Dan Andrews was in fact not a 'strong man', he was a paranoid narcissist and the fear he felt over the 'pandemic' he projected all over the constituants of Victoria. All his behaviour showed was how great a coward he actually was. A spineless petty 'nothing' who bluffed and lied his way into power where he could spray out his pathetic under developed personality all over innocent victims.

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Yes, well-read. That is exactly the same as McGowan and I wrote about it here. It's a common psychological warfare technique of weak leaders. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/full-spectrum-dominance-western-australias

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Yes, I am in WA, and observed it in McGowan all the time. He was a small fearful man. His belittling of anyone that laughed at his fear pretty much gave away what was going on for him personally. These types are easy to be manipulated as 'useful idioits' by those 'larger in power than them'. Their desperation to obtain 'the gold watch', status (largely an ESTJ trait in typology), renders all other considerations mute as they clamber over everyone's rights and suffering to get to the top of the ladder. The hollow emptiness that might be the seat of their soul, where they could find compassion for others, is abandoned for the ego prize they perceive. Eventually the hollowness, fills with a sickness (like a puss filled boil that needs lancing), and something slips through - into their dreams perhaps, that fills them with a greater terror ... that they might have been wrong, and there might be consequences.

That is why they suddenly 'leave'.

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I was expecting this with Jacinda Ardern. Blow me down if she didn't resign suddenly too.

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Mmmm, I am still waiting to see how long it is going to take before McGowan announces that he's "split the sheets" with his wifey, Sarah.

He, no doubt, will get to keep that brand new, shiny Audi though.

MSM has protected this manipulative rat for far too long to date.

Besides the nonsense he got up to that is quite common knowledge during C-19 when he stayed in the CBD rather than driving home to Rocko, there is the incident in Sydney that has been kept under wraps protecting this rat. Having sex with an 18 yr old girl of a similar age to his eldest son & her parents finding out about it, then the father actually knocking McClown out still has not been aired as yet. Perhaps, someone needs to "interview" those police protectors/handlers he had at the time?

Truth will come out one way or another.

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if true a testament of the man

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A superb analysis, Helen. Well done!

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I agree. He was also, IMO, a classic ICD-11 anankastic personality disorder. Hitler appears to have had it too. The Americans call it "obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). Those who have it are commonly referred to as "control freaks." They believe they are never wrong, are more ethical than others and have the right to impose their neurosis on others. Two of the main subtypes are "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features" and "puritanical compulsive with paranoid features." Hitler had elements of both. The parallels between Hitler and Dan Andrews are striking.

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Thanks for the pedagogical rendering of Andrews' - and Hitler's - pathological dispositions. There certainly is more useful information to gnaw in your diagnoses than there would have been in mine, which would have gone along the lines of, "Andrews is an 'orrible c?nt."

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The descriptions are not mutually exclusive. I presume Andrews will make a reappearance at another level of government?

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What fkn bullshit do some research or stop lying , Dan the dog isn't even close to Hitler , 1,000 Dans would not equal Hitlers toenail, the holocaust is still a blatant lie as is Anne Wanks Diary ..what a joke kike much do we ?

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Wehrmacht did plenty of bad things.

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Different ideology. Same personality disorder. Hitler's personality disorder, Trudeau's and Fauci's are all the same. It's the PD of tyrants. it's also the most common PD of serial killers. What do you mean by "kike much"? Do you think you have Ashkenazi haplotypes, or Sephardic, or both? At your suggestion I did some quick research. Here's what I found. DNA analysis of Hitler's skull (which Stalin kept on his desk, as an ashtray for his cigars) revealed that Hitler was an XX biological female. It appears Hitler had the SRY gene gor male genitalia coded on an X chromosome. Thus, Hitler was a gay woman in a same sex relationship snd marriage with Eva Braun. Hitler was what today would be called a transgender. Hitler was also a radical green. The Third Reich was a radical environmentalist regime. The German Greens are the modern form of the NSDAP. Don't skip the articles on Hitler's ancestry. You're gonna love them. Follow the science. I can't relate because I'm of Prussian and Cdltic ancestry but it seems like you and Hitler have a lot in common.

Adolf Hitler's Ancestry In Focus After Russian Minister Calls Him Jew


Hitler may have had Jewish and African roots


Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather


Hitler's wife Eva Braun may have had Jewish ancestry, DNA analysis finds


Skull piece thought to be Hitler’s is from woman


Russians insist skull fragment is Hitler's


The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany


Review of Bramwell's Hidden History of Environmentalism


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Obviously you haven't done much research , and no one can prove anyonewas gassed as there was no gas chambers, and according to the holocaust trial in canada and their expert holocaust witness Raul Hilberg there was no evidence of gas chambers and no scientific proof anyone was gassed, rave on all you like with the bullshit that Hitler was a jew lol he arrested Rothschild , and grew up a poor person, anyway i care not what you believe i have and know the truth because like millions of others we have the evidence. Jews should be kicked out of australia if they read the talmud or hate and want to kill the goyim. Can you believe that people think these commi scumbags are gods chose people ? Satans chosen ones is much more like it. As if anyone would believe the russian bolshevik scum that killed 66 million christians anyway lol ...you are either white or not , white people should not protect parasites and vermin .. ever ..

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You seem to be obsessed with labels

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"seem to be" being the operative words. But if you're implying that labels are useful you're correct. Try disassembing and reassemling a car without them.

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Engineering is a science with meaningful terminology in contrast to the DSM pseudo science

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I don’t mean that as a personal insult

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They are all narcissists and when their personality disorder is not brought under the control by a correctly operating civil society, it rapidily elevates their psychopathy markers, as could be clearly seen in his reign of terror. Likewise under the influence of such a blatantly abusive personality the entire system of governance will lurch towards totalitarian authoritarianism and will not easily be returned to more egalitarian without a counter coup.

Any hopes that things will return to "normal", are most probably only held by people that had little knowledge of what the normal really was in the first place.

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I wish I had written that !!

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"Orators are most vehement when they have the weakest cause, as men get on horseback when they cannot walk." Cicero.

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In your appreciation of classical wisdom, you are a man after my own heart.

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Probably true of many a “strongman.”

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I see you've met Justin Trudeau.

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Dan Andrews epitomises modern masculinity ... a petty narcissist, coddled, weak, useless to anyone in a real world setting, but elevated beyond his abilities by a system that rewards sycophants and sociopaths with delusions of grandeur, who both lack anything resembling a conscience, who are also prepared to “govern” based entirely on what is deemed popular by a majority. In other words a feckless, amoral, useful idiot, perfect for the misinformation age.

Good riddance.

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Greg - do you realise that you are also describing the previous Australian Prime Minister - and probably the one before that...

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Agreed, and most of popular politicians today here and abroad. The Party system is the biggest cancer on modern “democracy” ... it sits in direct opposition to progress and process, exists to obfuscate and ultimately subsumes the bulk of political discourse with petty bickering and infighting. I loathed ScoMo ... Scotty from Marketing ... the sooner people wake up to the fact there are no ‘teams’ to cheer for, the sooner we get to reclaim what’s left of the country. For everyone. Like having to choose between a shit sandwich and a bowl of steaming hot diarrhoea for dinner.

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Morrison, Turnbull and Rudd for sure.

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Gillard too

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every single one of 'em since Bob Menzies has sold the soul and fabric of the Common-wealth to the highest bidder;

they took the people out of the Common-Wealth and gave it to themselves and their Corporate Empire mates;

Menzies (1948) turned the people into PERSONS and made them the CHATTEL of the Nation and not a single politician since has ever repealed this fraud and theft of our God given Unalienable Sovereignty;

1986 they made Parliament the Sovereign of this land and stripped away the rights of whereas the people from our Commonwealth Constitution; they gave Parliament the right to rule over the CHATTEL formerly known as people;

Parliament is a fictional entity and as such, cannot be Sovereign; Parliament is a fictional CORPORATE ENTITY and has no Lawful Authority over living man, woman or child; no ENTITY has right to rule over the living;

we have all been conned for a very long time and it's way past time to rid our lives of the rot that claim to be working for us and the betterment of the land named Australia.

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No matter for whom you vote, a politician gets in.

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> by a system that rewards sycophants and sociopaths with delusions of grandeur

More people need to be made aware of this and confront it.


So many politicians end up where they are because:

- They are naturally drawn to power

- Are inherently incompetent and know they will never succeed in the private sector

- Have perfected their narcissitic skills of advancing their careers at the expense of more competent but less psycopathic candidates

Essentially we are left with the worst of the worse with no effective accountability. What could possibly go wrong? (Not to mention most citizens are too busy, complacent, gullible or naïve to confront reality.)

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I suspect that this is very close to reality, with one detail that I'd like to suggest should be revised and then always kept in mind: there can be no entry nor a career pathway for anyone other than "sycophants and sociopaths with delusions of grandeur" in the political paradigm that prevails throughout the entire world.

Yes, the entire world. There really is no truly unique or alternative model of government anywhere that reflects the genuine needs and that is responsive and truly answerable to the people. This is most certainly not because the bicameral parliamentary system of representative "democracy" is the most effective or efficient.

This being the case, it is naïveté then to ever expect people with firm, sound principles and integrity to make it. Even though one politician here or there occasionally looks to be relatively decent, it's only because the system must allow for the occasional "champion of the people" to be presented in order to keep the people believing in the system. A government must represent itself well for the sake of public approval. That champion more often than not comes to nothing, turns out to be a turncoat, or is eliminated.

Except for any regional idiosyncrasies, all people everywhere in all the world's countries have had imposed on them what is essentially the same representative "democratic" system and model of government. While it is true that in some countries the president/prime minister is for all intents and purposes permanent and does not ever lose office as a result of an "election", the reality is even where the president or PM does change, the main programme being run by government never changes substantively, remains the same programme.

That means that there is only ever one game in town, and that game only ever allows for one kind of player and one kind of winner.

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Yup couldn’t agree more. Hence my take below regarding the falsehood of “Party” politics ... a system set up to deny an efficient and transparent political system, by disenfranchising at least half the voting base every election season and forcing the country to be divided along so-called “party lines” ... absurd, and responsible for so much of what’s wrong in all western “democracies”

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My goodness, I am a happy aux today! You have an appreciably more sophisticated command of these matters than I do, and I greatly appreciate your more articulate rendering of them. Thank you for taking this up and leaning in to what I believe is one of the most crucial and deadly matters society faces.

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yep...it matters not what side of the political isle one finds themself leaning their allegiances to....it is all the same machine; it is all division of the masses for no good logical reason; Green, Red, Blue, Grey....all blends into the same cup of shitfuckery at the end of the Bread and Circus show that is Parliament;

they all try to outdo each other with absurdities with one common goal in mind... get as much smoke generated as possible while the real business of robbing the people and the lands resources is played out in the staff rooms and private offices.

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The word I prefer is ‘kakistocracy’ meaning government by the least qualified, worst people possible. That’s where we are almost everywhere in the modern West ... at this point the only micro solution I see is to eliminate the ability of the government to enact laws, and replace it with a blockchain-style individual vote where informed parties are obliged to vote digitally on any policies impacting their lives ... thus establishing a mandate or similar for that policy change to be passed or debated.

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Agreed. Voting for policies instead of politicians would be a great start.

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That seems to suggest that politicians can be dispensed with altogether. If I've understood correctly, then I enthusiastically concur.

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Now we are really getting somewhere! I'm certain we're talking in the same patois when we talk about trustless blockchain paradigms and technology - as is already in existence - in which all parties in the system can reach a consensus, and power and trust is distributed among the participants in the network, rather than concentrated in a readily corruptible government or institution. We have an already-operational, durable, and extensively redundant mechanism at-hand and ready to go, whereby we can unceremoniously assign government and politics to the dustbin of history.

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do you kow that there is no such thing as a 'proffessional politician' in our Enshrined, Gazetted and Proclaimed, indissoluble 1900 Commonwealth Constitution?;

the positions of Prime Minister and Premier do not exist;

a politician is meant to be a representative from a region who is elected by the people of that region; each state is entitled to 12 such representatives of the people; each 'candidate' is to be voted for once and once only; 1 representative for lower house and 1 (state) representative for upper house;

there is no such thing as preferential voting within our 1900 Commonwealth Constitution;

each of us vote 1 time for 1 candidate and that is it;

preferential voting was introduced to keep the '2 party preferred' machine rolling without hinderance;

the AEC makes up the rules on 'voting' as it sees fit since 'the commonwealth became a CORPORATION; the AEC is naught but a Subsidiary of that CORPORATION and thinks it has the right to do whatever it pleases;

the Sovereignty of The Commonwealth Of Australia has been USURPED by the CORPORATION pretending to be de-jure Parliament;

we have been lied to and conned for long enough.

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and that is the way it used to be and is meant to be under our 1900 Commonwealth Constitution..barr the blockchain of course but which is a terrific idea;

'Parliament' cannot enact laws without them being Gazzeted (published) and proclaimed; Proclamation comes from the Crown and we have not had a Lawful Crown in this land since 1953; Whitlam finished the deal in 1973 when he turned Government of the people, by the people and for the people into a CORPORATION;

There has certainly been no Lawful 'laws' enacted since that day; read the fine print; most 'laws' passed by parliament (state and federal) are PURPORTED laws;

look up the word PURPORTED:




Assumed to be such; supposed.

Supposed, or assumed to be.

Normally assumed to be.

they rely on us just assuming what they tell us is fact when it is naught but words without authority.

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please, look up the word CITIZEN in a Blacks Law dictionary and then come back and tell us if you want to be known as a CITIZEN on the CITIZEN-SHIP register;

Blacks Law is what the LEGAL use the find definition(s) of words; many words are used against us to trap us into implied consent;

we are people, not CITIZENS; we belong to no-one.

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Thanking you profusely, Mark. There is much in your expositions above to ruminate over, and that everyone must be aware of. In truth, I have some familiarity with the matters you describe, i.e. the corporate debasement of what should be a government of, for, by the people, and I am aware of the legally treacherous implications of the definitions of even the most harmless-seeming terms, such as 'citizen', or even 'person.' The absence of a recognised political profession in the 1900 Commonwealth Constitution is news to me, so again I thank you for enlightening me with this very useful fact.

Still and all, I'd very much hope you will correct my mistaken view of there being false hope and little if any refuge whatsoever in the Australian Constitution. I may have read the wrong document, but from what I could gather, the guts of the Australian Constitution has far less to with protecting the people of Australia, and more to do with the interests of the politicians, professional or not. There is no Bill of Rights in Australia -- which is unremarkable since the same is true for the UK. There are a bunch of traditions and conventions that act as a starting point in debates over important matters, such as the individual's inalienable rights (e.g. "freedoms"), etc. The Australian Constitution very much seems to me a cynical document, a travesty of the very idea of a Constitution as being the canonisation of the rights and protections of the human inhabitants of a land. Instead, the Australian Constitution was written to protect the rights and sovereignty of the (governments of) various states so that they wouldn't lose out when they agreed to form a federation in 1901. There's freedom to conduct cross-border commerce without hindrance from state customs duties, tariffs etc. The individual citizen barely get a mention in the document. It's certainly not the noble document that is the US Constitution, for example -- which is no doubt why the US Constitution is energetically and assiduously circumvented and criminally ignored by the depraved and toxic imbeciles in US Congress who serve only their corporate owner class masters.

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"Dan Andrews epitomises modern" emasculinity ...

FIFY ;-)

But the points you make and your composition itself is a paragon of pithiness.

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I realise reading that again my comment may be misconstrued ... I meant in the context of the sort of masculinity desiring to be politicians, about almost none of whom in living memory one would utter the phrase, “geez, now that’s a good bloke”

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Thanks Rebekah - that is a great description of events that should never have happened. We have learnt a great deal over the past three years about the true nature of Australian society and the gutless wonders that make up most of the political ‘leadership’ class that govern our lives.

I suspect that both Andrews & McGowan’s recent resignations have been triggered by the gradual exposure of the true extent of the Excess Deaths that are occurring across the ‘injected’ world. Expect the QLD Premier to follow. These sociopathic individuals (and their supporting ‘health’ bureaucrats’) have enough rat cunning to not want to be in the political spotlight once the number of Australians who understand the true nature of the effects of the mRNA injectables reaches a critical mass sufficient to break through the corporate media’s wall of silence. Once this occurs, there may not be enough lampposts to go around.

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I sincerely hope you are right

I used to go years without even hearing about a death within my circle of friends family and acquaintances.

Now it’s a almost daily occurrence.

I suspect many that I hear about now are from the vaccine.

I am also now hearing about people I used to socialise with that have had heart attacks and strokes a year or so ago through people I bump into.

The amount of information spoon fed to these stupid incompetent public servants or politicians combined with the psychopathic ones was clear concise and backed by world class scientists proving how dangerous this ‘ vaccine ‘ was, was disregarded time after time.

It really is just a matter of time, these people should keep looking over their shoulder because this will all catch up with them.

I look forward to it.

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Rats everywhere abandoning the ship. Expect an imminent sinking.

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Yep - Gunner from NT gone. Jacinda Ardern gone. Mark McGowan gone. Boris Johnson - gone in the UK. Now Dan Andrews as well. Probably Annastacia P will go soon. I think the WEF planned controlled demolition of the whole global financial system is coming soon. Their foot soldiers are all exiting stage left so someone else can give the BS answers about what has happened an why is has happened and why we all have to have draconian restrictions again.

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I agree it's likely to be financial take-down & destruction, possibly followed by more covid type strains. The key players behind the scenes have gone too far to stop now; they'll go for broke.

The vax pushers were not just pollies - think well known, loud-mouthed commercial radio hosts (at least in Sydney) as well as 'your' ABC 'medical experts'. These people were as persistent as any Gladys to 'Just get the fax' and in many cases outright condemned those who were reluctant or questioned the 'science'. I look forward to their demise.

And I wonder how many departing pollies - and others - will see fit to take an extended trip overseas in an effort to avoid any potential blow-back from the vax injured? They say Ireland's nice this time of year.

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Ah yes, John Barilaro ... The former deputy premier who jauntily traipsed from NSW government immediately into the appointment as the $500,000-a-year-senior trade and investment commissioner to the Americas. The position, for which the decision on the appointment did not even go to cabinet, was created by Barilaro when he was trade minister. How fabulously handy!

It is downright impossible for me at this moment to even imagine what would constitute more trenchant testimony of their utter contempt for the people than this.

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Hi Rebekah, Thanks for this. Whilst your story is about Australia’s just departed premier of the State of Victoria “Dictator” Dan Andrews, it is far more than that. This is a case study par excellence for all—not just Aussies—on the hubris, zealotry, opportunism, arrogance, corruption, incompetence, profligacy, and criminal treachery that characterised so much of the political leadership of so many nations during the manufactured “Covid” crisis. Our political classes have always been a craven lot. But on this occasion they've really impressed.

If there’s ever a “Hall of Covid Infamy” established to remind future generations of what these cretins have perpetrated (and thus far have not been held to account for their actions and decisions, with little sign that is likely to happen), Andrews is a ‘shoe-in’ inaugural inductee into the pantheon. He—alongside other Useful Idiots™️ and True Believers™️ like Justin Trudeau, Boris (BOJO) Johnson, and Jacinda Ahern, to name just three of these despicable miscreants—will occupy a special place in our history. But their legacy is unlikely to be viewed favourably, even by their own descendants.

Certainly, for his part Andrews played the role of the worst—nay the most detestable—premier ever in Australian history. Considering the past and more recent competition he was up against, is a mighty big call. But, credit where credit is due: The man worked hard for it, and earned it. A fitting epitaph? "And you will know me by the trail of dead".

Greg Maybury


The No Fly Zone


The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury on TNT Radio (LIVE)



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I wonder what the hangover will be?

Remember here in WA, McGowan stepped down in a public announcement, while that night at Midnight, the dreaded ACH bill was gazetted.

What is in store for Vic in the next few months? Cos recent history shows Premiers in uncontested power only step down suddenly when the poo is about to hit the ceiling fans.

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I remember watching Rukshan's coverage of the Shrine of Remembrance assault by the armed terrorists. Those images will stay ingrained in my soul as the only evidence I really need that Australian democracy is an illusion.

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As with any politician of such obvious low character, the indictment is on the society which elects such scum. It beggars belief this vicious tyrant was re-elected after his misdeeds.

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Yes BUT it looks fairly certain that the Andrews gov engaged in serial election rorting, so the public cannot take all the blame for the election outcome.

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I mean no insult, but you cannot possibly still believe the system works and elections are a valid reflection of the will of the people.

With all that has happened and is still happening -- collapse of he debt-as-wealth financial system/COVID-19/"The Great Reset" -- how can you still believe in the fairy tale about the political system as being representative of the people's will?

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Victorians are just as susceptible to propaganda as anyone. I think he probably was legitimately voted back in because the majority of the population approved of his handling of the scamdemic and were only too happy to go along with his arbitrary, ever-changing rules. The sense that "we're all in this together" was palpable.

I was actually more frightened by my fellow citizens' response than by Dictator Dan and his ilk.

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Sadly, I know of Melburnians who number among that approving majority. I wrongly believed the particular individuals I'm referring to and their opinions were an aberration, a cipher of wayward thinking warped by their own peculiar circumstances. It turns out that the forces that moulded their minds operated at a large scale, and what I first thought was a vanishingly small minority may actually be the dominant position.

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No insult taken. But, if you accept 'society' as the common peoples and their institutions, you'll find we are not in disagreement. As for the 'you cannot possibly still believe', as I said 'it beggars belief this tyrant was re-elected'.

That said, it never fails to confound me as to how >30% of the population will 'strongly support' even the most egregious scoundrels.

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The Greatest Criminal in the history of Australia Dan the Dog Andrews , along with all other state criminal premiers , i think most good people would be happy to see them all Hung Publically , what a great day that would be. As for the coward police who assaulted innocent women and men , along with firing rubber bullets at the SHRINE !, they too should not escape justice , just hope karma takes them out , they are a disgrace to the Public & Police in general and deserve everything the cowards get As usual Dan and others, they come in do the damage then run for cover and the aussies just vote for another one to do the same ..what a joke, most of the australian public are and will it seems, continue to be ...

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I decided that too many people would be hurt by early covid, and fully supported the lockdowns. We Victorians were shut off from the rest of the Australia (which was supposedly in covid zero) and the only way people could move outside our state was to get back to covid zero, like the rest of Australia. I was distressed by the lockdown protesters.

A number of things were missing in the public discussion that may have switched my position:

1. Analysis of the cost-benefit of lockdowns. The cost, which would hamstring the next generation, was never brought out into public evaluative discussion. But weighing up lives vs money is a barely acceptable discussion even when pharma brings in a new $20,000-a-pill drug and wants medicare to pay for it. I ignored the cost.

2. Discussion on drugs that might mitigate serious disease, and nullify the need for lockdown. I could’ve expected some medical capture but didn’t know the extent of the evil that would ban potentially helpful drugs to very sick people.

3. Careful ethical discussion about the human rights that were being overridden, and the consequences. Prior to the pandemic “freedom” hadn’t been an important value in Australia. But there are people in Australia who understood their rights to 'free movement’ etc, and knew them to be enshrined, but I wanted these rights over-ridden. They legally appealed against the lockdown but lost, and I was glad. NB: I’ve seen the light on freedom ;)

4. As an ex-lefty I had little value for or understanding of small business. I didn't know how the lockdowns would facilitate the transfer of money to the biggest corporations.

5. I heard and understood the possibility that young/vulnerable people were shut in with potentially dangerous family, co-residents. People were allowed to escape situations of domestic violence, but in reality the strength to do so is typically hard to muster at the best of times. I let this go through without advocacy, though it distressed me to think of dysfunctional families shut up in apartments.

I was completely and utterly in the fanatical masses on the lockdowns. But I dropped out on the vaccines because I had an unusual trifecta of information, and I became the hated, threatened and silenced.

I think it was probably good for our population health that we missed the first covid strains.

And yet we need to have the discussion on cost vs benefit, early treatments, formerly enshrined human rights, and the value of small business, should the Gates-promised PandemicX arrive.

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Thanks Rebekah!

But how could you not mention SlugGate?

Surely that’s the best of the lot...

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I omitted initially because I thought it was more of a Brett Sutton thing than a Dan Andrews thing but now you bring it up, it's too good/bad not to add....

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Fascist number 1 has stepped down and so did fascist number 2––McGowan. Yet, there is not a price to be paid by either one of these tyrants. They FAILED miserably, but still walk away with government accolades and no doubt financially richer. And people wonder why politicians are about the lowest on the favourability scale. Tragically, the people suffered, but they still re-elected both McGowan and Andrews. One can only shake one's head at the irrationality of it all.

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A couple of things, the government has decreased the amount being paid for vax deaths. Dan Andrew’s is a psychopath of the worst kind. A couple months f years before the pandemic, I received information that Dan had spent 25 million to buy AK 47’s for his militarised police force. This was borne out by reports on MSM that the first plane landing at Tulla were met by police armed with submarine machine guns, and they have appeared at the airport a couple days f times since. Next time the bullets won’t be rubber. As for Dr dreamy eyes he’s been moved to CSIRO who engage in GOF and exchange with Wuhan scientists- he still gets to harm as many people as possible. Dan also made two of his most incompetent ministers CEO’s of major hospital groups- western health and the Alfred. As for the debt, he signed an illegal belt and road deal that was squashed by the federal government. So far over 7,000 business have left Victoria , and thousands have migrated interstate. I’d love to think we could all have street parties and sing what a wonderful day, but I think with 50 new taxes the misery and suffering will continue.

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I think the AFL must love Labor governments

Every time they destroy the State the diaspora of Victorians help spread footy into the Rugby League states

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Hah! So every cloud really does have a silver lining!

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I remember when Thatcher died -Ding Ding the Witch is dead immediately shot to the top of the charts and parties broke out all over the place - people were happy their tyrant was gone.

I suspect that Dictator Dan's resignation is a form of damage control ordered by the party elite who'll waste no time trying to salvage their brand of Neoliberalism with someone softer and friendlier in order to win the confidence of a public who have been deceived and bullied by a tyrant - there's no other word for it.

What is it with resignations - does that mean that they can avoid being held accountable for all the misery that their policies have caused?

Look at all those other recent resignations by unpopular politicians - NSW Gladys Berejikilan, John Barilaro, Andrew Constance - NZ Jacinta Adern - WA Premier Mark McGowan - UK Teresa May Boris Johnson.

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He will not be missed, that's for sure. Him and Mark McGowan would have to go down as 2 of the biggest tyrants of state premiers in Australia's history.

We need to hound them and hold them accountable. These people's view that they can just step out of the way of the hammer that is about to fall is sadly misguided.

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GREAT painting. Can the artist get in contact with me? [email protected]

Please remember this man, a victim of Dan's brutality on New Year's Day: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10360471/Melbourne-man-sets-fire-screaming-Dan-Andrews-Covid-vaccine-mandates.html

I think about him a lot. Mate, if you are reading, I hope you are still with us.

My initial thought when I saw the news was 'this is not justice - F YOU!' I would still go to the party though - hopefully the more committed lads will roll out their 'historical French art pieces' again. Will be great to see Rukshan and Avi on the steps again. Thanks for the article Rebekah.

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I have passed your comment on to the artist :)

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