BREAKING: Leaked audio reveals Spotlight studio audience's anger over Covid vaccine harms
Plus, tough questions that didn't make it to the final cut
Just in, leaked audio from the ‘After Covid’ Spotlight special discussed in my first post today reveals questions and audience reactions not included in the final cut that was aired.
The audience was angry. You can hear them calling out in frustration when the panel’s medical experts (Professors Robert Booy and Sanjaya Senanayake) fob off concerns about Covid vaccine safety. Watch, below.
(Source: @cafelockedout on X, video 4 mins)
A question from former corporate journalist (now independent on Substack)
that was omitted from the final cut:“Why is it that most Australians don’t know what this symbol means [holding up image of a black triangle]? This was on your vaccine box, your gene vaccine, the mRNA products for Covid, this was on the box and the inserts. It means they’re provisionally registered.
“They would have been illegal in 2016. They changed the law in 2018 to allow products on the market that haven’t finished all the testing required for full registration. So they were only provisionally registered.
“This symbol meant that you or your doctor were supposed to report any possible side effects to the TGA because they’re still building the safety profile of the drug. Because people didn’t know about this, people didn’t report their side effects, so the TGA does not know the exact number of people who were injured and died from these products.
“That’s why you’ve got an audience full of angry people! Thank you.”
That’s when Senanayake said that after the mass rollout, “we haven’t heard of anything unusual at this point” in terms of adverse events.
Alison then jumped up and responded, “You’re not collecting the data in a controlled manner, that’s not a test, that’s just giving it to everybody.” Only Senanayake’s comments and Alison’s last interjection were aired, but not Alison’s original question.
Cue to 2:06 in the above video to watch the exchange in full.
Another question omitted from the final cut, posed by opera singer Ayse Gӧknur Shanal, was whether there is any research being done to distinguish between long Covid and long vax. She referenced research showing “the presentation of acquired immunodeficiency syndromes in relation to the Covid vaccines.”
Just prior, Booy had said, “people who’ve had Covid who haven’t been vaccinated get more severe disease and they’re more likely to get long Covid.”
The audience broke out into swearing and heckling, “that’s the biggest lie.”
It was after this outburst that economist Gigi Foster tactfully suggested to her fellow panelists that experts like them can tend to be “very separated from the people on the street” and that they “may discover something” from looking at some non-mainstream sources of information.
A message said to be written by the person who released the audio is doing the rounds on X:
“I want to thank the anonymous sources, who have dispatched the audio recording, which they made into a video format, so it can be share (sic).
“I cannot thank you enough... Here are the sections of the audience response, including mine and another valued audience member, which Channel 7 Spotlight edited, censored from their final cut when Michael Usher assured me they wouldn't.
“What's really important is that you get a sense of the audience, which was increasingly frustrated by the complete nonsense they were hearing from the panelists, with the exception of Gigi Foster.
“Remember, this segment was meant to be a debate, a proper platform for open discourse. The Main Stream Media have been guilty of spreading misinformation and manipulating the public, engaging in flagrant deceptive conduct, which has compromised their integrity and credibility and is a cause for deep mistrust...”
What happens when politicians and experts refuse to hear the frustrations of the people on the ground? Do they think people will simply not mind being harmed? Do they think we’ll just forget being forced to enter a death lottery? People are mad, and it’s not simmering down. Quite the opposite.
Read about the ‘After Covid’ Spotlight special:
Covid vaccine injuries in the spotlight
Read Alison Bevege’s write-up on her Substack, Letters from Australia. As a member of the Spotlight studio audience, Alison gives further insight into the dynamic in the studio, as well as important context for her black triangle question. Alison delves into Professor Robert Booy’s pharma ties, revealing that Booy “received more than $81,000 in payments plus more than $2600 in travel costs from Big Pharma companies from November 2020 to April 2023.” And finally, she dissects his multiple dubious claims, correcting the record with publicly available sources.
In the end, “Spotlight allowed the injured to be acknowledged without discussing the problem that led to them being injured - and that will injure and kill others in future if it is not fixed,” Alison writes. Very much worth the read.
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Dr Senanayake's comment that side effects of vaccination are "really really really really rare" and that they haven't seen anything unusual yet after 7-10 billion shots ... is perhaps the most gob-smacking of all the comments ... jaw-dropping.
As noted on Rebekah’s previous article, watching the start of the Seven Spotlight program ‘After Covid’, I note it wasn’t disclosed in the panel member introductions that Robert Booy is a member of the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, including being a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, and past Chairman.
The Immunisation Coalition is sponsored and supported by vaccine manufacturers/providers such as Pfizer, moderna, novavax, GSK, sanofi, CSL Seqirus, MSD and Biocelect.
The Spotlight audience and the entire Australian population should be very interested to hear about Robert Booy’s conflicts of interest via his association with the Immunisation Coalition, he generally seems very reluctant to disclose this most pertinent information.
How about the Seven Spotlight program do an independent and objective investigation into the influence of the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, including consideration of its ‘registered charity’ status…