I grew up on the ABC and until 2020, watched and listened to their channels almost exclusively. I (regrettably) subjected our kids to hours and hours of it as well. Once they started with the COVID propaganda however, I promptly switched off and undertook a thorough and complete ABC detox. Oh, the s**t that came out of me was remarkable! I'm happy to report that life is so much better without the ABC.
Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett
"The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is concerned about the potential harms of mis- and disinformation online, including harm to the health of Australians.
ACMA is so concerned that it is jockeying for new powers to crack down on misinformation, in proposed new legislation."
Hasn't there been a call for submissions in relation to this chilling new Ministry of Truth bill, including with regard to the draconian penalties to be enforced by the Ministry of Love? Not sure when the deadline is.
Military operations don’t need to apologise and they only cease when they want to.
Did anyone think it was strange that a Army General fronted the Covid health crisis in Australia.
The particular laws and statutes that were used to make the bio weapon allowed the US military to bypass any and all standard protocols for vaccine safety, efficacy and manufacturing standards.
It was termed legally a ‘countermeasure’ or ‘prototype’ so it was not a vaccine. Countermeasures do not need the usual run of safety checks. ( which BTW RFK junior has proven the childhood vaccine schedule has had zero safety checks and also zero studies proving they work- Fauci of course claimed they did, but after being taken to court to show them on the last day before the case admitted they did not have any.)
The laws they used also allowed the continued use despite millions of adverse reactions because they were not held to any standard except their own, even if everyone had died and overwhelming proof of harm shown( which clearly happened and is happening) it did not matter, they were the sole arbitrators and could ignore any and all reports.
TheirABC has just lost all credibility. I presume that they are lying. Haven’t watched it listened for a very long time. It is beyond belief that these dangerous injections are still allowed.
As for Phelps- her performance during covid was appalling. She needs to be a lot more vocal and use the platforms she has to stop these injections.
And that is precisely the first charge she will face, after we have re-established democracy in Australia, which will also trigger a national referendum to restore the death penalty. My national surveys (2001 to 2010) showed support for capital punishment at around 80%. I suspect this may have risen since then.
Meanwhile, we need to bear in mind that many politicians and bureaucrats are now very nervous. They have been privately advised that 60% of the nation will look the other way while 40% morally or actively support a public dissolution of Parliament, hence their desperation to shut down online discussion of horrendous facts.
I strongly recommend that Resistance members purchase a couple of printers, spare ink cartridges, and a stack of paper with which to glue the truth to both interior and exterior surfaces of public buildings and malls, so that communication can continue when the internet is effectively closed down.
I also recommend you dip eggs in melted wax, two or three times, then store these for the interim. Once nicely rotten, you can surreptiously toss one here and there on the roof of the ABC and Murdoch media buildings. Trust me, this will massively disrupt these organisations. Aim near the air con equipment intake and in foyers.
If a group throws together, also carry one fresh egg and claim in court you only threw a fresh one. Nobody has ever received a prison sentence for egging journalists and politicians on to the path of righteousness. or for popping fine slivers of metal into key holes in public foyers. or for clogging the courts with hundreds of trivial misdemeanours.
It case my message has not penetrated, we are in WWIII. Whatever you do now is fully justified.
The trouble with the death penalty is the criminals don't suffer long enough, better to keep them alive and make them do a menial job in prison that helps all mankind and lets them think about their mistakes daily.
You misconstrue, KP. The death penalty is not vengeance. It is a guarantee that idiot parole boards and judges can never release them back into the community to offend again, as has happened so often before.
I imagine Dr Phelps is conflicted. She appears to genuinely believe that Covid is a grave and imminent threat. She also appears to be trying to walk the line of remaining part of the Expert Establishment while also speaking out in as much as one can while being a member of the Establishment. I am not excusing her or pretending to know what her thinking is on this. I'm just pointing out that I imagine she has a lot of things to weigh up.
Yes, I agree with you on that, it can not possibly be an easy walk for her and, in any case, we need as many as possible of her standing to be on "our side" telling the truth. Some days I give in to my frustrations and I should know better lol This is another thing I admire you for, your calm,
studious position, always especially in the comments. ❤️
Swan and crew, are despicable in their abuse of power as public figures to gas-light the population.
I'd still like people to REALLY understand that the last of the clinical trials, is not completed until 2027. So EVERY statement made by any public figure, media entity and government officials about these shots "safety", "quality control", "efficacy" and my personal favourite, "no DNA integration", is bald-faced lie. You cannot make statements of fact about ongoing experiments, until the data is completely collated and analysed. You can make claims, but as we all know, up until 2021, the TGA heavily frowned upon claims about health products! Until the government asked them to change the rule.😐🤔🤐
From the article: "Cases seem very rare—far less common than Long Covid after infection."
The article is propaganda, designed to play down the incidence of injection damage.
That ABC video is truly astounding. Who would of thought the guy from the Chaser team would fall for it. But then again, it goes to the power of conditioning.
A sickening excerpt from the ABC (Australian Bullshit Community) with another vile, lying, deceiving, (did I say lying?) anyway, lying, grub(s), spewing forth the aforementioned lies, which, in no small part, has massively contributed to this farce. For example & never forget these words from Greg Hunt; "The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.". DAVID SPEERS:
Because there was some ANU research that was released this week. It shows more than one in five are now saying they probably or definitely won’t have the vaccine, and there’s a significant rise in hesitancy amongst young women, those in their 20s and 30s. How will you address that?
You're correct. There are really two groups. There’s a small group of anti-vaxxers, which might be 4 to 5 per cent, and whilst we reject and condemn some of the absolute myths that they perpetrate, our focus is on those people who are hesitant.
One of the things they were worried about was: this is a new vaccine, has it been done too quickly? Which is why the full, thorough focus on safety, safety, safety, with the full assessment by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the medical regulator’s very important.
And then there’s a mixture of public demonstration of information and facts, communication campaigns. This is an advertising campaign with broad support across the Parliament, and then commentary from leading people, such as Professor Sharon Lewin at the Doherty Institute, the work of Professor Brendan Murphy and Professor Paul Kelly and so many others, so it’s building it.
But also as more Australians take it, as we’ve seen around the world, and it’s shown to be safe, it’s shown to be effective, then that raises confidence across the community.
But young women in particular, can you just address their concern, because the Therapeutic Goods Administration did say in relation to AstraZeneca, in approving that this week, that you should, quote, check with your health-care provider if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby.
So what do you say to young women in that category?
What’s called the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, which has always been the body that takes the decisions of the Therapeutic Goods Administration and provides the ultimate, final advice, has said for breastfeeding mums, they should feel free to take the vaccine.
For women who are considering being pregnant, they should feel free to take the vaccine, and for those women who are pregnant, that’s the appropriate time to consult your doctor, which is generally the case with most vaccines. So that’s the standard situation.
So it is safe if you’re just thinking about or planning on becoming pregnant, that’s fine?
That’s the official medical advice which has been published and made available. So part of our job, and I think you’re absolutely at the heart of the issue, part of our job is to provide not only the confidence but also the information, and that’s published information.
But at any time, anybody should feel free to speak with their doctor, speak with their health professionals, or go to one of the government websites.
They are the best place to get your information, but nothing beats, if you do have any questions, talking with your GP.
Our GPs are the cornerstone of the national vaccine rollout, but they’re also our trusted source of high-quality information. DAVID SPEERS:
So the first goal is trying to protect against the virus coming into Australia, that’s vaccinating the quarantine workers, border workers and so on. The longer-term goal is herd immunity?
Well, obviously that is a long-term goal, but one of the things we’ve been cautious of is that you have three factors.
You have coverage, you also have the question of the transmission capacity and impact, although the evidence coming out of international studies now, both clinical trials and real-world data, is that the different vaccines are showing a strong transmission impact.
But we always have to be aware of the capacity of the virus to mutate, and we have to look at what is called the longevity of the protection with regards to the antibodies that are developed, and the world doesn’t know that answer.
The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.
But what’s the message for the public? It’s safe, it’s effective, it will help protect you, but it will also help protect your mum and dad, your grandparents, your nonna, all of Australia.
Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023Liked by Rebekah Barnett
What is really scary in this context is the recent media statements being made by the Labor government's new On-line "safety" Commissioner.
Twitter's new "freedom of speech" policy is resulting in venomous wrath from the Commissioner who is threatening to fine them for "hate speech". Interestingly she used to work for Twitter before Elon Musk took over. Now she is working for the Australian government and seems really keen to swing the axe at Twitter.
The fact is during Covid, we here in Australia had the true balanced information about vaccine risks and benefits suppressed and hidden from us on the internet. The misinformation was pumped at us through MSM and social media.
And now they want to double down on us again. Don't look here (Twitter), look over here at your "trusted" news source (e,g, ABC).
The On-Line "Safety" Commissioner actually wants to silence the free flow of information and set into place the government's ability to peddle misinformation that suits their own agenda - with this all to be locked in place in time for "The Voice" referendum.
Quote: "That is to say, mis- and disinformation disseminated by official sources will not be subject to laws intended to stamp out mis- and disinformation online."
You (almost) have to admire the cojones of these 'public servants'. Not that I trust any of them, whichever side of the aisle they reside.
I still have the screenshot of the ABC stating: ‘What’s in the covid vaccine? A little bit of sugar & salt and not much else’. Those ‘journalists’ have caused huge harms.
2021 was a very dark period for the world … the deceit was off the charts and daily it was battle to discern who was just pig ignorant, who was a clueless do-gooder looking to save lives on the corporate dollar, and who was a conniving bastard raping the public for profit and influence. Never forget.
The Ministry of Truth is already here in other forms.
Noteably the group known as AHPRA. which acted to silence and deregister Medical Professionals for questioning the narrative. They used terms like mal and dis information with impunity.
The responses of the medical professionals in your article read like they are measured against potential AHPRA recriminations. None of them said something like "it's the vax". They used vague, roundabout ways of implying it, like using "lawyer speak" caginess not to say something that can be used to condemn them.
This Actual Ministry of Truth I sadly say will act no different.
How on earth do these people rationalise the concept of "Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness..." with their incessant claims that long covid affects a huge proportion of people in highly vaccinated places?! While the quoted numbers for long covid are no doubt currently unreliable given there is no agreed upon definition for this entity (nor formal diagnostic criteria), any claims regarding long covid must surely now be scrutinised as possible 'long vax', given almost everyone who is suffering with so-called long covid has likely also been vaccinated?
To be clear, I am not questioning or dismissing the suffering of those affected, simply highlighting the absurdity of provaxxers claiming long covid, but refusing to consider the vaccines, even when admitting a link in such cases could (and sometimes does) exist.
And don't even get me started on the blatant lies in media snippets such as this. It is unconscionable that these people, especially the doctors, were making such obviously untrue claims. They ought to (but almost certainly won't) be utterly ashamed of their conduct.
Likewise! I was a loyal listener/reader until 2020, when the propaganda became unbearable. I’ve switched my media consumption to independent journalists.
Thanks so much for your work, Rebekah. We published this video on the ABC and Norman Swan in Dec 2021, revealing Swan’s dubious nexus between his ‘science’ messaging and his business interests: https://youtu.be/rbeMdbE1aOQ
Excellent little doco, I was not aware of Maryanne Demasi's stoush with the ABC. As an aside, I practice post future peasantry so we must have something in common.
God in Heaven, the legion of bowing and scraping perpetrators is beyond belief, circling the drain in an asymptotic journey that never ends. There is no resolution to this pointless charade.
From John Howard lying about the stated reasons for attacking Iraq all the way to the Covid PM's - Politicians are as immune as the manufacturers of the deadly jabs they've been ordered to promote.
TV Doctors?
Why even bother with the MSM - doesn't everyone know that they're simply following a script that's provided to them - if they deviate from that script they'll find themselves looking for another gig faster than a bride's nighty is carelessly tossed aside and while a willing replacement is found.
Sheep are easily led.
The masses are not able to provide a logical response since they're simply not up to date on current affairs.
If they were it would immediately become an entirely different kettle of fish.
Why doesn't the MSM accurately report on events?
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
I grew up on the ABC and until 2020, watched and listened to their channels almost exclusively. I (regrettably) subjected our kids to hours and hours of it as well. Once they started with the COVID propaganda however, I promptly switched off and undertook a thorough and complete ABC detox. Oh, the s**t that came out of me was remarkable! I'm happy to report that life is so much better without the ABC.
I saw Norman Swans book in a shop. The promotion was that he was "Australia's most trusted doctor". I laughed out loud
I hate the guy.
I haven’t watched or listened since 1998. The rot started then.
"The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is concerned about the potential harms of mis- and disinformation online, including harm to the health of Australians.
ACMA is so concerned that it is jockeying for new powers to crack down on misinformation, in proposed new legislation."
Hasn't there been a call for submissions in relation to this chilling new Ministry of Truth bill, including with regard to the draconian penalties to be enforced by the Ministry of Love? Not sure when the deadline is.
Yes there has and I will publish on it soon!
Thank you.
How to hide jab harms and find only benefits:
An agreement to justify crimes against humanity. Israel Pfizer "REAL-WORLD EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE COLLABORATION AGREEMENT"
Military operations don’t need to apologise and they only cease when they want to.
Did anyone think it was strange that a Army General fronted the Covid health crisis in Australia.
The particular laws and statutes that were used to make the bio weapon allowed the US military to bypass any and all standard protocols for vaccine safety, efficacy and manufacturing standards.
It was termed legally a ‘countermeasure’ or ‘prototype’ so it was not a vaccine. Countermeasures do not need the usual run of safety checks. ( which BTW RFK junior has proven the childhood vaccine schedule has had zero safety checks and also zero studies proving they work- Fauci of course claimed they did, but after being taken to court to show them on the last day before the case admitted they did not have any.)
The laws they used also allowed the continued use despite millions of adverse reactions because they were not held to any standard except their own, even if everyone had died and overwhelming proof of harm shown( which clearly happened and is happening) it did not matter, they were the sole arbitrators and could ignore any and all reports.
The USA is the worlds biggest terrorist.
TheirABC has just lost all credibility. I presume that they are lying. Haven’t watched it listened for a very long time. It is beyond belief that these dangerous injections are still allowed.
As for Phelps- her performance during covid was appalling. She needs to be a lot more vocal and use the platforms she has to stop these injections.
Thanks for your great work, Rebekah.
And don’t forget that Phelps was publicly pushing parents to have their children injected, AFTER she was injured.
And that is precisely the first charge she will face, after we have re-established democracy in Australia, which will also trigger a national referendum to restore the death penalty. My national surveys (2001 to 2010) showed support for capital punishment at around 80%. I suspect this may have risen since then.
Meanwhile, we need to bear in mind that many politicians and bureaucrats are now very nervous. They have been privately advised that 60% of the nation will look the other way while 40% morally or actively support a public dissolution of Parliament, hence their desperation to shut down online discussion of horrendous facts.
I strongly recommend that Resistance members purchase a couple of printers, spare ink cartridges, and a stack of paper with which to glue the truth to both interior and exterior surfaces of public buildings and malls, so that communication can continue when the internet is effectively closed down.
I also recommend you dip eggs in melted wax, two or three times, then store these for the interim. Once nicely rotten, you can surreptiously toss one here and there on the roof of the ABC and Murdoch media buildings. Trust me, this will massively disrupt these organisations. Aim near the air con equipment intake and in foyers.
If a group throws together, also carry one fresh egg and claim in court you only threw a fresh one. Nobody has ever received a prison sentence for egging journalists and politicians on to the path of righteousness. or for popping fine slivers of metal into key holes in public foyers. or for clogging the courts with hundreds of trivial misdemeanours.
It case my message has not penetrated, we are in WWIII. Whatever you do now is fully justified.
The trouble with the death penalty is the criminals don't suffer long enough, better to keep them alive and make them do a menial job in prison that helps all mankind and lets them think about their mistakes daily.
You misconstrue, KP. The death penalty is not vengeance. It is a guarantee that idiot parole boards and judges can never release them back into the community to offend again, as has happened so often before.
Yes parole boards can be lenient at times.
She was disgraceful - not coming forward earlier.
Pushing poison on pregnant women and kids when she herself and partner were vaccine injured.
There are really a lack of words that describe her dangerous and deceptive agenda.
Do I hope she rots - yes I do
Agreed, we will see what kind of human she really is. One would think as a principled physician (ok, allegedly) she would want to do the right thing
I imagine Dr Phelps is conflicted. She appears to genuinely believe that Covid is a grave and imminent threat. She also appears to be trying to walk the line of remaining part of the Expert Establishment while also speaking out in as much as one can while being a member of the Establishment. I am not excusing her or pretending to know what her thinking is on this. I'm just pointing out that I imagine she has a lot of things to weigh up.
Yes, I agree with you on that, it can not possibly be an easy walk for her and, in any case, we need as many as possible of her standing to be on "our side" telling the truth. Some days I give in to my frustrations and I should know better lol This is another thing I admire you for, your calm,
studious position, always especially in the comments. ❤️
"Watch 45 secs of WTAF"🤣😂🤣😂🤣👏👏👏👏👏
Swan and crew, are despicable in their abuse of power as public figures to gas-light the population.
I'd still like people to REALLY understand that the last of the clinical trials, is not completed until 2027. So EVERY statement made by any public figure, media entity and government officials about these shots "safety", "quality control", "efficacy" and my personal favourite, "no DNA integration", is bald-faced lie. You cannot make statements of fact about ongoing experiments, until the data is completely collated and analysed. You can make claims, but as we all know, up until 2021, the TGA heavily frowned upon claims about health products! Until the government asked them to change the rule.😐🤔🤐
From the article: "Cases seem very rare—far less common than Long Covid after infection."
The article is propaganda, designed to play down the incidence of injection damage.
That ABC video is truly astounding. Who would of thought the guy from the Chaser team would fall for it. But then again, it goes to the power of conditioning.
Yeah, conditioning yes, but also they're all so full of themselves they always have to be right, to time for thinking when you're that smart!
A sickening excerpt from the ABC (Australian Bullshit Community) with another vile, lying, deceiving, (did I say lying?) anyway, lying, grub(s), spewing forth the aforementioned lies, which, in no small part, has massively contributed to this farce. For example & never forget these words from Greg Hunt; "The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.". DAVID SPEERS:
Because there was some ANU research that was released this week. It shows more than one in five are now saying they probably or definitely won’t have the vaccine, and there’s a significant rise in hesitancy amongst young women, those in their 20s and 30s. How will you address that?
You're correct. There are really two groups. There’s a small group of anti-vaxxers, which might be 4 to 5 per cent, and whilst we reject and condemn some of the absolute myths that they perpetrate, our focus is on those people who are hesitant.
One of the things they were worried about was: this is a new vaccine, has it been done too quickly? Which is why the full, thorough focus on safety, safety, safety, with the full assessment by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the medical regulator’s very important.
And then there’s a mixture of public demonstration of information and facts, communication campaigns. This is an advertising campaign with broad support across the Parliament, and then commentary from leading people, such as Professor Sharon Lewin at the Doherty Institute, the work of Professor Brendan Murphy and Professor Paul Kelly and so many others, so it’s building it.
But also as more Australians take it, as we’ve seen around the world, and it’s shown to be safe, it’s shown to be effective, then that raises confidence across the community.
But young women in particular, can you just address their concern, because the Therapeutic Goods Administration did say in relation to AstraZeneca, in approving that this week, that you should, quote, check with your health-care provider if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby.
So what do you say to young women in that category?
What’s called the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, which has always been the body that takes the decisions of the Therapeutic Goods Administration and provides the ultimate, final advice, has said for breastfeeding mums, they should feel free to take the vaccine.
For women who are considering being pregnant, they should feel free to take the vaccine, and for those women who are pregnant, that’s the appropriate time to consult your doctor, which is generally the case with most vaccines. So that’s the standard situation.
So it is safe if you’re just thinking about or planning on becoming pregnant, that’s fine?
That’s the official medical advice which has been published and made available. So part of our job, and I think you’re absolutely at the heart of the issue, part of our job is to provide not only the confidence but also the information, and that’s published information.
But at any time, anybody should feel free to speak with their doctor, speak with their health professionals, or go to one of the government websites.
They are the best place to get your information, but nothing beats, if you do have any questions, talking with your GP.
Our GPs are the cornerstone of the national vaccine rollout, but they’re also our trusted source of high-quality information. DAVID SPEERS:
So the first goal is trying to protect against the virus coming into Australia, that’s vaccinating the quarantine workers, border workers and so on. The longer-term goal is herd immunity?
Well, obviously that is a long-term goal, but one of the things we’ve been cautious of is that you have three factors.
You have coverage, you also have the question of the transmission capacity and impact, although the evidence coming out of international studies now, both clinical trials and real-world data, is that the different vaccines are showing a strong transmission impact.
But we always have to be aware of the capacity of the virus to mutate, and we have to look at what is called the longevity of the protection with regards to the antibodies that are developed, and the world doesn’t know that answer.
The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.
But what’s the message for the public? It’s safe, it’s effective, it will help protect you, but it will also help protect your mum and dad, your grandparents, your nonna, all of Australia.
Ha ha, Doherty Institute! S.Levin, Murphy, Kelly, Hunt and the rest of them can rot in hell for what they've done.
What is really scary in this context is the recent media statements being made by the Labor government's new On-line "safety" Commissioner.
Twitter's new "freedom of speech" policy is resulting in venomous wrath from the Commissioner who is threatening to fine them for "hate speech". Interestingly she used to work for Twitter before Elon Musk took over. Now she is working for the Australian government and seems really keen to swing the axe at Twitter.
The fact is during Covid, we here in Australia had the true balanced information about vaccine risks and benefits suppressed and hidden from us on the internet. The misinformation was pumped at us through MSM and social media.
And now they want to double down on us again. Don't look here (Twitter), look over here at your "trusted" news source (e,g, ABC).
The On-Line "Safety" Commissioner actually wants to silence the free flow of information and set into place the government's ability to peddle misinformation that suits their own agenda - with this all to be locked in place in time for "The Voice" referendum.
Quote: "That is to say, mis- and disinformation disseminated by official sources will not be subject to laws intended to stamp out mis- and disinformation online."
You (almost) have to admire the cojones of these 'public servants'. Not that I trust any of them, whichever side of the aisle they reside.
I still have the screenshot of the ABC stating: ‘What’s in the covid vaccine? A little bit of sugar & salt and not much else’. Those ‘journalists’ have caused huge harms.
Oh wow please send me that. [email protected]
2021 was a very dark period for the world … the deceit was off the charts and daily it was battle to discern who was just pig ignorant, who was a clueless do-gooder looking to save lives on the corporate dollar, and who was a conniving bastard raping the public for profit and influence. Never forget.
The Ministry of Truth is already here in other forms.
Noteably the group known as AHPRA. which acted to silence and deregister Medical Professionals for questioning the narrative. They used terms like mal and dis information with impunity.
The responses of the medical professionals in your article read like they are measured against potential AHPRA recriminations. None of them said something like "it's the vax". They used vague, roundabout ways of implying it, like using "lawyer speak" caginess not to say something that can be used to condemn them.
This Actual Ministry of Truth I sadly say will act no different.
How on earth do these people rationalise the concept of "Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness..." with their incessant claims that long covid affects a huge proportion of people in highly vaccinated places?! While the quoted numbers for long covid are no doubt currently unreliable given there is no agreed upon definition for this entity (nor formal diagnostic criteria), any claims regarding long covid must surely now be scrutinised as possible 'long vax', given almost everyone who is suffering with so-called long covid has likely also been vaccinated?
To be clear, I am not questioning or dismissing the suffering of those affected, simply highlighting the absurdity of provaxxers claiming long covid, but refusing to consider the vaccines, even when admitting a link in such cases could (and sometimes does) exist.
And don't even get me started on the blatant lies in media snippets such as this. It is unconscionable that these people, especially the doctors, were making such obviously untrue claims. They ought to (but almost certainly won't) be utterly ashamed of their conduct.
Likewise! I was a loyal listener/reader until 2020, when the propaganda became unbearable. I’ve switched my media consumption to independent journalists.
Thanks so much for your work, Rebekah. We published this video on the ABC and Norman Swan in Dec 2021, revealing Swan’s dubious nexus between his ‘science’ messaging and his business interests: https://youtu.be/rbeMdbE1aOQ
Wow good work! I did not know about his business interests.
Thanks, watched and subscribed.
Excellent little doco, I was not aware of Maryanne Demasi's stoush with the ABC. As an aside, I practice post future peasantry so we must have something in common.
God in Heaven, the legion of bowing and scraping perpetrators is beyond belief, circling the drain in an asymptotic journey that never ends. There is no resolution to this pointless charade.
From John Howard lying about the stated reasons for attacking Iraq all the way to the Covid PM's - Politicians are as immune as the manufacturers of the deadly jabs they've been ordered to promote.
TV Doctors?
Why even bother with the MSM - doesn't everyone know that they're simply following a script that's provided to them - if they deviate from that script they'll find themselves looking for another gig faster than a bride's nighty is carelessly tossed aside and while a willing replacement is found.
Sheep are easily led.
The masses are not able to provide a logical response since they're simply not up to date on current affairs.
If they were it would immediately become an entirely different kettle of fish.
Why doesn't the MSM accurately report on events?
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.