The 'Yes' campaign was so poorly structured that one wonders whether it was designed to fail......... I have little faith in the honesty of the AEC & was extremely shocked that the referendum failed. One can only conclude that it was never meant to be successful. Did Albo only win office if he promised to hold the referendum? And, now th…
The 'Yes' campaign was so poorly structured that one wonders whether it was designed to fail......... I have little faith in the honesty of the AEC & was extremely shocked that the referendum failed. One can only conclude that it was never meant to be successful. Did Albo only win office if he promised to hold the referendum? And, now that it has been held & failed, will he disappear into obscurity, having served his purpose?
She's the acknowledged WEF "Young Global Leader" ALP minister for doing everything related to digital capture "for climate" and mis/disinformation as well.
Hon Clare O'Neil MP, Member for Hotham
Positions: Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security
And she's on the National Security Committee which "considers the highest-priority, highest risk and most strategic nationals security matters of the day. Decisions of the NSC do not require the endorsement of Cabinet. Decisions with financial implications are endorsed through a joint meeting of the NSC and ERC."
How many people know this group of people wield so much power? How did this happen without our informed consent?
The 'Yes' campaign was so poorly structured that one wonders whether it was designed to fail......... I have little faith in the honesty of the AEC & was extremely shocked that the referendum failed. One can only conclude that it was never meant to be successful. Did Albo only win office if he promised to hold the referendum? And, now that it has been held & failed, will he disappear into obscurity, having served his purpose?
It was a massive distraction from the Clare O'Neill basket of goodies.
I'll have to go look up Clare O'Neill, I have not come across anything regarding her as yet.
She's the acknowledged WEF "Young Global Leader" ALP minister for doing everything related to digital capture "for climate" and mis/disinformation as well.
Hon Clare O'Neil MP, Member for Hotham
Positions: Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security
Party: Australian Labor Party
And she's on the National Security Committee which "considers the highest-priority, highest risk and most strategic nationals security matters of the day. Decisions of the NSC do not require the endorsement of Cabinet. Decisions with financial implications are endorsed through a joint meeting of the NSC and ERC."
How many people know this group of people wield so much power? How did this happen without our informed consent?
Highest risk? That would be self-employed, heterosexual Christian families, wouldn't it?