Further to the Substack I just sent out this evening, I’ve been advised by a trusted source in the Facebook unvaxxed travel group I’m part of that my reading of the Indonesian entry requirements was too stringent.
THIS IS GREAT NEWS. In my post I stated that prior infection exemptions are not allowed to enter Bali, but this is not the case after all. A prior infection exemption will get you a temporary medical contraindication exemption registered with the Australian Immunisation Register, and that is just fine for sailing on through Denpasar airport.
I have updated the original post, but for those who’ve already read it and just want the update, as below from Point #2.
2. Exemptions are allowed, but only for contraindication
Initially, my reading of Indonesian rules was that prior infection exemptions don’t count unless you have had at least one dose of a Covid vaccine. However, admin of the Facebook unvaxxed travel group I’m in has advised the following:
”A prior infection can get you a medical contraindication and you can be issued with a temporary exemption (green tick) against the vaccine through AIR. As per ATAGI you can not be vaccinated for 4 months* following a Covid infection. This is a valid medical contraindication. That’s what most unvaxxed people are traveling to Bali with.”
Indonesian Government page entry requirements update HERE.
*ATAGI guidelines still say 4 months but other government sources say 3 months. It’s confusing, so best check with your doctor.