Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Excellent article again Rebekah, and again reading it puts up my blood pressure significantly!

On so many levels- primum non nocere, COI, scientific objectivity - the TGA abrogate all responsibilty in pursuit of a cosy relationship with Big Pharma.

I eagerly await the 3 part 4 Corners special on this.

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Haha me too Gareth

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Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thanks for your hard work and dogged persistence trying to find and illumine the many ways our regulatory and medical agencies are failing. The sheer amount of shitfuckery that is being passed off as normal and professional beggars belief! These people go to work everyday engaging in a fraudulent enterprise with what must be a staggering array of justifications to enable themselves to continue. There is much that is deeply dysfunctional within these organisations, and one day (hopefully soon) they will collapse due to the weight of dissonance, corruption and inversion of purpose. You are doing amazing work Rebekah, none of it is in vain.

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Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Nothing changed in the international world of drug regulation: when in doubt, just lie.

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Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

As a retired public servant, I can offer an explanation for the behaviour of the regulator, with a quote from a former Commonwealth public servant. 'The role of the executive arm of government is to be across all things, and to hold a pillow over it, until it stops moving'. Oh dear Rebekah, you are doing a wonderful job of keeping this issue wriggling.

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Great quote!

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Even after years of this BS, I'm still staggered by the scale of corruption and lies. I am enraged and depressed at once. Fantastic article bringing it all together, Rebekah. It shows just how ridiculous our so-called regulators are in their blatantly ignorant responses.

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Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

They are called 'Australian Drug Regulators' however how do you expect them to be working for the Australians when they are funded 96 % by those who they are supposed to 'regulate'? It is shameful that the Australian Government cannot keep INDEPENDENT Drug Regulators who truly make sure drugs, vaccines and even the DOD countermeasures are safe and effective for their citizens.

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Jul 25Liked by Rebekah Barnett

🙏 pretty sure that most recent statement by the TGA will come back to haunt them , keep up the pressure

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Jul 24Liked by Rebekah Barnett

wow, your interactions with the TGA show these people are engaging in the type example of doubling down.

From your report I would say and equal measures of incompetence, hubris, and corruption/greed is SOP at the TGA.

No wonder so many people are getting sicker, there is no telling the amount of injuries allowed to be caused to Aussies by the drugs they approved.

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superb article, thank you Rebekah

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Jul 25Liked by Rebekah Barnett

It would be said there was nothing to see there that being main theme constantly such any questions were raised Enquiries were brushed aside as pretentious queries Why or how would big companies due that to the public

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