A quick update on this, from a couple of days ago.
In this post, I made a conservative, educated guess that the proportion of the WA population that remains unvaccinated is 9.8%. Since then, I’ve found an up to date source and it turns out I was close, but slightly under. The actual figure is 11.4%.
The below table shows Australian vaccination rates for the whole population (aged 0+) by dose, and by state. The table comes from COVID Live, which pulls data from media releases and verifies it against state and federal health departments. The zero dose column was added by me.
When comparing hospitalisation and death rates to vaccination rates, we should use this whole population figure for the zero dosed population, as opposed to the ‘eligible population’ figure that politicians often quote. The whole population zero dosed rate will skew young (although maybe not for long since the TGA provisionally approved Covid vaccines for infants today), so age stratification should also be taken into account for any meaningful analysis.
In other news Down Under, masks are back on the MSM agenda in a big way as cases continue to spike through the roof (this means the vaccines are working).
It was only a few months ago that The New York Times acknowledged what was already evident to a great many lay people and experts. Masks work in controlled lab settings, but efficacy drops to little or nil in broader everyday settings.
I found John W. DeFeo to be comprehensive in explaining : Why do mask mandates fail?

Finally, ABC announced this week that the Australian Government has 155 million unused doses of Covid vaccines that they don’t know what to do with. I did a quick calculation and I estimate the value to be approx $3 BILLION. Thread below if you can read it without crying.

McGowan managed to lie in 3 different ways in just one social media post. Here are 4 shareable tiles to set the record straight.
If you read through the pre-election 2022 federal budget you will find some very horrific numbers in there. The government spent $61 Billion on covid in 2021. That of course includes the $700 bonus payment for testing positive (yay, lets pay to pump up the numbers!), additional funding to hospitals (spent on admin, PPE, poor record keeping, expanding paid parking hospital carparks - but virtually nothing on actual health care, spending on which went down due to restrictions on non-essential surgery and consultations), expanding government bureaucracy, and of course Big Pharma. The Federal government of course refuses to release any details of the commercial agreements citing 'commercial in confidence' but I understand from the government's press releases that enough vaccines doses were purchased to vaccinate every man, woman and child in this country ten times over - with a product that is entirely unstable at anything outside deep freeze storage and has a shelf life of less than a year. This is called money laundering.
If the unvaccinated get smart and start having lots of children they shall inherit the earth in 50 years time