No accountability and hiding behind the "we did it because good things" excuse. I'm sure Mengele thought he was doing some good to some degree. Gates is sure he's doing some good. Mao thought he was doing some good. My God, if thinking we are doing some good and morals and ethics as well as our constitution is just heaved aside, what isn't doing some good? The bar is set very low. The general public are victim to propaganda 24/7 since the pandemic began. If anything, a public survey should be viewed as a measure of propaganda efficacy not pandemic response proportionality. Offenders the LGBTQI Mafia and you're sued into financial ruin eg. Bernard Gaynor. Destroy millions of lives and their health, she's right mate. The death of one person as tragedy, the death of millions a statistic. The trouble is, the deaths are not done. 40yo female had a reaction both times neurological, not reported. That's a family that near lost a mum. May God's vengeance be swift and thorough on these people responsible for these atrocities.

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Yes, I think you are onto something when you claim that a survey of public sentiment is a measure of the effectiveness of an indoctrination campaign.

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Ditto that.

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When it mattered the HRC were MIA. Too late to the party.

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I agree. They should have advocated from the outset.

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Lots were MIA ...not least comedians who ought to have been publicly satirising the fuck out of the government regulations.

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Disappointing, but unsurprisingly another bureaucratic whitewash. The judiciary and the bureaucracy are corrupt to the core. God only knows how these people sleep at night.

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I think they really believe 'safe and effective' and all the rest.

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And yet........ I do have to question, when, in the middle of the "deadly pandemic", how is it the feds were all given an option whether to have the jab - OR NOT! ...... not to mention in satanic Victorian lockdowns, brothels were allowed to remain open..... just how beyond absurd is that.......so many levels of ridiculous, that should have had most sane, logical people, thinking "Hang on a minute...."

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Yes, and behaviour is driven by beliefs. And we do not have much control over our beliefs.

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"...on satin sheets next to a woman whose beauty would make you weep with desire..." Vale Michael Leunig

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I could be wrong, but my take on these reports & inquiries is that the people involved e.g. politicians & public servants were never at risk of losing their jobs, homes, businesses etc, therefore cannot hold a truly empathetic view on the impact of mandates on 'normal' people!

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I think you can be empathetic without having personally lived through an experience. With the AHRC I'm not sure that the problem is so much lack of empathy as it is blind faith in the regulator's safe and effective messaging, along with some double-think on the injury front.

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I felt my brain was going to explode reading your article Rebekah.

Absolute public service self-serving garbage.

Essentially, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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thank you Rebekah,

.. a fine review .. a little triggering of the trauma millions suffered, and continue to suffer

for mine .. the AHRC is a disgrace .. this report - an insult to all Australians

Lorraine Finlay is not a true Human Rights advocate, just a perversely paid bureaucrat who knows how to recite relevant treaties and human rights laws, only to water them all down into meaninglessness

.. the result - she left the door wide open for it all to happen again

Lorraine certainly knows who butters her bread

what a disgraceful life legacy to leave behind

well done Lorraine, well done

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thank you Julian,

for speaking my mind (in more tempered fashion than I might have); . . and speaking of mandates - the AHRC utterly abandoned theirs when most needed. Ef-ing pitiful.

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To think there exists a belief that having women holding high ranking positions leads to more caring leadership.:)

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When it counted they did nothing. They are useless.

Frankly this is just their attempt to appear relevant so they can keep collecting their easy pay.

They should be sacked. The money saved from their pay should go to people whose health or livelihood was destroyed by office fauna like them.

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Thanks Rebekah 🙏👍 They weren't able to fool everyone and they wanna get better at it

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Regarding the collectivist sentiment reflected in that 74% survey figure, it is worth noting that burden of the restrictions were far from equitably distributed across the community. Imagine, for instance, the situation of someone who was wealthy and semi retired living in a North shore residence compared to a couple who have just lost their 'non essential' employment and who lives in a cramped tower block with three needy children.

Next, regarding the 57% in favour ofa mandatory COVID jabs, methinks they were given (by the media) an inflated perception of (A) the ratio of Vax effectiveness to Vax danger and an exaggerated perception of (B) the product of the disease contagion and disease potency. That is, their responses assumed dubious starting information. With both A and B very high (in FACT), the case for compulsion is strong.

I think exemptions on so called 'medical grounds' are problematic, meanwhile.

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Re: your first point this was also well made by the report

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Excellent article Rebekah. I will never forgive, or forget, the lack of support for human rights this organisation displayed. They did it again in the 'what is a woman' court case, proving they don't think women have the right to meet without men in any situation.

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Only 57% of people supported vax mandates?? It sure felt like 99.99% at the time. "You're Welcome" - remember that?

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The survey was conducted in 2024. I would imagine they’d have seen higher support in 2021-2022.

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