A WA doctor you may be interested in Rebekah who was a school teacher in country WA before noticing kids getting sicker and sicker and then investigating - you guessed it - vaccines!!


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Oh thank you, I know Judy! A woman of great integrity. I have read her book also.

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It's likely that it's possible to identify your taxi driver these days. Just from his association with you. If you paid cash, both of you had your phones in faraday cages and you hailed him from the street it might be ok. Otherwise maybe not. Probably in this instance there won't be a penalty for him.

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Damn that's a point.

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Its a very hard step to take let alone believe as we have been conditioned to believe in viruses and contagion Rebekah, but viruses' do not exist, keep an open mind and have a squizz

it has been a long road for me to get there from the start of this scandemic

also Dr Sam Bailey and her doctor husband from NZ are also great sources of info, Dr Kaufman from the US and even Mike Yeadon in UK a ex Pfizer VP of research has recently admitted this.


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If there's one thing the past 2 years has taught me, it's to have an open mind. I don't really understand what you're talking about but I'm willing to view digestible sources on just about any subject these days. If you have a link to Mike Yeadon's comments on this matter I'd be happy to read them.

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You cant pass on the flu, covid, measles, chicken pox etc to your kids, neighbour, workmate etc because viruses don't exist and are therefore not contagious.

its a hard bridge to cross

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Yep sure, this guy was ex Pfizer VP


It took me a couple of years to get here and admit it to myself, i was very interested in stats and could not understand the vaccines, mandates, lockdowns etc for what seemed a seasonal flu.

Now i understand that we have been lied to about all these vaccines that have destroyed countless peoples lives in particular kids.

i was born in 1963 and had SFA vaccines as a kid, my recently born grandson needs many more times what i had - WHY - its for money and to keep you sick and ultimately depopulation and enslavement- seems insane but there is no other logical answer.

I understand the stats and logic to debunk covid and the vaccines, but the real truth is viruses don't exist and that truth is just to much for most of the population

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