Evidence of mRNA vaccine genomic integration?
A rapid response to emerging research, from three leading voices
Following the circulation of an Italian long Covid study purported to show evidence of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine genomically integrating with subjects’ DNA, three leading voices have offered their views in a rapid response.
The small study, titled Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome, tested for the presence of viral and vaccine spike protein in a cohort of 81 long Covid patients. The scientists identified both viral and vaccine spike in the blood serum of several of the study participants. The significance of this finding is two fold:
It’s yet another confirmation that, contrary to the claims of regulators and public health bodies, the vaccine spike can leave the injection site and circulate around the body (including in the blood), where it can persist for months.
It is supportive of the ‘spikeopathy’ explanation as a cause of long Covid, whereby persistent viral and vaccine spike are thought to have ongoing inflammatory effects (This in turn raises important questions about whether boosters, contrary to official public health doctrine, increase the risk of long Covid).
However, Substacker Igor Chudov homed in on another aspect of the paper’s findings, which he summarises as follows (emphasis mine):
”A study of humans suffering from Long Covid analyzed their cellular DNA. The authors unexpectedly found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID vaccine in human blood cells. This finding proves that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people.”
Quite the bombshell if true.
I plan to write more in-depth about this after the break, but for now, I have pulled together this rapid response from three people who are highly qualified to speak on the matter.
Kevin McKernan, genomics scientist who made the discovery of DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines
McKernan notes that the authors put the finding that implies genomic integration in the supplement section, “as I think they know it’s a very speculative find.” He also points out that the PCR cycles they used were very sensitive, producing “noisy” results.
“When you use the same primers for two rounds of 35 cycles, you can amplify some off-target noise,” he explains. “They used the same primers for nested PCR. Normally you nest with different primers to increase specificity, so this is finding some very noisy alignments with 70 cycles of PCR.”
McKernan says further testing is required to confirm genomic integration.
“It’s important to get evidence of integration which contains human DNA - spike DNA. If you just amplify and sequence something spikey, you haven’t really proven integration.
“They really need genome sequencing to see genome DNA fused to spike sequence so we can know this sequence isn’t some RNA artefact, but in fact a genomic integrant.
“It’s still an important paper but it will be easily critiqued by the jab jigalos.”
Dr Jessica Rose, applied mathematician, immunologist and molecular biologist with a special interest in analysing VAERS data
Dr Rose cautions that the paper’s finding “needs to be taken with a grain of salt” and that it is “not demonstrative of integration.”
However, “the main point that should be propelled VERY LOUDLY is that we need to repeat what they did and nail this down with solid evidence."
“I give them a BRAVO y GRAZIE MILLE for being the first of many!”
Julian Gillespie, former barrister and legal counsel on the Australian case suing Pfizer and Moderna over alleged unapproved GMOs in the mRNA vaccines
In a paper titled The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine, published earlier this year, Gillespie wrote that, “Over four decades of scientific knowledge marked with Nobel Prizes pointed to modified RNAs integrating into the human genome.”
Now he responds to the study discussed in this post,
“Bit by deplorable bit, the known consequences from recklessly playing with genes and injecting them into humans continues to emerge, this time not just another safety signal regulators have become so expert at dismissing, but a flare...
“When will regulators call for the life boats, because these genetically modified Gene Therapies are sinking and soon to be sunk, and will unfortunately be taking many souls with them.
“World leaders must implement an immediate global moratorium on this failed experiment, and true scientists brought in straight away, everywhere, to begin scoping the extent of the damage wrought to the Human genome.”
In brief, the situation can be summarised accordingly:
Can mRNA Covid vaccines change your DNA? Almost certainly, yes.
Has this been unequivocally proven? Not yet.
Is there evidence to suggest that it might be proven in the near future? Yes.
So now what? Remove the products from the market, conduct proper tests to see if genomic integration is occurring, then regroup.
To read a summary of the science pointing to mRNA Covid vaccine genomic integration events, I suggest this excellent post by Arkmedic:
For a shorter, narrative format, revisit my article COVID vaccines and your DNA: What the science tells us (and what it doesn’t), published at Umbrella News in August.
And for an overview of the scientific background leading up to the mRNA Covid vaccines, and the implications for the human genome, bookmark Gillespie’s The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine for your holiday reading.
Merry Christmas everyone. Though no one would wish it, perhaps 2024 will be the year we finally get answers on the matter of Covid vaccine genomic integration.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32)
Update 24 December 2023: McKernan and Dr Rose have now posted their own detailed, longer-form responses to the study discussed in this post, as below.
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Great work, lovely summary of the evidence. Together with frame shifting DNA integration could mean a lifetime of poisonous random proteins circulating our blood. Great work by the CIA pharma military industrial complex once more.
Worst case scenario is that, in reality 🤫 dna ADDITIONS were designed to be spread through the gene pool. Initially via jab then shedding then intimacy. Spiked testes & ovaries. Which go remarkably well with 5g and scrambled eggs & roasted nuts! 🤔 Depop Express... 🚂🚂🚂 allll aboard👏