Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

A thoughtful, nuanced take, as always. Thanks Bek.

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Thanks Max 🙏

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Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Good ending. Toleration of contrary opinions is difficult (especially when those views cause *actual* harm, e.g. "vaccines are safe and effective"), but in cases like this the totalitarian that lives in all our pockets comes into crystal clear view.

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Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

This is a political " stage".. these are actors and scripts ( agendas) that are a diversion/ divide& conquer play that divert energy from seeing the bigger picture... as the real threats unroll from private meetings in a way so painfully slow that it escapes the notice of the immediately gratifed vacuous, short term memory of modern humanity's drive-through mentality.. Only noticed when the convenience store shuts.

Am I looking at this correctly?

So if I let my energy be tapped by diversions, does that make me open to be used by, and as an "agent" of the matrix?

"We live in a world of governance by saturated media dominated by parasocial relationships that are cultivated for the purpose of toying with the masses. The Kunlangeta psychopaths who escape community orbit make the rules of the Matrix, and most everyone else follows. When needed, they orchestrate powerful illusions to mesmerize the masses as part of a grand process of social engineering."....

"I lean toward believing that this is an event that can be sculpted by the illusionists in several possible directions in order to achieve their primary goal, which might simply be chaos."


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Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Spot on Rebekah, great observations

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Thanks Pillo 🙏

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Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Scary how CC has become the 'norm'. MAD is Machiavellian and a bad idea. Already my kids can't imagine a world without cancel culture. The longer it goes on, the more entrenched these behaviours become, the less likelihood of it ever changing.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

It concerns me when people make arguments like 'we'll escalate now but we'll be magnanimous once we win', as though this is something that can be switched on and off, or co-ordinated at scale. I'm not so confident about that. Then again, I understand why people in favour of MAD are exasperated with the status quo.

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Absolutely fantastic piece, Rebekah! Wonderfully clear and concise explanation of the differences between legal free speech and incitement to violence.

I am perplexed at the fall out from Kyle's poor taste joke. It was a horrible thing to say, but the aftermath (some of which has been self-inflicted with the group's contrived grovelling apologies) is ridiculously over the top. I agree entirely with Prof Allen's assessment that it is better to allow people to express their views and then we can make our own personal decisions as to whether we wish to continue associating with and/or supporting said people - not with he mobilisation of 'mob justice' to ruin their entire lives. Twenty years ago I adored Tenacious D (and still enjoy reminiscing over certain songs), but, like many other artists (RATM, I'm looking at you), they have revealed themselves to be pathetic disappointments in a modern political context, so I would not go to a show or purchase their merchandise now. Calling for cancellation and/or deportation is ridiculous, in my opinion.

As an aside, Jack Black's reaction was also completely ridiculous. Voice your disagreement and disappointment (if they are genuine), by all means, but he has essentially cancelled his own friend and creative partner of decades over this. For something he almost certainly wholeheartedly agrees with. If anything, this doesn't achieve the clout he is so desperately chasing, it simply makes him even more pathetic and spineless.

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And this week we also had another pendulum swing with the left embracing #BlueAnon conspiracy theories! What a funny, upside down world we live in.


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It certainly is getting stranger by the day! I must admit that I am all for so-called conspiracy theories around this awful event because many make more sense than the official story; however, this isn't one of them.

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Jul 21Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Who decides what is free speech or not as like beauty its all in the eye or ear of the beholder Some claim one or another item is disgraceful is misinformation is abhorrent others shrug it away For those"delicate sensitive "thin skinned souls lacking humour finding fault in others & everything is constant evil unbearable and so are they Earlier days recall it was shameful & improper to say backside or bum now its arse & nil said & its accepted People appear to have lost their sense of humour to openly laugh at self & with it have lost part of their soul Not compulsory to listen or absorb what others say or do rhink & speak for tourseld

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Well done this is a comprehensive, thoughtful analysis and also very enjoyable to read.

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Well done this is a comprehensive, thoughtful analysis and also very enjoyable to read.

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