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As you know Christine, I have some similar health issues to you, and this is my position too. Many people who are suspicious have damn good reason to be.

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I agree with you that our symptoms are telling us something. But I didn't like your implication that it's all in our heads, or at least, amplified in our heads. That is not helpful. My symptoms are telling me that my honeymoon period with electromagnetic radiation is over and I had better find a way of protecting myself from my abuser - local 5G installations that I cannot walk away from so have to pacify somehow. And is that ever successful? Can we ever protect ourselves from a 24/7 abuser? I am making very little headway with how to implement ANY level of protection that I can afford.

I am glad I have moved on from trying to defeat the potentially imaginary spike protein. There is no doubt that 5G is far more dangerous to us, on every level, than any bug, imaginary or real, and it is dangerous not just to our health but to every aspect of our lives. We must address it.


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“All in your head” is the most common misunderstanding of mind-body connection, and in my view that misrepresentation is flat out wrong.

I disagree that I have implied that mind-body is the same thing as “all in your head.”

It’s a real problem that people conflate the two, but I’m also still working out how to best articulate the difference. It took me years of reading and meditating to understand how it works in my own body. Anyway, that’s why I’ve hinted at writing a follow up piece. I agree with you that mind-body is far too often cast as imagined symptoms, which is not my understanding of it at all.

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It is not really about what you wrote or what you understand, but how your readers, read. Most cannot understand the difference between "mind body" connection and "all in your head". For most people in the world, they DO mean the same thing. So I don't think it is wise to use either of those terms unless it is in an article specifically explaining those terms and the essential difference between them.

I must admit that I am doing the same thing with my articles. What I write is my own learning journey, where I write about what I am currently dealing with. What came before - and that is a lifetime of learning, not just the last 3 years - is integrated into now, and someone who has not read my stuff from the start will have no idea what has been integrated. I wonder if I am losing people when I skip stuff or even more people when I repeat stuff. We each know what is integrated into the language we use, but not everyone who reads our words does.

Try asking an American the difference between alternate and alternative.

If I recall, one of your symptoms is neuropathy. Is it still spreading of have you found a way to slow or halt or even heal it?

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I guess I have more faith in my readers than you ;)

Thanks for asking, my symptoms are more related to pain and stiffness in connective tissue and muscles, chronic headaches, and weird neurological bursts like shooting pains. Plus extreme sensitivity to anything toxic. The mind-body aspect has been revelatory for me, as that, combined with regular movement and minimising exposure to toxins, have become the primary way that I manage pain. Allopathic medicine hasn't been able to offer me much unfortunately.

How are you travelling?

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Regarding the "mind body" aspect, I have currently reduced that (for my personal convenience) to something purely physiological - the "brain body" connection. I am chasing down damage to the autonomic nervous system and the signalling done by that system, which can become faulty. If the vagus nerve carries faulty information between the various organs in the body and the brain, then those organs can be working perfectly but are obeying the faulty commands and so appear to be malfunctioning. That would by why all the long covid people having the normal range of tests, are finding nothing at all wrong with the organs being tested even though they are clearly malfunctioning.

The problem is that, for some reason, the vagus nerve signals are scrambled - I think by 5G and other forms of electromagnetic pollution (I live near a naval base and an army base, so the options for all sorts of major electromagnetic pollution are huge). So we have to stop the scrambling of the messages, and then somehow reset them. The Wim Hoff stuff might be onto a way of resetting the messaging, but will not protect from the next assault that throws the "thermostat" back out of whack., and I am too old to be jumping into ice baths on a regular basis, so I am looking for a kinder way - once I have worked out how to protect myself from the next assault.

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The neuropathy is marching on and reaching the point of disabling me. It has gotten into my knees, so I am falling over. I have seen a few local doctors in the one practice, and they all look blank when I ask them about it. They all tell me it is caused by high blood sugar, but all agree that my blood sugar is not high enough to be doing it. And when I ask them how they would treat it if it really was being caused by high blood sugar, they all say, get your blood sugar down, but when I remind them that my blood sugar is not high enough to be causing neuropathy in the first place, they change the subject. And when I tell them it is a common symptom of long covid, they tell me we it is too early for doctors to understand what long covid is. And when I ask them what research papers they are reading on the topic, they change the subject. I haven't dared broach the idea that is it electromagnetic damage. That would blow their tiny little brains.

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I have come to accept that allopathically trained medical practitioners do not have the answers for these kinds of questions.

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Agreed. I am using them currently for running tests. I need to know that my self-medication is at least doing no harm, given I am mega-dosing, and to establish if it is working to whatever degree. So I need a pally doctor to order the necessary tests. I also went down with shingles and so needed heavy duty pain killers, or at least thought I did. They require scripts too. That was a learning - that pain killers CAUSE pain. What a novel idea. I was taking the pain killers specifically for shingles pain across my back and down one arm, and was amazed to discover that they did nothing at all to reduce that pain but that they caused severe pain in my legs. Goodie.

But at least, I can get the blood tests done - for now.

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Have you tried the carnivore diet, keto and intermittent fasting, long term fasting or anything like that?

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I have high blood sugar, and so have to judge my activities by what decreases my blood sugar to normal levels. Doing this I have discovered a few apparent fallacies in current belief systems. One keto meal drops my blood sugar by 2 points (that's a lot) and I can eat some carbs for the rest of the day without the sugar level rising. But if I have two keto meals in a row my blood sugar goes straight back up by two points or more. Fasting poses a similar problem. If I eat regular meals, the first of which is keto, my blood sugar stays down. If I fast, my blood sugar skyrockets. That means the fasting is causing my body to panic and dump glucose out from the liver into the blood. The longer I fast, the higher my blood sugar goes. As the liver only does one total dump of all the sugar it has (no half measures), the continued rise in blood sugar means it is coming from my fat supplies or muscles. As I am not losing fat but am losing muscle, that's scary. So I keep to a keto breakfast and then keep my carbs up enough to maintain my low sugar for the rest of the day.

Convoluted and counterintuitive, but I tell the whole story because nothing is what it seems. The current dietary fads and fashions always have some element of truth, but are always oversimplifications.

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They've got a strong incentive provided by the State not to have answers.

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I sincerely concur with you Christine. A switch flipped almost overnight for me almost bang on 2yrs ago - 2021, where I suddenly became highly sensitive to WiFi and smartphones - leading to same symptoms as what people describe as long covid. For me - inappropriate tachycardia, shortness of breath - then leading to weeks of fatigue and joint pain. I have not had the so-called jab or had the so-called virus. I had not been sick - physically or mentally unwell prior to this... I recognised the symptoms I had as being related to EMF - back in 2016 I had a TomTom Runner watch - produced tachycardic events every time I used WiFi/satellite on the watch. Never in my entire life as a runner had I ever experienced any concerns - this was reproducible every time. At the time I had no idea about EMF etc, all I did was throw the watch out - and never happened again until 2021. I have to go now - but happy to let you know of some tips I am aware of - if you like. However for me - I live mostly isolated in my home - trying to find a house to buy in the middle of no-where is my goal - or at least some distance from other houses, and away from cell towers - not an easy feat. Distance is your friend from all devices including smart meters - but there are some helpful things to think about in your home.

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Please do share what is working for you.

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