When you're in an abusive relationship, you become accustomed to the abuse.
There’s only so much screaming into the abyss that a person can endure. Even when you see the abuse for what is, you are prone to conditioning. You become desensitised through repeated exposure to destructive, abusive behaviour. You feel a shock, then duck for the next hit.
Two high-profile Substackers declared the madness of Australian Covid policies yesterday, and it made me think, well yes, obviously.
I wondered why I hadn’t written about them myself, being that I write frequently on the unfolding dystopia in Australia, and I think the answer is:
I’m in an abusive relationship and my government is the abuser.
Steve Kirsch pointed out that Australia has a compensation scheme for Death by Covid Vaccine. This is absolutely the case.
We also have a Covid vaccine injury scheme, in case you are significantly injured by the vaccines.
This was one of the first details that made me lose my mind about Covid vaccines being mandated.
State governments were (are) absolutely allowed to mandate drugs that kill and maim enough people to warrant a national scheme dedicated to compensating people killed and maimed by that class of drugs alone.
But don’t think that just because you are injured by the vaccines, you’ll be able to get compensation. The conditions are stringent. If, for example, you get myocarditis after Novavax, you’re not eligible. If you get Guillain Barre Syndrome from the Pfizer, you’re not eligible. If you went to hospital but were not admitted, you’re not eligible (except in rare circumstances). You can read the impossible list of compensation qualifications HERE.
A standout point is that “anxiety related reactions” are not eligible for compensation. Huh. As a volunteer interviewer for Jab Injuries Australia, I take victim statements for people injured by the Covid vaccines. Can you guess the initial diagnosis of every single one of the scores of people I have interviewed? If you guessed anxiety, you win. Can you guess what most of them actually had? Myocarditis, pericarditis, various other cardiac conditions, or worse.
Almost all of my interviewees end up with an official diagnosis of severe injury caused by the jab, but they suffer through outlandish medical gaslighting to get there.
22 year old Pete had to see 4 cardiologists before he found one willing to run the test that confirmed his diagnosis of pericarditis and myocarditis (read Pete’s story HERE). Before he was diagnosed correctly, he was prescribed medication for anxiety. 25 year old Katie broke down when she told me she’s been discharged from the military due to being '“unfit for service.” She’s unfit for service because she has myocarditis from the Covid vaccine she was coerced into taking to keep her job (read Katie’s story HERE). Katie was also prescribed medication for anxiety before receiving a more appropriate diagnosis.
These people are twice traumatised: first by the injury, then by the gaslighting.
Some injured people don’t have the stomach for the trauma of getting a proper diagnosis. One woman I interviewed recently said,
”I know people might think the diagnosis is important but would it help? Even if I have a formal diagnosis linking my symptoms to the jab, I still won’t qualify for the compensation scheme because I didn’t spend the required period of time in hospital and I haven’t spent the designated amount on specialist fees.”
(read Hannah’s full story HERE)
I think her position is understandable. Recovery from vaccine injury takes a lot of time and effort, and getting a proper diagnosis can be extraordinarily difficult, time consuming, and re-traumatising. What this means is that when former deputy chief health officer Dr Nick Coatsworth says “As far I'm aware, only a single death has been associated with myocarditis in Australia,” this figure is almost certainly, completely, entirely bogus.
By the way, there seems to be a common misconception among the media and medical professionals that anecdotal evidence is not data. This misconception is perhaps due to the siloing of medical sciences and the rise of Scientism as the new religion of the masses. Anyone with a basic (and perhaps, interdisciplinary) education in research design and methods knows that there are two kinds of data:
1. Quantitative (how many, how much, how often?)
2. Qualitative (experiences, attitudes, beliefs, themes)
Both are necessary and valuable to the advancement of science. Qualitative data can provide thick descriptions, explanations, and themes. It is soft, unstructured, and typically presented in words. Quantitative data can provide measurements of phenomena. It is hard, structured, and is typically presented in tables and graphs. They each have pros and cons, and are best blended for maximum insight. Deakin University has a neat 3 minute explainer below:
Scientism generally over-privileges quantitative data. Wokeism generally over-privileges qualitative data (except in the case of Covid, in which case Wokeism inexplicably prefers hard quantitive data to the softer ‘lived experience’). In an ideal world, people would appreciate that both are valid and should be balanced against each other.
The point of this segue is to highlight that archives of victim statements such as Jab Injuries Australia provide a source of qualitative data that might offer some insight into why Australia might only have one recorded death from vaccine-induced myocarditis. Anecdotal evidence can also indicate areas that require further quantitative research. For example, when Naomi Wolf was booted off Twitter for speaking of women’s lived experiences of vaccine-related menstrual interference, this could have prompted quantitative researchers to asses ‘how much’ and ‘how often’. This research was of course eventually conducted and we now know that the answer is ‘a lot’ and ‘very often’. Yet Wolf is still banned on Twitter and is generally treated as a crank for her use of qualitative data on this issue.
The second notable commentary on Australia to come from an American yesterday is this Substack from Alex Berenson, in which he points out that Australia’s advisory body (ATAGI) has refrained from recommending the fourth shot to under 50s. The shot is available to 30-49 year olds, but not recommended.
But if you’re in Australia, you wouldn’t know it. State premiers and health officials have pressed ‘eligible’ over 30s to get the fourth shot at every opportunity.
Here is Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (pronounced pal-uh-shay) encouraging everyone over the age of 30 to get their fourth shot. Palaszczuk is not a medical professional.

She did not respond to my follow up question:

Here is WA Premier Mark McGowan encouraging everyone over the age of 30 to receive a fourth shot on his Facebook page. He is not a medical professional either.
McGowan’s encouragement is echoed on the WA Government website:
Here is Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton telling everyone who is eligible (30+ years) to get their fourth dose “as soon as possible.” Sutton actually does have a medical degree, so he should know better.
Via Sky News
Sutton’s statement is especially surprising given that ATAGI specifically states that the benefits in the eligible group of 30-49 years old are uncertain and likely, if anything, to be limited.
Read the ATAGI fourth dose recommendations HERE.
In the meantime, Australian health officials are still laboring at increasing uptake of the third shot. This tweet from the president of the Australian Medical Association was posted just today:

The article posted in the tweet breathlessly reports that Australians can access Moderna’s new bivalent booster as of next week. Covid media darling Professor Griffin advises anyone who is ‘eligible’ to get their third and fourth jabs, without qualifying that the fourth is not recommended for everyone who is eligible:
Via SBS (transmission is climbing but a new booster should work a charm!)
Rather than go on and on listing all the times that Australian health and government professionals have overreached the advice of our national immunisation advisory body (we’ll be here all day), I’ll finish this section with an image to give readers a sense of the constant flow of vaccination and Covid-related propaganda that Australians are subjected to on a daily basis. Below is a snapshot of all photo posts on the WA Government Facebook page from 18 July - 23 August 2022. 27/30 photos are related to Covid or the flu.
Suffice to say, the message that the Australian population is receiving is not the conservative recommendation of ATAGI, but the liberally applied and scientifically unsupported recommendation of their governments and health spokespeople.
The overreach is shocking. The medical negligence is appalling. The compensation schemes are tantamount to confession of maiming and manslaughter. And yet, I’m used to it. We’re all used to it. We’ve been living through it for 2 1/2 years and no one wants to talk about it anymore because we’re tired, and we’re over it, and the few who are still talking about it (c’est moi) are yelling into a void.
The Australian population is in an abusive relationship with our federal, state and territory governments.
While Americans and other internationals are finding Australia to be a source of constant gob-smackery, Australians seem to be largely unaware that they are in an abusive relationship. And those of us who are aware are beleaguered. How do I know that Australians are in and abusive relationship with our governments?
Take a look at the Coercive Control checklist, which you can find on the Advance Diversity Services website.
Let’s see.
Australians were hounded to get vaccinated. One West Australian woman reported in a private group of nurses turning up to her house offering to vaccinate the whole family at their home. Police looking to arrest mask mandate transgressors checked Victorians’ take away coffee cups to make sure they weren’t faking their coffee sips. Police patrolled the beaches to ensure strict adherence to social distancing and lockdown conditions.
The entire country locked down between April-June 2020. States enforced tight border restrictions, with WA only reopening borders fully in March 2022, after 697 days of on and off closures (mostly closures). National borders were reopened the month prior. The state of Victoria had one of the longest lockdown periods in the world, at an eye-watering 262 total days over 6 lockdowns. Families were separated for years. An unvaccinated friend of mine was prevented from seeing her father in an aged care facility for 2 years due to Covid risk. He caught Covid from the triple vaccinated staff or visitors, and died with Covid shortly after. His unjabbed family were only allowed into the facility to view his body after he died.
Under the Identify and Disrupt Bill, Australian police can legally hack your devices and can even plant content, all without a warrant. NSW residents were corralled onto the COVID-safe app, which was subject to a data breach, exposing 500, 000 private addresses. WA’s Covid tracing app was also found to lack the appropriate security to protect citizens’ data.
The right to earn an income was withdrawn from most Australians unless they subjected themselves to Covid vaccination (mandates varied in industry and length of time from state to state). During this period, many displaced workers could not find alternative work. Health workers and aged care workers still cannot work in their industry without Covid vaccination, despite the nil impact on transmission. During lockdowns, many small and family owned businesses were prevented from trading, but the large multi-nationals (like Coles or Woolworths) were deemed essential and so were allowed to trade. In what amounted to a discriminatory travel tax, unvaccinated travellers were made to pay thousands of dollars to quarantine in facilities designated by the state, while vaccinated travelers (who were equally likely to transmit Covid) were allowed to isolate for free in their homes.
Enforced check ins, contact tracing. These measures were in place from 2020 to early 2022. Most are not currently in place, but as state premiers are busily extending their extraordinary powers for another 2 years, who knows what’s to come.
Vaccine injured are typically diagnosed as anxious and prescribed anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds. Those with safety concerns about drugs being coercively administered before trial completion, or human rights concerns over coercive mandates, were labelled ‘selfish’, ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘no longer decent members of society’ by government officials and journalists alike. People who had genuine health concerns necessitating vaccine refusal were mostly denied exemptions (myself included) and were told not to be silly. WA Gov achieved peak gaslighting when, while enforcing some of the most aggressive vaccine mandate and border restrictions in the world, they put a call out to the public to complete a survey on coercive control.
BLAMING: check
Covid deaths and hospital strain are the fault of the unvaccinated, experts say. Every man, woman and child was made to feel as a walking bio-hazard. If granny dies, it could be your fault, experts say. Politicians blamed their unprecedented authoritarian measures on slow vaccination rates or the terrifying virus.
Similar to gaslighting. Australians were also subject to constant requests for vaccine passports and were required to fill out all manner of app check-ins and forms for various Covid related administration. Those of us who had exemptions (I got one for masks and eventually found a doctor who took my health seriously enough to issue me with one for vaccination also) faced extra red tape to pass through travel checkpoints and so on. I was repeatedly interrogated and harassed by total strangers for not wearing a mask. Eventually I wore a disability badge whenever I went out in public as a deterrent (mostly it worked, but not always).
Australians were treated like infants. We knew the rules were silly but we did them anyway. Masks were to be worn standing up in restaurants but not sitting down to eat. You could not sit maskless talking with your masked waiter, then re-mask to walk to the toilet, and not lose a little piece of your self esteem. Anti-lockdown protestors were told to grow a brain (WA Premier Mark McGowan). Health officials called anyone who didn’t want a booster extremely selfish (NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard). Of those who couldn’t work during lockdowns (everyone), and then during vaccine mandate restrictions (the unvaccinated in most industries), some felt loss of purpose and meaning, struggling with their mental health.
THREATS: check
There were all sorts of pearlers, like threatening that the virus will find the unvaccinated, even in the middle of the desert (WA Premier Mark McGowan) and threatening to go door to door to get everyone vaccinated (VIC Premier Dan Andrews), and threats of financial penalties and refusal of access to healthcare for the unjabbed. But this one from a QLD spokesperson takes the cake. Note that the TV anchor (famous and generally liked Karl Stefanovic) makes lots of sounds of agreement.

You'll be lonely
You won't be able to enter venues
You won't be able to work
You're crazy
You'll be charged for fraud
There's no way to hide
We will find you
Doctors will be audited and struck off
Coercive control is abuse
Advanced Diversity says,
“Coercive control is an overwhelmingly common experience in abusive relationships, and has been found to be a significant factor in most deaths resulting from domestic violence. ‘Yet most people in the community don’t know about coercive control or don’t understand how it might manifest.
‘The St George DV Committee wanted to help people to understand how you can still be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship even where there is no physical violence.”
There was physical abuse too, mind you.

The Australian government says that if you’re in abusive relationship, you should get help (read their advice HERE).
Call the police, the guidance says. But what if the police are part of the problem? They beat protestors and shot them with rubber bullets, they pepper sprayed a granny while she was lying prone on the ground, they arrested a heavily pregnant woman in her pyjamas for dissenting on Facebook over lockdowns. Some police officers didn’t like doing it, but they did it anyway. Any members of the police force who were committed to bodily autonomy and human rights have been stood down. Covid vaccination is a requirement of the job.
So that leaves get out and come up with a plan. To be sure, there has been an exodus of unjabbed people to regional areas or to countries that are more hospitable to those who value bodily autonomy. Those of us who have stayed are doing the best we can with what we’ve got, which is not a lot. A year ago I wrote numerous letters and made many calls to MPs and Senators to express my concerns. They either didn’t reply, or responded with pat ‘official guidance’. The politicians no longer represent the people, that’s for sure (a few notable exceptions include Senator Gerard Rennick (QLD), Senator Alex Antic (SA), Senator Sophia Moermond (WA) and Senator Malcolm Roberts (SA). Many rallies have been held and attended. They rarely get a mention on mainstream media. I suspect most people wouldn’t even know they’d happened unless they were there. The silencing and stonewalling of dissent is ubiquitous.
To the Steve Kirschs, the Alex Berensons, anyone with clout of any sort in the media, medical profession, the human rights space or similar. Please, please use your platform to continue shining a bright and sweeping light on Australia. Don’t stop. Make it news. Make it front page news. Talk about us with your power broking network. Talk about Australia on television. Publish papers showing the immensity of the disaster that was and is Australia’s covid response.
Sending out an SOS. Australians are in an abusive relationship and we need some help down here.
Great post, Rebekah. It astounds me that just about everyone I know appears to have zero interest in talking about the colossal abuse we endured these past few years. Then again, perhaps it is not all that astounding when I consider that most people simply want to move on and forget about it all. This attitude utterly appalls me. Australia turned into a nasty, paranoid, totalitarian trauma center overnight, and instead of ignoring or downplaying this reality, people need to be on the streets with pitchforks. I will never let anyone forget what was done to us. We definitely need to come up with a plan to counter these abusive tinhat tyrants who, when not confining us to our homes, were aggressively herding us into 'vaccine' hubs to be jabbed with a barely-tested brew of noxious garbage.
You mispronounced Queensland premier’s name. It is actually pile-of-shit