Twitter context warnings tacitly admit Covid vaccine harm.
This is the first time I’ve noticed open admission on a big tech platform that Covid vaccines are not safe across the board, although a helpful reader linked me to the Twitter guidelines showing that this label has been in place since March 2021.
Instagram guidelines specifically state that censorship is intended to protect market demand for Covid vaccines.
“We don’t allow false information that results in reduced vaccinations and harms public health and safety.” (emphasis mine)
Instagram labels proven and accepted facts as “false information”. This is not new, but it’s becoming increasingly blatant.
I posted this on Monday with the caption ‘Meme Monday 🐀’. It was taken down in minutes:That the new BA.4/5 bivalent booster was approved based on pre-clinical testing on 8 mice is an uncontestable FACT (as opposed to opinion or fallacy). Here is CBS ‘Fact Checker’ confirming this FACT:
Here are other high profile ‘Fact Checkers’ and media confirming this FACT: AAP, NPR, NBC, VERIFY, HEALTHLINE, CNBC, FORBES, POLITIFACT.
We are well and truly in the post-truth stage of big tech censorship.
Instagram take down notices have become ephemeral.
The above example popped up as a notice as I opened the app. I took a screenshot because I had seen a similar notice pop up a week or so earlier, but then I couldn’t find any record of the notice in my notifications afterwards. Sure enough, a second later, this notification disappeared from my screen. There is no record of it in my notifications or archive.
In other words, Instagram has turned off “track changes” in their rewrite of The Narrative™️.
UPDATE 4:25pm Wednesday 12 October
Me: ‘FYI, big tech is acknowledges that people have been harmed by these products.’
Facebook: ‘We encourage free expression, BUT…’
Good spot on the Twitter label wording. It does appear to always have said that though.
Thanks for sharing it on telegram too :)