syed and others-heros of the planet!
Of course they had to retract it... they must do whatever it takes to ensure this does not fail
How dare people......errr.....notice the actual data in the real world. GET IT TAKEN DOWN!
Another day, another infuriating revelation (despite being long-suspected). Academic publishing is broken beyond repair, monopolized by gate-keepers, corrupt interests, and deeply unserious, cowardly, self-interested people.
How, and by whom was the retracting author was coerced is the money shot.
I suspect it was his employer, given he made his retraction request the day after they began their 'investigation', but who knows; I wouldn't rule anything out at this point!
and where is he?? Sounds like he is a Chinese citizen that suddenly was made to go home??
You were quite right - this is an article worth reading, and hopefully it will reach a wide audience.
Of course, this is not the only scientific scandal of the Covid era... but it was certainly one of the earliest and most outrageous ones.
Thank you for all your hard work on this, and for presenting it so well!
The wider audience is stupid ... it won't reach them
Time for the medical establishment to stop being "baffled" over the sudden rise of cancers.
I don't think they are baffled. More will simply go into oncology, where the money will be. SAD!
Thanks for this great article Rebekah, I'm forwarding to many people, this demonstrates the kind of corrupt power real science is up against when it damages a business plan (or maybe a more devious plan than just money, as many drugs at first hint of danger have been withdrawn from the market, not mRNA though 🤔)
A friend sent me a link the other day, and it seems our own government, are no closer to reconsidering the danger of mRNA jabs, quite the opposite..
Internally there's a new plan underway in Australia called the "National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030"... (Note the date of this strategy... 2030 🤔)
It's open for submissions from the public now, but if you download the pdf of the PROPOSED GOALS, then you can see their business plan to try and usurp Australians bodily autonomy rights once more, but this time there is no room to say no possibly, by the way these proposed goals read*:
Proposed priority areas.
Priority Area 1: Improve immunisation coverage through universal and EQUITABLE access to vaccination, with a focus on FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE...
Priority Area 2: STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY engagement, awareness and ACCEPTANCE OF IMMUNISATION........
Priority Area 3: STRENGTHEN program GOVERNANCE, how we manage and MONITOR programs and account to the public. Priority Area 4: Use DATA and evidence TO MONITOR performance,TARGET INTERVENTIONS and build confidence.
Priority Area 5: STRENGTHEN a diverse IMMUNISATION WORKFORCE to work with Australia's diverse population.
Priority Area 6: Prepare for EMERGING INFECTIOUS diseases and EMERGENCIES requiring rapid and/or TARGETED VACCINATION..."
Note the words/terms: "governance" "targeted" "intervention" "rapid" "vaccination" "emergencies" "acceptance of vaccination"
It certainly sounds like the government is building a web tomake sure you take an mRNA nasty, or other vaxs...
Make sure Aboriginals are targetted hard (under the guise of "equity"), make sure the community are propagandised to accept forced vaccination, install governance to monitor those who haven't taken their mandatory vax, put together a taskforce to target the unwilling, upon the next planned bullsh!t "emergency" targeted vaccination of the unwilling will be required.
Like a Jonestown scenario (for those of us awake enough to see mRNA is a long term multipronged poison)
Who needs the IHR amendments or WHO Pandemic treaty when this is being played out within your own country™?
(™owned by pharma, WEF and associates)
*Capitalisation added by me for emphasis.
All this, in conjunction with Australia's unwavering commitment to pushing the WHO Pandemic Treaty and implementing the IHR...
And of course, the "hate speech" legislation (AKA censorship laws) which will make it a criminal offence to speak out against any of it.
Great comment and great work from Rebekah.
I researched and covered in depth the Australian Vaccination Push and especially Prof. Jane Halton's role in it (, and
Jane Halton basically runs the Australian vaccination show on behalf of CEPI. Her husband is Trevor Sutton, deputy of the ABS, possibly behind the minimizing of excess death numbers activly done by the ABS just before the las Christmas Break:
The couple ranked No. 3 in in The Canberra Times for "Canberra's Top 10 power couples" (paywalled)
These two seem to be at epi centre of the Australian mRNA push and pretty much push Health Minister Butler around as they please (Note recent speech of Butler at the WHO)
If you can expose these two Rebekah, you will do Australia a huge favour.
Maynr it is worth digging into Trevor Sutton. I started with the ABS in above article but ran out of energy. Maybe I will pick it up again because that paricular feed to ABC news was so blatanly misleading the Austalian public, maybe there is more here to dig up for a proper journalist like yourself.
I also noticed, that the first Submission filed for the "Excess Death Committee" of the Senate came from the ABS. I haven't read it yet - just curious why they are so keen to get in there straight away. Famously, the ABS also changed their rules regarding calculating the Excess Death that wiped thousands excess deaths of the stats for 2022. I included a graph in my latest article, that visulizes the difference this makes to the excess death numbers -
I know I write a lot of "wacky" stuff but occassionally I do proper research and fact based stuff, and all the above links are the latter fuelled by the will to expose what is going on behind the scences - so please consider them.
And lastly, you mention Correctiv in your article, Rebekah.
That is well worth investigating. I did, but in German so I won't provide the links in connection with a false hit piece they did in the beginning of the year regarding the AfD party in Germany. This single hit peace change the whole politcal landscape in Germany - it lead to the demonization of the AfD as "Neo-Nazis" and country wide so-called "save the German democracy" protests.
My older sister fell for it and stated how proud she was that she attended her first demostration aged 66. That lead me into digging into it and open her eyes regarding "Correctiv".
In short, it is gloablist funded NGO (including Soros), pretending to defend democracy in Germany. The AfD party are anti-globalist. Before the hit piece, the AfD polled at 23% now araound 18%.
So that Correctiv is involved in the surpression of this study is no surprise and it provides a link to the Globalists if you dig deeper.
Correctiv Founder, David Schraven is well worth digging into it.
Schraven was one of the founders of "Ruhrbarone" in 2007, only one year after the police for the protection of the German consititution (Verfassungsschutz) stopped monitoring Schraven. They monitored him for years prior as threat to the German Democracy because of his extreme-left activities.
Ruhbarone is part of the extrem-left organisations called "Antideutsche", previously monitored by the German Verfassungsschutz. So was Schraven. (Sorry can't find link anymore but I am sure it was in Wikipedia" but nothing comes up now on searches "Shraven Antideutsche"
Anyway, experts can dig it out. Antideutsche has strong links to Isreal, especially extreme-left Zionists. I suspect Shraven, the head of Corrective, is a Mossad asset.
It is also mind-blowing how Correctiv becamse the darling and hero of traditional thorough investigative presitigeous mainstream newspaper like the Sueddeutsche Zeitung and many more. They seem to willfully ignore Shravens problematic past and connection to Zionists and Correctiv's globalist funding - open to see for everyone.
How ironic - this guy was deemed a serious threat to the Germans democracy, so they monitored him up until 2006. Less than 10 years later, in 2014, he gets financed by globalist organisations to found Correctiv which pretends to provide, according to their Website "independend journalism" to "protect Democracy in Germany".
It just show hoe much left the whole German society, including the police, shifted in the past 15 years.
If you want a case study on how effective the globalist left under Soros manipulated the German elections in 2024 - through Shraven and Corrective - it doesn't get any better.
I wish someone would pay me and I would do it.
Thanks Markus, bookmarked for reading.
Brilliant comment, Steve! It's extremely concerning. I started my submission last night only to be infuriated by the 300-character limit to free-text feedback. I saved it so I could de-escalate and try again later. The consultation process is a joke and there is little option for nuance within the required responses, leaving you to either answer inaccurately (and essentially in support) or say 'not important' which will no-doubt see your response completely disregarded. I've since realised the final comment section has a 6000-character limit so I plan to put all my feedback there, rather than fight with the smaller sections (editing down to fit, to the point of being completely useless), although I do wonder what good it will do when they plan to push it through regardless, like so many other things.
Poor Laine is infuriated from every angle today!! And rightly so!
Hahaha! I've been perpetually infuriated these past few years! I'm exhausted! Thanks for all the work you do to bring us this information, Rebekah. Truly, I do not know where we'd be without people like you.
Thank you Laine, I'll do my submission tonight, thank you for the tip off about the frustratingly small amount of room to write feedback!
I think they'll steamroll this through like everything else, but at least we can give our two cents to this crazy plan, the government is certainly not working for us.
It's the language of "kindness" that hides the plans of corruption, and blindsides the public (that's if they're even aware of course, of a) The plan itself or b) That mRNA especially has many dangers known and unknown and should not be injected into anyone)
At this point of course it's beyond corruption, as the harms are well known... The continuation of mRNA is plainly murderous and evil.
Most definitely! It killed my childrens father in a years time. He had heart surgery and there was no cancer at the time. Within 6 months of these jabs he had fill body( heart included) cancer. Died a month after diagnosis. He was 60 years old. My chipdren are grown but hurts no less. Died Oct 28th 2022.
so horrible. So sorry for your loss. We need a coming together for the vaccine injured and those who had a vaccine related death in their circle. I believe there would not be a venue large enough.
I agree. Thank you kindly.
Absolutely agree, Steve! And happy to provide that small insight. I think I edited one of my responses six times (from ~750 characters gradually down to 300) before realising that the dilution of the response made it useless (by design, no doubt). All the best with your submission!
The Australian government as well as UK, German, Canadian, US government (DARPA invested 1,5 billion in Moderna) have given lots of money to build mRNA production facilities. These governments will not be willing to give up easily on their mRNA success fairytale. They will cling to their propaganda as much as they can.
Indeed. It is immediately apparent that many now accept that the previous standards for developing pharma products etc (ethics approval & research standards) have now been incinerated. Instead of a product taking 5-10 years of clear clinical trials, it appears that a few months is all good...and the public are also accepting of it...where will it go?
There’s a survey at this site-pretty easy to fill out, and if we do it, gov. can’t say we didn’t provide input. (I would reckon that most input would be negative)
But it’s got to be done by June 19. Doesn’t take long-go to website above and relevant article is 3rd down I think. Survey is mentioned
Try emailing it to a Vaxxer
At this point ‘experts’ can tell me that the sky is blue and I will still look outside and check for myself…
EXACTLY! I feel the same way at this point!!!
What happened to that paper occurred many times over in the last four years. Our paper showing that the Covid-19 vaccines were ineffective even for the most vulnerable demographic (65+) was retracted after being posted for seven months on the journal's Website. I documented the whole retraction process, and posted the documentation as an Op-ed on Trial Site News ( The important fact to recognize is that these adverse effects (cancer, cardio, neuro, etc.) were not an unintended or unexpected consequence of the injections; they derive from the fundamental Modus Operandi of the shots (;
Finally, it should be recognized that retractions are a small tip of a very large iceberg. They are the last step in a long series of censorship processes designed to remove any semblance of truth from the published research literature. I have documented this process in detail (, and it is ongoing to this day.
Good comment thanks Ron, and sorry this happened to you too.
Fancy a scientist citing science as an unreliable metric on which to judge a scientific paper in a science journal. We really have entered the Twighlight Zone.
Well put!!
SO sick to death of these corrupt journals running cover for corrupt Pharmaceutical companies acting akin to a Mafia.
It is telling that we have gone from Public watchdog to criminal Capo's and enablers, willing to bury and obliterate harms, and let people die, just because they're all so cowed by intimidation and threats to their funding.
NO journal, and NO Regulatory body should be accepting funding from the very people they're tasked with policing.
It's a recipe for extortion playing out right now in prime time.
As long as this goes on, Public confidence will continue to be decimated.
It's a Catch22 of cowardice.
Behavior like this is 100% normal at the topmost level of Big Science. A now-deceased friend with a Nobel prize for medicine, was treated much worse than this lady.
And criminal behavior at that level is quite common. Cary Mullis, who shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing the PCR technique (for detect HIV's genetic material), publicly called for Anthony Fauci to be jailed for his unprincipled hijacking of the entire drug development process.
We go back a long way...
Agree. I worked in the Uni system for nearly 15 years and like many, I can tell a few tales similar to this...
Brilliant work Rebekah.
To anyone, such as myself, working in frontline medicine, it was obvious when reading the pre-issue details of the "vaccines", that multiple risks were involved, including cancer.
Unfortunately, my feeling is that a minute percentage of doctors actually devoted the time to read the details.
Anecdotally I have seen a large jump in cancer cases since the program commenced including one healthy young man with 3 different types of cancer.
This is in addition to an explosion in other inflammatory diseases.
No surprise to anyone with a fundamental grasp of medicine.
My young man of 27 was Pfizered in 2021.
He has recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and nearly lost his eyes to Necrotizing Scleritis.
"Nothing to see here."
Very sad story.
Sorry to hear it.
Also a story similar to hundreds I have seen.
RIGHT? So obvious. I informed my colleagues of what I had been reading and also asked the question" Have we ever vaccinated during a pandemic? Doesn't that seem like a huge mistake?" Blank faces....And one comment I will never forget " I don't have time to read studies, I just wait for my yearly CME update and those people tell me what I need to know. " I was forced to resign shortly after. It's tough to remain in Medicine!
Similar to what I have heard multiple times.
So sad that the medical "industry" now punishes the critical thinkers and rewards blind following of "The Experts".
Correct - most all the Drs/PhD's I know were completely taken by the hype and still to this day 'appear' (for lack of any action whatsoever) to still be either uninterested, scared, stupid or unconvinced of any wrongdoing in this the worlds largest farce!
Great article. This type of external pressure on journal editors goes on all the time. I interpret Jiangs 6-reasons as a shambles. No intelligent person, such as he, could make such ridiculous, unscientific statements, unless extreme pressure was exerted. Mei's statements point to that interpretation. There is an Economics journal in New Zealand that has been forced to retract papers on negative fallout of the vaccines, after being contacted by a certain government thug, who parades as a epidemiology modeler. I have that first hand from the author.
I’m not surprised.
Until there are consequences for dishonest academics, like permanent ban from publication, the same way I was cancelled, losing 2 medical licenses, and unable to get a new one in Texas with the Texas medical board because I cured 3 patients with Ivermectin, there's not going to be any end to this acaademic fraud.
There's 2 papers in the article I wrote last year of academics deserving of censure. The first is an easy example that anyone can understand, and half way down the page is the second article proving fraudulent cancellation of a well done cell biology experiment showing DNA alteration by mRNA.
How does a person lower their “D-Dimer” blood test result? Thanks ….
As an adjunctive therapy, grounding (24/7) must be considered. One study found a nearly four times increase in red blood cell velocity, with clumping reduced by the same factor, after just an hour connected to earth. With no extra work by the heart. Not to mention the unique anti-inflammatory actions of the quantum particles.
Dark-field microscopy images even show the zeta potential increases in real time:
I am not a Medical Doctor.
If the D-Dimer is high you need blood thinners. I personally would also eat natto or take nattokinase since it acts as a blood thinner and breaks down spike protein.
However, one has to take into account the accumulative effect of blood thinners. I would recommend checking the blood (d-dimer?).
If it is sufficient to only eat natto in order to lower D-Dimer, then I would switch to a daily natto intake.
Natto is fermented (soy)beans, and is a very healthy food.
You need medical advice. High D-dimer means your body is busy breaking down clots. That could be a bad thing, if they are accumulating and your body can't keep up, or a good thing, if you are in the process of actually getting rid of them.. So you need a doctor to look at you and figure out what is going on. I am not a medical doctor.
its such a Broad test on its own. You have inflammation- but where??? I use it as a more rule out kind of test. I would see a functional medicine provider . Do more blood work and get a full exam. Julie Clarke FNP
🙏 Excellent journalism.✅✅✅✅✅
Thanks Rebekah. Great work!