I’ve started watching the Seven Spotlight program ‘After Covid’, and note that it wasn’t disclosed in the panel member introductions that Robert Booy is a member of the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, including being a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, and past Chairman.

The Immunisation Coalition is sponsored and supported by vaccine manufacturers/providers such as Pfizer, moderna, novavax, GSK, sanofi, CSL Seqirus, MSD and Biocelect.

I think the audience and entire Australian population should be very interested to hear about Robert Booy’s conflicts of interest via his association with the Immunisation Coalition, he generally seems very reluctant to disclose this most pertinent information.

How about the Seven Spotlight program do an independent and objective investigation into the influence of the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, that’s a program I’d be very interested to watch… Including consideration of its ‘registered charity’ status…

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I think he's no longer a member but he certainly was. Alison Bevege has more on this, I think she is publishing tomorrow.

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Yes, Robert Booy is a member and on the Scientific Advisory Committee, see previous link I provided, and this one: https://www.immunisationcoalition.org.au/about-us/membership/

I’ve been following this for years. The reason we have the list of members publicly available is because I sought this transparency, with then CEO Kim Sampson, I have the correspondence.

There’s masses of conflicts of interest, with a clique of these academics associated with industry influencing taxpayer-funded vaccination policy for years.

See for example this presentation I gave in 2018: Big Pharma’s hijacking of ‘over’-vaccination policy – Conflicts of interest and lack of transparency and accountability. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atKeooIrHE8

Slides and transcript accessible here: https://over-vaccination.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/conflicts-of-interest-in-vaccination-policy-e-hart.pdf

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I beg your pardon, thank you Elizabeth!

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Further to my comment above, see the Immunisation Coalition website: https://www.immunisationcoalition.org.au/about-us/

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks for posting, Rebekah, and for your excellent analysis. It's good to see some issues being aired in the MSM. The vaccine apologists provided no evidence other than assertions from on high of the effectiveness or the safety of the vaccines. Hopefully, the TV audience is not as easily fooled as it used to be ... but I wonder about that. Dr Booy in particular says things that are simply unsustainable (e.g. that boosters are a good idea, and people should keep up to date with them, that the TGA needs to be better funded (!), that we need a CDC to make it all happen better, that the TGA has studied carefully the side-effects of vaccinations, etc). These people seem to happily just say stuff and expect to be believed ... "the health advice" writ large I guess. There is still an assumption (still!!) that a positive test means that someone has Covid, and we even heard that some people 'got covid' (with no symptoms!!) and then later got 'Long Covid'; logic that ought not get past a primary school student. Some of the shots of Gigi Foster's face were extraordinary ... her BS detector is better than most, I suspect, and I'm pleased that the cameras caught it as much as they did. It's amazing that people can still say things like Anastasia P's observation that "30 000 people will die from Covid in Queensland" and hence (because that didn't happen) they had 'saved' them. [Maybe she has been listening to Neal Ferguson from Imperial College, London?] Strange that almost nothing was said at all about masks (maybe it's too embarrassing to admit they were worthless?). Worth watching, and I'm pleased that it went to air to a large nationwide audience ... I wonder how well the TV audience saw through the fiasco that was the pandemic management ... But at least it’s a start. Let’s hope the truth can keep seeping out.

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Yes I think whoever was in charge of the edit might have agreed with Gigi on quite a few points. Either that or they're editing for maximum controversy. More likely the latter actually. I can't believe how many cutaways they did to her disgust face 😅

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Crikey, Robert Booy is a shocker…and the audience left in the dark about his conflicts of interest via his association with the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, see my comment on this article.

As for Annastacia Palaszczuk’s claims about 30,000 people dying in Queensland, these fear-mongering figures must be called out now, after all the damage they’ve caused over the past nearly five years.

The Doherty modelling which put us into lockdown, influenced by Neil Ferguson’s Imperial College modelling, and the Doherty modelling which set vaccination targets for opening up, must be put right under the spotlight now. How about taking that on, Seven Spotlight?

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Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Drip ... drip ... drip. The dam begins to leak with the architects desperately trying to restrict the inevitable flow while we will it to burst and sweep away the likes of Booy, Senanayake and Palaszczuk so they're not still in place and able to do it again.

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We all know why they didn’t invite Professor Robert Clancy onto the panel but stacked it with Pharma shills . They didn’t even disclose how beholden to Pharma Dr Booy is to the audience.

This was nothing other than a “get ahead of the narrative” gaslighting exercise.

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I think that given they need to give the appearance of balance and include all perspectives, including the propaganda one, they actually gave a lot of airtime to the counter narrative. I was pleasantly surprised.

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Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I’m not saying they didn’t give airtime to the counter narrative ie the public’s experience; of course they did.

I’m saying they didn’t include a medical expert that has a completely different perspective on the mRNA jabs in an attempt to appear balanced with the “experts” they invited. Kerryn Phelps is hardly that. She’s still very pro vaccines.

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Ok, I see.

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Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Let's pray that this sort of press makes people think twice about their next injection and more aware of pandemic propaganda, which is coincidentally being rolled out now.

How can people make the connection between covid and bird flu, if they refuse to listen to or watch anything on MSM or alternative media about the subject?

Everyone I know that has been C-19'D doesn't want to know about C-19 FROM ANY SOURCE, even if they are injured by the Vax.

They just don't want to know.... I guess that i wouldn't either.... Would you?

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Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Justin – one of the biggest shocks to me that came out of the ‘Covid’ disaster of the last five years was to learn how malleable the human mind is when subjected to organised mass psychological manipulation by persons in authority and ‘authoritative’ institutions – such as the corporate media. What we witnessed during ‘the pandemic’ was the mass application of both the ‘Milgram Experiment’ of 1961 and the ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’ of 1971 rolled into one – but carried out on a global scale.

The majority of people that I associate with refused to even consider the possibility that they were being deceived by government authorities and the corporate media about the risks associated with accepting injection with the inadequately tested experimental mRNA genetic agents – which were falsely posited as a ‘safe & effective’ protection against the Covid virus. Moreover, most of these same people still will not look at the facts – they simply refuse to consider the evidence. Many are now paying a high price for this.

We should never allow the bureaucratic imbeciles who posed as official ‘health’ experts and their unworthy political masters and mistresses to hide from the profound evil they have perpetrated - an evil that has resulted in mass death and injury. They inflicted this on the ordinary people of Australia who gave them their trust. That also goes for the congenital liars who infest the corporate media - the talking heads and organisations who used their enormous influence and media power to facilitate the fear campaign that underwrote the psychological manipulation of the whole population in order to drive people towards accepting the toxic experimental mRNA genetic injectables. These morally defective individuals should never be let off the hook. It doesn’t matter how long it takes – there eventually must be political and legal retribution for the evil that those in authority have done.

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Re: “What we witnessed during ‘the pandemic’ was the mass application of both the ‘Milgram Experiment’ of 1961 and the ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’ of 1971 rolled into one – but carried out on a global scale.”


The most shocking example of this is the medical ‘profession’ throwing their legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination right over a cliff.

The medical ‘profession’ collaborated with coercive and mandatory vaccination, this precludes voluntary informed consent. Now with reportedly 71.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in this country, there is NO VALID CONSENT.

It’s mind-boggling, and most people still don’t seem to understand the seriousness of the situation.

See more background in my detailed article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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I am sad that the focus has been mainly on the " vacinne" harms and not on the coercion and the poisoning of air, water and food over these years.

A focus on blanketed poisoning of all of us may have united us, whilst a focus on "vacinnes" played most us right into the claws of the divide and conquer distraction agenda.

Finding the evidence for vacinne genocide was important, but ultimately an impotent way to try to inform and wake up people that had already made an irreversible decision.

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And even though the legal/ political system is captured or protects only the legal/political system, the only way to maintain an iota of human freedom is to make those in these domains work damn hard at it, using their own writs and words and parameters.

In this way the lies becomes transparent to all, even if only on a subconscious level?

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As you can see, my break from covid content is going really well, haha.

I couldn't resist watching this 'special', but spent most of it yelling at the TV. Gigi Foster was incredible and exercised remarkable patience in the face of total nonsense from the other panel members. I didn't realise at the time, but it was wonderful that Alison Bevege was there, too, despite the subsequent censorship.

My heart broke for the family detailing their experience of losing their fit, healthy 34 year old daughter to the AZ vaccine, and my blood boiled when they said they had not been contacted at all by the authorities or regulators. The response by the pro-vax panel members was also appalling. Even after the last four years I am still staggered at how devoid of compassion some doctors can be. Robert Booy's feeble claims that the TGA really care in the face of this story were pathetic.

As an aside, I'm also wondering if the folks at MilkbarTV (or similar) can make a video of the attempts to revise history, by Michael Usher and Annastacia Palaszczuk in particular. I'm sure his claim that "we were all forced" is at odds with many statements he has made over the years in direct or tacit disparagement of the unvaccinated. And her claim that she was called anti-vax when the QLD CHO advised against young women being given AZ, as though she faced the same disparagement as unvaccinated people, is absolutely outrageous.

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Haha welcome back to the comments Laine! I was so delighted when I saw Alison jump up from the audience on the original screening, and even better that her initial question has been leaked in full https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/spotlight-on-seven-what-didnt-make

Booy is so out of touch I almost can't take it. Senenayake seems moreso the arrogant beyond belief type.

I asked Nathan (MilkBar) if he can make a montage of Gigi's disgusted looks. At the very least, someone should make a GIF 😅

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Thank you! I think, hahahaha! Me too, although I didn't realise it was Alison at the time. It's such a shame her question was cut, but I'm glad it has been leaked as the broader discussion should be known.

It's so incredibly frustrating, isn't it?! You wonder how much longer they'll continue to dig in.

Yes! Definitely a meme of poor Gigi at the very least. I felt for her; she has the patience of a saint!

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Gigi handled it so well. So composed.

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Jul 2Liked by Rebekah Barnett

I was quite surprised that ch7 hosted this.

They were full blown Covid Bad, Vax Good during those years. Censorship and trashing antivaxxers etc.

Did something change internally there?

I think the real story is not the change in narrative, but the "why" the change in narrative.

The why is the fulcrum point that might be able to help further narrative shifts.

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I feel like the 'why' is that the big lie narrative has to incorporate aspects of reality from time to time in order to sustain itself. There may be other reasons. Alison called it a limited hangout, which I think is accurate. https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/spotlight-on-seven-what-didnt-make

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Jul 3Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity podcast, does an in-depth breakdown of the Spotlight segment. On Rumble and YT. Martenson's been doing excellent analysis of the whole COVID debacle since early 2020.

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And on X https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1808169376442392832

Thanks for highlighting :)

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Jul 3Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Excellent summary Rebekah.

You represent what journalism used to stand for.

I've forwarded it to several professional and family contacts.

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Thanks Gareth 😊

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Jul 3Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you.

I thought we'll end up here if they pushed the vaccines too hard without proper due process. My wife was the emotional alarmist in the family, she was really upset and I myself ignorant because I thought these vaccine companies + gov will know better, otherwise people will lose even more confidence and push back harder and harder. It's happening, except, I was WRONG, terrible wrong on the path and when/how we get there. I forgot about the path dependent nature of this thing. I never thought we'll see segregation....the path dependency matters a lot and can get us in HUGE trouble in future.

Silly me.

Again, I'll forgive but never forget.

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Me too. Forgive but don't forget.

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