Jul 31Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Fantastic work Rebekah.

As always, I despair at the lack of clinical acumen shown by 90% of my profession (medicine), in blindly following the diktats of the technocratic and political classes.

You put them to shame.

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A brilliant submission, Rebekah, and such an important angle from which to consider this unprecedented disaster. Wherever comments sections are open, it is clear that people are aware of the deception and desperately crying out for help. It's a disgrace that so many posts purposely censor these experiences, or worse - pretend to care and then delete people's responses. I also agree wholeheartedly with Gareth regarding medicine, allied health, and my (former) professional of nursing. How they have allowed this to happen still floors me.

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One of the phrases that stuck with me most in my social science degree (an academic stream so often maligned as not being 'real science') was the idea that qualitative data can provide a 'thick description'. That is so very lacking from the official perspective of the impacts of the vaccination rollout, I'm afraid. I agree that social science can often be sloppy (I thought the grievance studies project was fantastic) but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water IMO.

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