Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized, If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.

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According to the ABS, Australia is currently running week after week with a death rate from all causes a fraction under 20% higher than the long term average. The long term average death rate has been remarkably stable (very gradually declining) for decades.

Deaths from COVID have never at any time amounted for more than one third of this excess (and, bear in mind that, on the average, those dying of COVID have ~4 co-morbidities so many may very well have died of something else within weeks anyway).

The question which, it seems to me, should be exercising the minds of governments, the media and the medical establishment is what is causing the massive increase in the death rate for which COVID is not the underlying cause? Ignoring COVID entirely, the death rate has increased 12-15% and is remaining at the new level.

That is a lot. That is unprecedented.

Why is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room?

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Perfect! This is why I keep these receipts. As the slime retreats under the cover of their darkness, they leave evidence of their corruption, stupidity, ignorance, hypocracy & genocide..

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Looks like a sign the fascism is ending. Congratulations! That's inevitable, but now the challenge becomes preventing it from happening again. If not punished, it will re-emerge at the next opportunity.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

And the Fair Work Commission gave employers a free pass to obey ATAGI without question. "Government Imprimatur", apparently...


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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Rebekah, can you get this to Professor Kerryn Phelps? I'm not on twitter and don't have her email but noticed a reference to Dystopian Down Under on her twitter feed.


The Spike Protein FUNCTIONS AS A “MICROTUMOR”: Instantaneous "Micrometastases": Induction of Tumor Microenvironment: LONG COVID!

The aberrant signaling induced by the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 MIMICS PRECISELY the signaling found in Cancer Cachexia


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Tonight, on Tucker Carlson here in the states, the U.S. HHS slipped in "get another jab" tv commercial. Carlson has probably been the strongest of the U.S. corporate media personalities to criticize the various aspects of the government pushed 'vid jab. I wonder if HHS had to pay extra to get their ad on Carlson's show or did they just luck out? Fox News, less of a corporate whore than most of the U.S. media, but still a whore, took the government's ad money. I suspect there are some drunk HHS officials in metro DC whooping it up tonight on how they got one in on ole Tucker...

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Rebekah Barnett

Thank you again Rebekah, excellent work :)

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This is like the mantra said in the states "It's not for you, it's for everyone around you."

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Thank God for leaders like Senator Antic! Great PM material, but he’d have to move to the House.

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Another one for the ever expanding list of 'Why I don't trust the government'.

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Thanks for capturing this for posterity.

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Remember the koala posters. The ‘no one is safe until all are jabbed’. I have one as evidence of the betrayal.

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