Vaccine injuries and deaths are undercounted in official data
Until they acknowledge that the data is unreliable, Experts will continue to be baffled by the rise in excess mortality and disease
Excess deaths are through the roof,1 and Experts are baffled. They don’t know what is causing the deaths, but they assure us it’s definitely not the Covid vaccines.
Yet another Expert has expressed uncertainty over the cause of Australia’s historically unprecedented rise in excess deaths, this time Karen Cutter, of the Actuaries Institute’s Covid Mortality Working Group . Cutter is calling for an investigation into the causes of the excess deaths, stating that the driving factors are “not clear.” At the same time, Cutter says that, “there is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned, but I cannot prove it.”
At present, the TGA admits only 14 deaths related to Covid vaccines out of 947 reports received. This would hardly make a dent in excess deaths.
Cutter and her team hypothesise that the steep rise in excess deaths is due to: post-Covid sequelae; interactions with other causes of death; delayed deaths from other causes; delays in emergency care; delays in routine care; and increased use of drugs and alcohol. Note that the latter three are knock on effects of pandemic policies.2
I’ve had a few back and forths on with Cutter on Twitter. She does good work and her threads on excess mortality are thorough and conservative.

But Cutter has a significant blind spot, as do most Experts, it seems:
They hold the a priori assumption that official data is reliable and true.
This is understandable, to a point. Experts might think it inappropriate to speculate or deviate from official data sources. But the official data doesn't show the true rate of injury or death causally linked to Covid vaccines, and therefore this is a massive blindspot in the actuarial analysis, and Expert analysis more broadly. They’re building a house on bad foundations.
Here are 10 reasons why the official data on vaccine injury and deaths is unreliable.
Lack of education around side effects. Many injured report their doctors/vaccinators "googling" their side effects. This lack of education likely applies to coroners as well.
Misinformation flowing from government and offical health sources. E.g.: assurances that vaccines can't affect menstrual health (subsequently, studies showed that they do).
Prejudice against those reporting side effects. Categorising concerned patients or families of deceased as "crazy anti-vaxxers" and dismissing their concerns.
Health professionals not wanting to appear "anti-vax", which would damage their reputations and possibly jeopardise their licence to practice.
Misdiagnosis. Most peri- and myocarditis injured who I interviewed were initially diagnosed as "anxious" and prescribed anti-depressants (for their myocarditis!). Similarly, misattribution of deaths to natural, unknown or other causes, such as in the case of Aseem Malhotra’s father and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
The autopsies required to establish causal links between vaccination and death are not being conducted.
Lack of distinction between Covid, vaccine AEs, Long Covid and Long Vax.
The very low bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as Covid, or Long Covid related if a loose link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view Covid as a primary threat to public health, and in the minimal protocols required to classify events as Covid related.
The very high bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as vaccine related, even if a strong link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view vaccine critics as crazy and/or anxious, and in the multitudinous protocols required to classify events as vaccine related.3
The AU reporting system is passive. Underreporting is a widely acknowledged bug (or feature, depending on your degree of capture by Big Pharma or your own ego) of passive surveillance systems.
Until they acknowledge that the official data is unreliable, Experts will continue to be baffled.
I highly recommend reading Arkmedic’s latest take on the Australian excess mortality. More data tweaking, more sleights of hand in its presentation…
Read the Actuaries Institute analysis of Jan-Aug 2022 Australian excess deaths HERE.
What could be causing a 17% rise in excess deaths down under? In real terms, that’s an extra 18,671, of which only 7, 727 (41%) are Covid deaths. The remaining 10, 944 (59%) deaths are unexplained.
The numbers might be worse, at 21% above baseline, if Arkmedic is to be believed (I’m inclined to believe him). The Actuaries Institute, on the other hand, has revised the number down to 13%.
Exactly as the Great Barrington Declaration warned.
Note that in terms of official data on illness and deaths with Covid, you only need to have a positive test and tick some symptom boxes for your event to be classified as "of" or "with" Covid. The same rules do not apply to vaccination.
First, there is no "with vaccination" category in official mortality data. Strange, for a drug that is supposed to be being monitored closely for signals.
Second, the bar for classification of a case being causally linked to vaccination is so high that the injured typically have to see many specialists and complete an eye watering number of tests (often at their own out of pocket expense) just to get the paperwork ticked off.
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied." - Otto Von Bismarck
Great article, Rebekah. Thankyou. One more reason, which IMO is absolutely critical to understanding how the whole debacle got such a head of steam: the time-shifting (or miscategorisation) of vaccination status. Failing to re-categorised a recently jabbed person as jabbed until 14 days afterwards creates a truly massive statistical misrepresentation when the jab rate is in the same ballpark (or higher) than the case/hospitalisation/death rate from/with the illness the jab is intended to mitigate.
This statistical malpractice is mathematically guaranteed to produce results that look positive for the jab, even if it has zero actual benefit.
And roll it out fast enough they did. And so the inevitable spike in harms to recently jabbed individuals (which were officially classified as "unvaccinated") spiked. Cue all the talking heads: "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated!!!!!"
The statistical errors of delayed classification are well known, and it is incumbent on the people responsible for analytical procedures to be aware of this pitfall. Therefore, this is statistical fraud. It is fraud on a global scale.