Who better to take the issue of DNA contamination in the Covid mRNA vaccines mainstream than the most popular podcaster on the planet?
On a jaw-dropping episode of the Joe Rogan podcast this week, guest Dr Suzanne Humphries, a medically trained doctor and former nephrologist (kidney specialist) and author of the book Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, lobbed a series of hand grenades about vaccine safety and effectiveness.
One of these grenades was DNA contamination in the mRNAs - a topic that has thus far failed to penetrate the mainstream awareness bubble.
While independent scientists and media have been publishing news of excessive synthetic DNA contamination being detected in the mRNA shots since Boston-based genomics scientist Kevin McKernan first discovered it in early 2023, legacy media has ignored the issue, except for occasional articles brushing aside scientific findings as ‘anti-vax conspiracy theories.’
Most people who took the mRNA shots still have no idea that the vaccines contain plasmid DNA contamination and, in the case of the Pfizer vaccine, that the product they took is not even the same as the one that was tested in the landmark Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT).
As of yesterday, millions of listeners worldwide have been introduced to the topic.
The undisputed king of podcasting, Rogan has an audience of a whopping 14.5 million listeners on Spotify, 19.6 million subscribers on YouTube, 19.7 million followers on Instagram and 15.2 million on X.
The Dr Humphries episode had over a million views on YouTube on its first day. So when Dr Humphries told Rogan, “You’re one of the cracks in the matrix here quite frankly,” she was not wrong.
During a wide-ranging discussion covering everything from polio, to vaccine propaganda, to SV40, to vaccines and autism, to the multitude of risks of the Covid shots, Rogan asked Dr Humphries about the ‘bait and switch,’ whereby Pfizer tested one vaccine product in its RCT, then changed its production process for the mass vaccine rollout.
Rogan: “All the things you said about the Covid vaccine I’m sure are correct and true, but isn’t it also different to the one they used in the test?”
Dr Humphries: “Yes. The vaccine that was produced for the general public, at least when it comes to Pfizer, they used magnetic beads for purification which was totally different to what they did for the one they gave to us.
“And they produced it using …they didn’t use plasmids and they didn’t use all these different components that were given to us.
“There were two aspects of the test vaccine that were very different - it was the production, and how they purified it.”
This is exactly right.
As highlighted by Dr Josh Guetzkow and Professor Retsef Levi in a rapid response in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in July 2022, Pfizer used one method (Process 1) to manufacture its RCT vaccine, but switched to a different method (Process 2) to scale-up production for the mass rollout.
As Dr Guetzkow has since explained, when dealing with highly complex biological medical products, “the process is the product.”
Almost all of the 43,448 participants in Pfizer’s RCT received the Process 1 vaccine, while only 252 participants in the trial received the Process 2 vaccine, meaning that the vaccine doses administered to billions of people around the world were never tested at scale before being approved for use. No further safety data on the Process 2 product was ever provided to regulators.
“The differences include changes to the DNA template used to transcribe the RNA and the purification phase, as well as the manufacturing process of the lipid nanoparticles,” wrote Dr Guetzkow and Prof Levi.
Process 1 used In Vitro Transcription of synthetic DNA to make the spike-producing mRNA and a ‘clean,’ high-quality filtration process, as described by Dr Humphries.
Process 2, however, involves growing DNA plasmids in E. coli bacteria, from which the vaccine mRNA is then produced. The filtration is done with an enzyme that chops the leftover plasmids into tiny pieces, which are then supposed to be filtered out.

It is this manufacture process, used by both Pfizer and Moderna, that has resulted in DNA contamination at levels far above the regulatory limit being found in an increasing number of mRNA vaccine vials around the world, including in an FDA lab, and most recently reported for vials from Ireland and from Slovakia (the full formal write up for both studies has yet to be released).

In the Pfizer vaccine (but not Moderna), a genetic sequence called the SV40 enhancer promoter has been detected, also there as a result of the switch to Process 2. This gene therapy sequence is known for its ability to drag material into the nuclues of cells, something that Covid vaccine components are not supposed to be able to do.
The potential implications of the DNA contamination arising from Process 2 are risks of genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption, and adverse hereditary effects, warn leading scientists, doctors and academics.
Dr Humphries went on to add that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) encasing the DNA contamination effectively deliver this material straight into recipient cells, contrary to the promise that it would “never get past the deltoid and will be disintegrated in there.” [Note: Dr Humphries used the term lipopolysaccharide at first to refer to E. coli endotoxin resulting from Process 2, but I believe based on the context when she moved on to describing materials shuttling into cells, she muddled the terms and actually meant LNPs.]
During the episode Kevin McKernan (
) also got a mention for his discovery of the SV40 enhancer promoter sequence in the Pfizer vaccine, which the pharma giant did not disclose to drug regulators during the approvals process.Regulators have since confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine does indeed contain the SV40 sequence, but maintain that it is non-functional, despite admissions made in internal emails between staff of Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) that it can in fact “promote nuclear transport of DNA,” which could give rise to genomic integration (which can in turn give rise to cancer).
Hopefully the prospect of millions of Rogan’s followers hearing about DNA contamination in the mRNAs and that the Process 2 vaccine wasn’t even tested before being given to them will afford the opportunity for sober reflection and future informed consent.
The intent is not to scare the bejesus out of people, but to provide them with the information that they have a right to know. As McKernan likes to say, the stress hormone cortisol is not good for your health either.
The ‘crack in the matrix’ on this issue is welcome after long-held media silence on DNA contamination in the mRNAs and its implications for those who have taken (or are still taking) them.
Discussing the media blackout on a swathe of vaccine-safety concerns, Dr Humphries raised a 1984 publication by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the federal register relating to standards for polio vaccines, which states that,
“…any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.”

Indeed, the idea that suppression of “well founded” doubts about vaccine safety in the interest of maintaining public confidence in public health programs appears to be the prevailing sentiment among regulators and their media henchmen to this day (with the exception of a handful of limited hangouts).
Interested readers can find out more about efforts to raise awareness of the DNA contamination in Covid mRNA vaccines in this recent press release sent to over 2,000 media contacts across the US, Europe, the UK, and Australia calling attention to a citizen petition filed with the FDA to revoke the mRNAs.
Australia’s David Declaration raises similar concerns, as does the Australians Demand Answers campaign led by federal MP for Monash, Russell Broadbent.
Watch Joe Rogan’s full interview with Dr Suzanne Humphries here. Read a summary and full transcript here. Meanwhile, expect a cottage industry of ‘fact checker’ articles and ‘very concerned op-eds’ to fill your feeds.
Note: I have not fact-checked every claim made by Dr Humphries over the course of the two-and-a-half-hour interview. On the topics I am well-versed in, I found her to be broadly accurate.
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The sad reality is that our governments went all out to scare the bejesus out of their populations with illusionary viral vapourware when what those populations should have been scared of is their government’s counter measures including the injectable poisons.
Quackccines. One of the biggest crimes in plain sight.. ever?
Good summary of key points. Amazing to see this getting coverage on JRE.