The lengths to which they go in order to protect the narrative is pretty amazing. All the lies have looped back on themselves in a sort of lieception.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Lieception I like that!

Yes, and the contradictions fall over themselves in the shrill of irrational incoherency.

The propaganda infomercials, of the team players, truly epic unaccountable statements, seems like, everydog and it's person has done a Study these days.

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From the beginning I had no idea what they were talking about. They threw out high school biology and that should have terrified everyone but the believers were so enamoured by their own cleverness that they yelled at anyone asking questions.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

“Natural immunity is a dangerous extremist conspiracy theory” …

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It's almost as if both teams were controlled opposition creating 'covid fatigue'

Last thing the system wants is a claw-back of the $12 Trillion USD that Trump-Biden spent on COVID-WAR;

All else is MSM bile


Just like JFK theory's or for that matter 911-WTC; Both have had 100's of books and movies, endless material for common grifters and hustlers who troll weak minded morons for cash;

The BIG-MSM is owned by BIG-PHARMA, and Big-Pharma owns social-media

By definition big-pharma cannot lose this war, and they own the worlds politicians

There is some truth to their point that the pro-vax, and anti-vax are both bat shit crazy

Just stating the obvious facts


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Ah yes. "Suddenly aging" strikes again!

But also: they will poison us all with prions. This is catastrophically stupid.

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The narrative is now the message, on both teams

On anti-mRNA you have people who now have viable business on pushing the covid conspiracy theorys

On the pro-mRNA side you have the BIG-PHARMA industry covering each others good names and big-pharma, big-med racket

Both teams are compulsive liars and full of shit

People always, died, and always had heart attacks, but now every death is announced as a mRNA injury with no evidence;

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Just seems to be a lot more death going around in Australia since about 2021. Coincidence?

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the proof is in the morgues and excess deaths.

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What was done to Natalie Boyce and her mother is incredibly sad.

There was no rational reason for a 21 year old to be getting a Moderna booster.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

good article, right on every account.

The study is another example of goal posts shifted to ensure a desired outcome.

How do you continue to immerse yourself in these misinformation news, and still stay sane?

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By dissecting it with a scalpel. It's rather cathartic.

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I picture you with a chainsaw, the volume of work you must see everyday.

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Glad to see this post! Relatedly:

Nikki's Story of Her Daughter's Vaccine Injury

Russell Broadbent, MP

March 15, 2023



RUSSELL BROADBENT: Today I wanted to hear from a mum, Nikki, who's reached out and asked me to share her family's story with my parliamentary colleagues.

The rate of severe injuries caused by covid-19 vaccines and excess deaths in Australia, especially in younger people, should be front page news. It's one thing for the majority of my colleagues to deliberately block, mock, and ignore this unfolding human health crisis, but why is, why is the media doing the same? It seems that the Academy Awards and reality TV updates take precedence. Really? Where's our humanity? And where's our compassion? There's a time for politics and debate, and there's a time to unite for the good of our nation, and that time is now. Here's Nikki's story.

NIKKI: This message is for you, Russell Broadbent, Federal Member of Parliament, representing the division of Monash in Victoria. Thank you for taking an interest in Johanna's story. It has been 16 months since our beautiful 20 year-old daughter received her mandatory covid vaccination which has resulted in ongoing debilitating heart issues that we still do not have answers for. As her mother I have been shouting our story from the rooftops, but nobody seems to want to listen. You have read Johanna's story and have offered to share my message with your parliamentarian colleagues. Well, Russell, here is my message.

All four members of our family are proud voters. Before our girls turned 18 they knew their vote was valuable and they cast very considered ones, as do we. We respect each other's opinion to not discuss our individual choices with each other. We are the very people who put you in the seats you now occupy.

Devastatingly, over the past three years the blatant coercion the Australian government have displayed and are still displaying, has not only shattered ours and both our daughters pride in the opportunity to vote that you have robbed us and so many people of freedom of choice. We still are told the same lie, the vaccine is safe. Until you walk in my shoes, see your own child suffering [makes air quotes with fingers] the unknown underlying health issue that has now raised its ugly head, and only because she was forced to make a health choice and told, no jab no job, you will never know the anger of being so devastatingly let down by a system that we trusted would always right the wrongs.

It is time, it is time to stop the lies. It is time to begin the healing for your own soul. When you know it to be true and speak about vaccine injuries, speak as I do, alongside me, with the fear in your voice, knowing you may also have made a choice and were so lucky to evade still being trapped in the pandemic like our daughter still is.

This needs to filter through to our specialists who continually say, low iron, anxiety, dehydrated, exercise more, none of which is helpful. I invite you to contact me, to sit down and hear our story. I know you will align because when you remove your position of power, you are someone's son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother. Somewhere you know someone who has been through this and is still going through it. So now it is the time to speak up in your position of power that we have so proudly placed you in. Speak up now even if your voice shakes.


Text on screen reads: RUSSELL (03) 5623 2064 [email protected]



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Another from Australia:

Daniel Shep TikToks About His and His Wife's Vaxx Injuries: Selected Videos 2021


Here we go again !!!

December 1, 2021



DANIEL SHEP: [shirtless, wearing a Holter monitor*, walking as he films himself talking, in a large manicured garden]: Hello TikTok faithfuls. Um, sorry I've been slacking me updates. You guessed it. Here I am again.

So um, TikTok keeps taking down the videos, I've got no idea why, they're saying I'm misleading information, whatever's happening, but um, look, over the last kind of three weeks for me [inaudible] knows my story but it's been kind of a rough ride and um, eh, so. I've been getting like super dizzy. It started off probably three weeks ago. Um, I thought it was a side effect from like the [inaudible], all the medication I'm on but it's gotten to the point where literally I was feeling like I was on a boat. Um, front global head aches.

Um, so I'm here back in hospital, they're doing in every test under the sun. I'm sure TikTok will watch this and want to take it down again but I'm only trying to share my experience with everyone out there. So, um. They think, again, this is what they think, so I'm not, I'm not sure, they're [inaudible] to make up their own mind on this, but what they believe is, the vaccine has compromised my immune system hence why, yeah, I've been getting like flu-like symptoms you know and terrible, um. Taking the covid test and there's nothing. So. I've been getting every test under the sun. They recognize that I'm developing an inner ear inflammation kind of thing. Um, but also I'm getting [shows his chest, lifts up his Holter monitor]. This is a kind of hand-held [inaudible], this is a hand-held ECG that I've got to wear. They keep picking up sparks on my ECG so, which I've never had pre-vaccine, so. Look, it is what it is.

Um, so yeah shoot through some questions, guys, I'll try and answer whatever's going on. But um, you know, I'll get back to it.

Peace and love everybody. I'm staying positive. I'm going to be alright. I'm staying positive. So. Alright.




Reply to leah-uno's comment

"can u call him Mr peanut and talkabout what Mr peanut told u?"

November 9, 2021



DANIEL SHEP [wearing a T-shirt, filming himself outside on in what appears to be a small suburban garden]: [Holds up finger] Bang! [laughs] Ah, for all of you who don't know who Mr. Peanut is, only this person who left the comment knows [inaudible] who Mr. Peanut is. Mr. Peanut, let's say he's a certain professional in a certain field that decides whether you get exempt or you get another jab. Um, Mr. Peanut, we had a lengthy we'll say debate about from my side why I shouldn't get a second one, and from Mr. Peanut's side [laughs] why I should get a second one.

Ah, Mr. Peanut was a disease specialist, so he pretty much went on I suppose continuously from the start as I'm laying in a hospital bed, going, gah, you know I've heard you've had a terrible reaction, and you know, and I just want to assure that you know you're going to be fine— which is the opposite of what the cardiologist said, mind you. And Mr. Peanut went on and on about how deadly the virus is, um,you know, it's ah, you know, you're at great risk by not getting the second vaccination. And obviously I want to debate as being my health and should be I still say, my choice, um, you know, we had some words and pretty much he was going on, you know, saying, OK, you can't getting another mRNA but you know, ah, AstraZeneca's safe, yadda yadda— and which I found out, no, that's also you know got a potential to cause pericarditis and myocarditis.

And I said, what other options are there? And he goes, well at the moment there's nothing proved in Australia. And I said, well [makes popping noise as he clicks his fingers], exemption time. So that's what they had to do.

Mr. Peanut continued to go on saying how he can't wait to get his 11 year-old vaccinated, and he's already had his 12 year-old done and was going on about boosters and everything else.

So Mr. Peanut [points finger at camera] if you ever watch this I think you should change your attitude and listen to more people's health rather than other things.

Thank you.



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Yet another from Australia:


Interview with Renee in Australia

April 23, 2022

Cafe Locked Out https://cafelockedout.com/


MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: So here we are in [inaudible]. What's your name?

RENEE: My name's Renee.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Now we've heard that you've had an adverse reaction. Why don't you share your story?

RENEE: OK, so, November last year I had my second dose of Pfizer. It was the 22nd of November. And—

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Can I ask first, did you get it because you were scared of covid, or did you get it to keep your job?

RENEE: The latter. Yeah, it wasn't anything to do with covid. And to be honest, I had a lot of hesitancy about getting it, and I felt instinctively that it was going against everything that I believed in. But I did it because, I guess, I felt like my back was against the wall. And I felt forced to do it.

And ironically the first dose that I had, I didn't have any reaction to, so I had this false pretense that it was going to be OK. And the next, that night, I started to feel really ill, dizziness, nausea, disorientation. And then the next morning I felt even worse and I started to not be able to feel the tops of my legs properly. And then I started to get really crushing pain in the middle of my chest, and sensation of heaviness.

So then my friend happened to ring me, and say, are you OK? because she's very aware of everything that's happening. I said, actually I'm not, and she said, I'll come and take you to hospital. She took me to hospital. And when I got admitted pretty much straight away— I thought by going to a private hospital that it would be better, but I was wrong. I got in there and the doctor in ED looked panicked by my symptoms, by what I was telling her, but she wouldn't say what she knew, and she basically said, she took my blood and she said my D-dimers were very high, and she said, you've got a clot in your lungs. And I just looked at her and I was so afraid, I started crying. And I said, what does that mean? And my friend was crying more than me. And she said, well, we need to do a CAT scan and check it. Then I started to get jaw pain, and she said, have you got any history of heart attacks in your family? I said, yes I have. And then she looked more panicked, and she said, well, you know, for your next dose you need to have Panadol and [inaudible] before you take your next booster because your next time will be worse. When you come into hospital next time, it will be worse than this.

I said, how can it be worse than this? And she said, well, that's what you need to expect.

And then I had the CAT scan, it turned out to be OK. But then they wanted to admit me for a couple of nights, and I stayed in there for a couple of nights. And then as each nurse did their handover for their shift, the nurse would say, oh, this is Renee, she's just in here for a bit of dizziness for Pfizer, but she's fine, she's going home. And that was the script that they used for each nurse doing the introduction of me to the next nurse.

And then I had a specialist come in the next day, and he again said, you've had a neurological reaction to this dose. Next time take Moderna, not Pfizer.

And I said, why would I take Moderna? He said, well, you just need to take it.

And I'm like, just, so, I was just dumbfounded by the attitudes.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: There's no option of not taking it.

RENEE: No. There was never any alternative. It was, when you do this next time, this is what you are to expect, and this is what you are to do.

And then I got out of hospital and then afterwards 15 days later I got laryngitis, then I got chest infection. Then I actually got covid in March, after all that. And I was hit really bad by it. I was really, really sick, I ended up with bronchitis, got admitted to hospital, I nearly got pneumonia. This was just in the beginning of March. And just two weeks ago, I got diagnosed with pericarditis.

So that's been my journey since November, it's just been a constant rollercoaster. And I guess, I guess the most frightening thing in all of this is, how complicit people have been that are meant to be professionals that are meant to be putting our health —


RENEE: —as a human being first. That's been a really disturbing eye-opener for me.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You did it to keep your job in a way? And what's your job?

RENEE: I worked for a company in Perth. And —

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You worked? So you've lost the job?

RENEE: I haven't lost my job because I've had the two doses. But now they are asking me to get my third dose. And I have the four month exemption for having covid, ironically. So, yeah, but even if I got the exemption for Pfizer they would still insist on me on having a different to the mRNA technology vacc—, I don't call it vaccine. Gene therapies. So, that's it.

MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: It's insane. It's insane. Thank you.

RENEE: Thank you.



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Last one, although I have many more-- this one from the UK:

John Watt Calls Out the Cardiologists


Dec 15, 2022

Text of tweet:

PET scan results = MYOCARDITIS!

Left for over a year with myocarditis, gaslighted and left to believe this was all in my head!

People need to realise you know your own body better than any Dr will!




JOHN WATT: I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update in regard to my PET scan I got last week. I got the results at the start of the week. And it turns out myocarditis. Myocarditis. It's taken over a year to diagnose me and a specialist in the UK, a specialist cardiologist in the UK, to tell me that it's myocarditis from the vaccine. I've seen over about 5 different cardiologists in Scotland, not one of them as soon as I say this is from the vaccine not one of them want to acknowledge me. Well there you have it. Myocarditis one year later after the vaccine. I've been complaining about chest pain, complaining about heart issues, and what was I told? It's anxiety, PTSD, health anxiety, all in my fu*king head. And now the confirmation that it wasn't.

This is a message to all the health professionals. I'm going to start calling you the health unprofessionals. If I had sat here and had just accepted what you told me, I would never had got an answer and never understood what was going on with my heart here. I want people to realize it took me a year and it's taken me 27,000 pounds to get an answer for my heart. I want people to realize if you're going to your doctor and your doctors tell you this is in your head, that's anxiety and whatnot, you know your body better than these fu*kers! You know yourself better than this!

This vaccine is doing more harm than good. One year they have left me with myocarditis. I think it's time for people to start questioning, people start questioning the health professionals. It's time for you health professionals to realize you're doing more harm than good. I could have take my own life because yous made me believe this was in my head! This narrative will change in the near future. Trust me when I say it! I want this message to get around the whole world. And make yous realize it's time to start doing the right thing. You're killing people and making people think they're going fu*king crazy!



# # #


John Watt's GoFundMe page.


Therein, his girlfriend Keri writes:

"Hi my name is Kerri, I am helping my partner John pay for his private medical treatments. It’s not easy for me to ask, but we could really do with some help. This all started back in November of 2021, after John received his 3rd v dose…  He immediately had significant adverse affects including raised blood pressure, dizziness and fatigue which have severely affected his health and well-being. He soon after started experiencing nausea and retching and lost 15kg in little over 3 weeks. His heart rate was doubling on standing and he was unable to walk/stand or sit. The NHS doctors and hospital had no clue what was wrong with him and kept fobbing us off. For several weeks they left him to rot away at home sick in his bed blaming medication side effects, anxiety and mental health for his symptoms...."



John Watt is featured in the documentary "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion"


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May 15, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

All propaganda these days. News is no longer about what is happening. It is about what you should think is happening.

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There's a great deal we need to digest, understand and learn from the last 3 years (where did that go) but I'd posit that near the top of the list of the most evil will be the Trusted News Initiative.

One can only imagine the glee with which the oligarchs in charge of such an egregious affront to freedom awoke to understand the power that now exists in controlling the "truth" by simply controlling a handful of tech platforms and media companies.

These are the companies that started out with slogans such as "don't be evil" and who now are undoubtedly evil AF. No matter how big the internet and the media seem to be they are in fact controlled by a mere handful of intertwined and inbred vested interests.

99% of the "journalists" out there are just trying to keep their jobs and will "just follow orders" to pay their rent.

Thanks again Rebekah

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May 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

There is some truth to their point that the pro-vax, and anti-vax are both bat shit crazy

Just stating the obvious facts


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Thanks Rebekah. Increasingly the msm nonsense get more clumsy & more foolish by the day.

Flailing about, clutching at very flimsy straws. Shooting themselves in both feet too.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Turn off the Mockingbird Media entirely (TV, print, radio, social media) and win. How to kill something without physically harming it? Ignore it.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Great Umbrella article. I wonder if you have some insights from all of your work as well as previous background in news media as to the mindset of those like “Bethan”? Obviously I, like you, have long since left the msm behind as it’s obvious that those like her are no more than well-manicured parrots, but at what point does personal pride and/or integrity step in to confront one’s need to maintain one’s public persona / place in the limelight?

Is the brainwashing that extreme? Does editorial have that much control over media figures that they simply parrot what they’re told without any self-awareness or curiosity? As we’ve seen from Perthnow for example there is no investigative journalism per sé, it’s all just “experts say”, so am I just naive in thinking these people can’t be this far gone???

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My guess is that there's a strong cultural force within these institutions to :

a) Think of the media as partners of the government, establishment academia, and large corporations

b) 'Other' anyone who expresses skepticism

c) Churn out work at a cracking pace, which means there is simply no time for investigative rigour

d) Demote or marginalise journalists asking the 'wrong' questions within the organisation

Yeoman, Ben O'Shea and others like them also exhibit astounding arrogance, which I assume is also culturally reinforced within their organisations.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Don’t get me started on Ben O’Shameless! If ever there was an avatar for vapid, self-righteous ignominy in this modern era of opinion-based “journalism” it’s him. Or maybe “them”.

While I get the institutional bias and this bizarre hubristic need to “fit in” that seems to have usurped independent thought in the modern era broadly, what happened to the ‘muckraker’ journalistic mentality itself? I genuinely think this is one of the central reasons society has gone so far off the rails since the mid-10’s - the media’s obsession with being some sort of gatekeeper of “appropriate thought” became more important than it’s main function which was to hold the powerful to account, but why??? Is it the profession, the sponsors, the corporate culture, the narcissism/hubris of the journalists themselves … it’s a theme on which I try and engage with others when these sorts of issues are raised - this idea that there exists the “Official” knowledge, and no skepticism towards or criticism thereof by none-official people (no matter their credentials) can be tolerated, and by not tolerating dissent, the intolerant are upheld as virtuous, responsible and intelligent. It’s mystifying but the psychology of this is equal parts fascinating and terrifying.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Two more relatively well known young Australian women who have died suddenly in the last week.

The doctors are baffled and the politicians muzzled

They overwhelmingly voted to not investigate unprecedented excess deaths.

This begs the question just exactly how many unknown people are dying suddenly !!

Excess deaths are unprecedented.



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Does the study also deny that diabetes causes death and other complications, and that if a cure for Diabetes was found, that all these experts would be out of a job. The modern idiom has produced these unfortunate side effects, from sedentary lifestyles, poor diet, like processed everything , to the inability to think positively, to the continuing position of fearful negativity.

I Think we need to realise how these so called academic and institutional collectives work, to justify their existence, and relevancy.

Producing intra-industry, studies, papers, whether based on true medical integrity.

Or evidence based science, are produced in non, peer reviewed protocols, but for the needs base of funding grants and ticking the right go to boxes, this is what is done, there of course legitimate and hard working people, but we note, that their contribution to the narrative is shall we say resisted. Where sensational and unsubstantiated claims are the norm, and in these times, it is get it in front of the audience, play the fear music., entertainment, yes, makes me sick to the soul, as this deplorable conduct costs lives, just for the story tellers.

Professor John Ioannidis, of Stanford University in California, who is one of those tireless people, who studies scientific research itself and reviews evidence based, research papers, reading his words and accounting of what is produced as evidence based medical and epidemiology studies is sobering, less than four percent of thousands of so called submitted work, makes the grade,

as to be accepted and can be validated in practical reproduction of the steps in the paper provided this is a prerequisite for science, and also in the Sciences legitimate challenge and robust discussion.

No, all we see is a production line of claims and an unwillingness to open debate.

Now, it's once upon a time? The end.!!! .

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Dr Elizabeth Paratz from St.Vincents Heart Centre. ( What happened Elizabeth re-read the last paragraph Liz?) St Vincent’s Health Australia has been serving Australians with compassionate health and aged care since our first hospital was established in Sydney in 1857.

We continue to be guided by the Mission of the founder of the Sisters of Charity, Mary Aikenhead, to care for the poor and vulnerable and express God's love through the healing ministry of Jesus to all we serve.

From modest beginnings, St Vincent’s Health Australia is today the nation’s largest not-for-profit health and aged care provider, offering services in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, including public and private hospitals and aged care facilities. "We bring God’s love to those in need through the healing ministry of Jesus."

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Australian Main Stream of cow piss Media. Fair dinkum, I would spit on anyone daring to say they are a journo in my hearing . They better have minders or I'll introduce them to a dose of reality bites. Jesus wept, the filthy liars, I nearly wept at rage hearing that sack of shit Carl Kruclinitski (wadeva), the science turd on Triple J, urging his young listeners to dose themselves with fucking spike proteins. Fkn murderers. Traitors. Schills. Corrupted filth. The ABC should be burned to the ground, a Gov't Psyop wrapped in socialist, woke drivel. Stan Grant, Uncle Bomb 💣, is a senior consultant to the Australian Strategic Institute, didja know? An American funded "think tank ". He is PAID, the cock, BY DARPA & the US - DOD! then pretends, like most other Aussie journos, that he isn't bought & sold by our US arse licking controllers.

I walk outside and check the weather, I trust no Aussie media. We Rise ✊️

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